Manip - At the farm, 03

Oct 07, 2014 06:54

Title: At the farm - 03
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: Mirror (2.5)
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Characters: James Kirk, Spock
Rating: G
About the manip: Spock joins Jim in his captain-slash-mate attempt at be a good captain and do some PR, as per Starfleet gentle orders.
Series: Third shot from the "At the farm" series, started here. See there for more notes.
Notes: Oh dear, Spock here's too beefy to be a Spock, even if a warrior Spock...
Notes 2: Spock's tattooes are Vulcan insigna called terseht, tattooes every Vulcan warriors earns when winning a fight and raising throught the Vulcan males' hierarchy, usually made on the upper body where skin is more likely to be shown. On his right pec there is his clan's crest.
Notes 3: Obviously Jim and Spock don't share a tattoo with my name. XD XD
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Originally, both bases were to be turned into Jim manips to follow the "At the farm" series. However, I didn't find a decent Chris Pine face that would come with the "quite unique" - and fucking bastard - angle of the model's face. I decided then to see if Zachary Quinto was nicer and cooperated. Surprise, he did: exactly the damn fucking bastard angle! Love you, Zach! XD
Ok, so I went and manipped Spock, which took me a shameful too little time, even with the whole add-Spock-features bit.
I then go to the next one, as I'm all "let's do that other one with Jim". and I have the idea to try and see if I could paste them as one, instead of two stand-alone pieces. I had to build from scratch the missing part of Jim horse's nose, which was duh, and the lights on Jim are a little bit different from the ones on Spock, but... yeah, it's not that I will ever be totally satisfied so I decided to just go and post it before I could change my mind. :D
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr. Also at kirkspock ( post here).

Click to see fullsize (1545 x 550)


++ fandom: star trek, + manips, relat trek: kirk/spock, char trek: james t. kirk, char trek: spock, series: at the farm, 2.5 (mirror!reboot)

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