Title: Lieutenant Nyota Punk Uhura
Artist: Hakka (
prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Characters: Nyota Uhura
Rating: G
Tagline: Nyota Uhura sporting a mohawk.
Notes: I stumbled upon a pic of Kelly Palcy some months ago (Oh, hell, fucking September) with this awesome hairstyle and I wanted to have Uhura to have it too.
Notes 2: Not sure if I was inspired to her works (I probably didn't even remember her post by the time I found the picture), but definitely dedicated to
Rachaelstott because she did
these awesome sketches of Cadet Uhura with some different hairstyles.
Notes 3: I know Uhura is not the least being a punk here. I gave the manip this title because 1) I didn't know how else to call it, 2) to pair it with the
Captain Jim Punk Kirk I made in the 2014. :D
Actually, she could definitely sport this hairstyle everyday on the bridge.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Does this look simple manip? Well, it wasn't. Besides the damn lighting of the ST promo pics, the model wasn't really by profile and finding a Zoe that fit was a mission impossible so, in the end, I had to resort to old Uhura's promos.
Also, sorry for the very heavy abuse of shadows but Kelly Palcy's pic was of low quality and I had to mask it somehow. :(
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
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