Graphic - Untitled Crossover WIP fic banner

Mar 30, 2014 00:03

Title: Untitled Crossover WIP fic banner
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: AOS (2.0) and Mirror (2.5)
Mirror (2.5)
Pairing: None (eventually Kirk/Spock for the fic)
Rating: G
Notes: This is a graphic related to a work-in-progress that is far from being near the half of it. I know one should post graphics about a fanfiction when or after said fanfiction is published, but... I gotta admit it that this piece was sitting unfinished (aka - all the "blue" part still to do) on my PC for quite some time. Two days ago I wanted to do something with PS that wouldn't involve too much manipping, so I've picked this one up. And ended up doing some manips after all, including the Emperor in red and the Vulcan warrior in blue. It would've been quite a waste to not post it, after having finished it so here we go. Also, I'm unusually quite proud of how this one turned out.
Notes 2: About the graphics (and, therefore, about the fanfiction). As you may easily see, the red side represents the mirror universe while the blue is our regular one; also, it's build as one side is the reflection of the other, and includes the more important characters of the fanfiction. The story is set in the reboot universe. Bla bla bla somethings happens that forces Jim to take hard decisions and the fate of the quadrant ends in his hands. And he'll be then torn to choose the red or the blue pill, so to speak, while Spock and Uhura are on his six.
Not gonna really spoiling much further, but more info - especially about the mirror universe - is mandatory.
Red (mirror). The guy at the very top is the Vulcan Emperor and he's got an evil face because he's evil, Jared Leto is my and aleniakalain original mirror character (this reminds me I have to poke her again about our shared, already finished and lost in post-production fic), the Klingon is Koloth and Mark Lenard is Keras, both older than their reboot counterparts. You can spot some TNG-era ships, Klingons and generally space battles. The mirror isn't really in its most peaceful times. This mirror universe is my and aleniakalain canon one, and the full events that lead to what you see on this graphic are summarized here (definitely spoilers inside).
Blue (regular universe). The fanfiction could be considered slightly AU because Pike (not gonna bother to wonder how) has survived. The guy at the very top is a Vulcan warrior and his actions are the ultimate catalyst of the mess in which Jim will end. There's some ship battle near his head, mirroring what happens in the mirror universe. Those ships under Jim's loyal crew are the Constitution Class fleet. Yep, there's Keras (I love this Romulan so much): Keras and his warbird might have an important place in the story.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits to the owners of the images used.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (2300 x 1000)


char trek: nyota uhura, char trek: hikaru sulu, + graphics, + manips, char trek: james t. kirk, 2.5 (mirror!reboot), char trek: pavel chekov, ++ fandom: star trek, relat trek: kirk/spock, char trek: montgomery scott, char trek: spock, char trek: alexander kirk, 2.0 (reboot), char trek: chris pike, + fanfic, char trek: leonard mccoy

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