Manip - Cage dancing

Apr 15, 2014 07:13

Title: Cage dancing
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: Mirror (2.5)
Pairing: Jim/Gaila
Characters: James Kirk, Gaila
Rating: PG-13
Tagline: Jim doing the one job he kept the longest, before enlisting and become captain of course. Gaila's just there helping, because she's just that kind of friend/girlfriend/mistress.
Series: Kitty and mistress
About the manip: Jim tried many jobs but, for one reason or another, he'd been kicked out of all of them in a blink (his worst record might be lasting one hour). The last he took, before being dragged by the leash loosing a gamble with Gaila and be forced to enlisting, was working behind the counter at a music club named The Temple. Two months into it, and when Jim was about to get his master in mixing cocktails (and tips for his smile were making him definitely happy at the end of the month), the club changed managment. A huge overhaul turned a club where you went to listen to good music and drink into a interracial mixing club, and Jim'd been offered another job: be one of the club's go-go boys. Though Gaila hadn't really been a full-time worker there, she happened to do a show or two when she was in the mood or she needed some extra money to have an happy shopping spree (or they were short of cash because Jim bought something very old and obscenely expensive).
At the time they still were an item, with Gaila being very possessive about her kitty tiger, who wasn't really allowed to stray (she kept the leash short, so to speak).
Kind of follow up of Babylon's caged le-matya.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Roughly set up (Gaila only) in... OMFG October 2011?? and then forgotten there until yesterday. Put together in few hours and uploaded as soon as deemed finished. I'm not completely satisfied but I know I won't be able to fix it further. Also, Photoshop stuck at some time, deciding to "not complete the Save command" because of RAM issues, and this resulted in losing one hour of work. T_T Stupid me to not ctrl+save, I know. Gimme back Corel's PSP autosaving feature!! ç_ç
Notes: Man, the chapter about Jim and his jobs was too fucking fun to write!
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (900 x 900)


++ fandom: star trek, char trek: gaila, relat trek: jim and gaila, series: the babylon's lematya, + manips, char trek: james t. kirk, 2.5 (mirror!reboot), series: kitty and mistress

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