Manip - The queens of the USS Enterprise

Sep 05, 2015 22:28

Title: The queens of the USS Enterprise
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Characters: Nyota Uhura, Carol Marcus
Rating: G
Tagline: What if Jim Kirk talked Uhura and Carol into doing a "let's play top models" photo shoot.
Series: Space friends³
About the manip: Who's with me that, in this timeline, Uhura's best (female) friend is Carol? They do hang out and gossip behind Jim's back and annoy him whenever they can (Jim does the same so don't worry).
The title "Queens of the USS Enterprise" is actually the nickname Jim gave them: he so loves his queens. He might be also nagging them to cosplay Storm and Emma Frost sometime in the future.
Notes: Yes, there's Jim Kirk behind the camera.
Notes 2: Uhura looks awesome in her "don't fucking mess with me, see this gal here? Mine!" while Carol... well, she really is aiming for the sexy shoot. (Feel free to insert femslash here, if you like).
Notes 3: The black model has something of Nichelle Nichols, I don't know if she naturally looks like Ms. Nichols or if it's the makeup. Anyway, I would've loved to make this a TOS Uhura/Chapel photo but I wasn't ready for the disappointment to search for pics of 60s actresses and find none that would fit, especially the odd pose of the blonde model that would be Chapel.
Anyway, I found two other pics from this same shoot, with the addition of other people, and I'll do them as well with "secondary" characters from AOS (read = not the triumvirate). I'm actually 80% done with a massive group (the original pic was made of 4 characters, but I turned it into 5 characters).
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip):: You have no idea how I hated this while working on it and how I still hate it. The base was awesome in subject, but not in quality.
The blond model had the face in this weird pose: there is no fansite for Alice Eve and this meant fight with Google Images to find a decent pic that would fit. Nonetheless to say that the one that fitted the most was... not big enough. Anyway, I know she looks odd and the shadows I added don't really fix the issue. I hate this, because Zoe, on the other side, looks so perfect.
Last, but not least: the blond model had a very weird white hue on her skin. I had to "pink-ize" her, would you believe? And I still had to desaturate a bit because she still was too white for Alice's face. Oh well.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1200 x 1800)

2.0 (reboot), series: space friends³, ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, char trek: nyota uhura, char trek: carol marcus

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