Manip - The fab six

Feb 14, 2016 20:39

Title: The fab six
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Characters: Nyota Uhura, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Montgomery Scott, M'Benga, G.P. Hendorff
Rating: G
Tagline: All the Enterprise's head departments, minus Science and Medical. Chekov joined them because is part of the senior crew on the bridge and M'Benga because he's McCoy's second in command, 'nuff said.
Notes: So sad that there's no pic in this photoshoot to do the fab 3, aka the triumvirate. :( I found three pics: this one, that one I used for Uhura and Carol, and one that features two women and a man, so no triumvirate. ç_ç
Notes 2: Yes, I've accepted the fancanon that reboot M'Benga is Michael Early.
Notes 3: I so hate using people with tattoos.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): You have no idea how masochist one has to be in order to even start working on a manip like this one, starting with the fact the original pic featured only four model plus their (very covered) coach. Had to remove the latter and add the fifth half-naked guy. Not happy, I even decided later that Mr. Hendorff could not be left out!
Anyway, to recap, I had to:
- remove the gallons of ink from Sulu's (and then Cupcake's) body;
- remove the watch from Scotty's and Chekov's body;
- try add that watch-like bracelet Chief Engineer Scotty wears;
- find faces of all actors that fitted (quite a feat, since John, Simon and Anton don't have a dedicated fansite);
- try to change a bit the shape of Scotty's body so it's not a too obvious copy of Chekov's. Probably failed but whatever;
- create some bits of legs for Cupcake's because, to make it taller, I had to move the whole model;
- the damn shadows. I swear;
- fix the background twice because of the added bodies. I swear, my father (who is a construction worker and is very specialized in walls made of rocks, could be proud of me;
- have I said find the faces? Only Zoe and Michael were easy. Michael looks quite awesome, if you ask me;
- damn Jason Matthew Smith. There are literally three pics of him that aren't screencaps. Luckily, the one on worked and was the right size.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1840 x 1000)


char trek: pavel chekov, ++ fandom: star trek, char trek: nyota uhura, char trek: mbenga, char trek: montgomery scott, char trek: hikaru sulu, 2.0 (reboot), series: aos crew, + manips, char trek: hendorff

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