Title: Reboot Gary Mitchell
Artist: Hakka (
prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Characters: Gary Mitchell
Rating: G
Tagline: Julian McMahon as Gary Mitchell.
Series: Reboot fancasting
Notes: Julian McMahon is actually too old to be considered a believable fancasting for a character that should be one year junior to Pine's Kirk, but he's been my Gary's face since, some years ago, me and Dragoneyes thought about featuring Gary in our mirror reboot. Julian has the ability to look like a decent guy and, at the same time, an arrogant asshole, which is Gary Mitchell to me (especially his mirror reboot version). Plus, his smile: you want to punch him. :D
In my mind he really would be able to convey the friend and then, when corrupted by power, the full-of-self villain of the TOS second pilot.
Notes 2: This is for Dragoneyes and her Spocks. *asshole grin*
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Don't you hate it when the pic face you're using for the manip has the light/shadow placed in exactly the opposite direction of the base pic but you can't flip either pic...?
Yep, I truly do.
I also had to do a face lifting to poor Julian, to make him look younger. XD
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
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