Manip - Mirror!Reboot Spock's mind landscape

Mar 03, 2014 18:05

Title: Night on Earth (Spock's mind landscape)
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: Mirror (2.5)
Characters: Spock
Rating: G
Tagline: How Spock's mind landscape looks.
Series: Mind landscapes, 02.
Info from the universe: Many fanfictions authors like to give a physical inner landscape for Jim and Spock. I've seen so many interesting and, if there's one constant in almost all of them, is that Jim's and Spock's ones are complementary. For my and aleniakalain's lovebirds things aren't different.
More about Spock's under the manip.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): The manip was originally taller, including the moon and mountains. Upon further examination by yours truly (aka, the harshest judge of herself and her works), I decided the two parts were clearing not merging together (different hue, different light, wrong direction of said light), so I cut the whole upper bit out. The credits don't reflect the change.
You can see the original manip here, though.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits to the owners of the images used.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1900 x 1307)

About Spock's mind landscape
Spock's landscape at birth was a rich land with lots of grass, low mountains on the horizon and a warm sun setting down in an apparent perennal sunset. When Spock is adept enough with his telepathy, he start exploring his own mind.
At first there are only three wolves living there: a pair of a big black wolf with its white female mate, the representation of Sarek and Amanda, with their black pup. During the years, and while getting the teachings that will mold cub Spock into the stable and confortable-in-his-own-skin adult warrior, the pup grows into a big adult alpha wolf, new wolves (always black) pop up and the always-growing pack claim the place. The sun slowly descends in the sky until permanently vanishing behind the mountains and a full moon raises. The mountains grew, their tips eventually getting covered in snow. Night rules while the small, young little plants become tall trees and the clearing turns into a rich wood.
The trees, strong and with roots that go deep in the ground, represent Spock's stable personality: he's grounded, sure of himself, never second-guessing himself, never losing faith in what he decided to achieve, no matter if it takes time and his every effort.
Only the pack lives in the landscape, suggesting that Spock hasn't got from the universe the blows that made Jim an untrustful little fucked-up boy with a fucked-up inner self. The pack also stands for the way Spock intends life, with a neat hierarchy ruling over everything and loyalty that would make you sacrifice your life for the safety of the pack.
Two wolves, between the many of the packs, fully represent Spock. One is the biggest of them all (the one standing on the rock here on the manip) is nicknamed by Jim "Alphone" (it's an Italian little joke with the "-one" augmentative endearment suffix, as we never got to the point in which we needed to find a proper English translation that wasn't "big Alpha"). As Jim's nickname suggests, he's the alpha of the pack, and represents Spock's "toppy" side, his confidence, his ability to care and, at the same time, rule over others, to take decisions and matters in his hand, and his mental stability that makes him perfect for others to lean on him; Spock, like an alpha, in facts feels it's his duty to care for others but to not lean over others when in need. He's way lot bigger than your average wolf - the more he's bigger and strong and the more Spock's psyche is healthy; when Spock's got a mental blow (or that time when Jim forgot they were smittens and bonded, resulting in Jim refusing Spock), Alphone got thinner and ill.
He always wants to be the top and barks a lot, even when Jim pays him a visit, but deep down his thick and soft black fur, is just a never-grown-up puppy who just wants to cuddle with his mate - who is, coincidentally, Jim - and likes his fur to be groomed.
The other is called Boldie. He's the omega, always belly up in the air. He's affectionate and gets attached to Jim's green le-matya (who is the "toppy" side of Jim). He represents Spock's "bottom" facet; though Spock is born to be dominant, when his mate is concerned he might want, sometimes, to be the one cared and spoiled - everytime the thought to bottom for Jim pops up in his mind, it's Boldie's fault. When Alphone (Spock's "toppy" side) is ill, then Spock gets all clingy and needy because Boldie's takes charge of his mind. Things gets creepy, then - at least, according to Jim.

Spock's landscape is made to draw Jim to a known and beloved place. Jim in his teenhood has grown fond of wolves - fondness bordering to creepy interest, actually. He also enjoys woods, climbing mountains (especially the dangerous ones), or sit in a quiet place at night, with the cool air on the face, with nobody bothering him and silence surrounding and relaxing him. He likes the luscious richness of the woods, so different from the flat fields of Iowa or the sick death of Tarsus IV. He also always wanted to have a wolf to call "his" and he gets a whole pack ready to wag their tail just upon seeing him. He won't like it to admit it, but almost every night during sleep he might find himself slipping into Spock's mind to go and drape himself over a wolf (usually Alphone) and sleep there, surrounded by a blanket made of wolves.


series: mind landscapes, ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, char trek: alphone, char trek: spock, 2.5 (mirror!reboot)

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