Manip - At the farm, 01

Jul 23, 2013 07:55

Title: At the farm - 01
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: Mirror (2.5)
Characters: James Kirk
Rating: G
About the manip: This manip is part of the Reboot Mirrorverse me and aleniakalain are slowly writing together.
Jim's doing some photoshooting session for a magazine (one of his duties as captain is to do a little PR now and then, mostly when the Empire orders him), so here you have, the first shot of Captain Kirk chilling out at the former-Kirk's farm, with one his favorite activities: bonding with horses. :D
In our mirror universe, Jim had a childhood different from his J.J.Abrams counterpart (first of all, George hadn't died the day of Jim's birth). During childhood, Jim bonded with grandpa Tiberius' horses, especially with a wonderful Friesian named Goliath, to the point that he was almost tempted to inherit grandpa's business in breeding horses. Now, I'm fairly aware the horse in the photo is nowhere a Fresian, so Jim's not posing with Goliath or his sons.
Series: Yep, there are others coming. I have one already finished, plus two other images ready to be manipped.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) I feel the need to explain the odd coloring. Have you ever seen a vintage postcard, which images were originally shot in b&w to then be hand-colored? Well, I started trolling playing a bit just for fun with colors (especially to see if I could improve the low quality of the original image) and I loved how it turned out, so I decided to keep it.
I can see that, two centuries from now, some vintage (ancient) filter could be used just for an original touch to the shots.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) 2: Do not ask me how I managed to partially hide the fact the original model was mildly haired on chest and belly...
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart (colored, bw), Tumblr (colored, bw).

For those who don't really buy the whole vintage-colored look, the b&w version.


2.0 (reboot), ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, char trek: james t. kirk, series: at the farm, 2.5 (mirror!reboot)

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