Manip - Mirror!Reboot Jim's mind landscape

Mar 03, 2014 16:58

Title: Day on Vulcan (Jim's mind landscape)
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: Mirror (2.5)
Characters: Jim Kirk
Rating: G
Tagline: How Jim's mind landscape looks.
Series: Mind landscapes, 01.
Info from the universe: Many fanfictions authors like to give a physical inner landscape for Jim and Spock. I've seen so many interesting and, if there's one constant in almost all of them, is that Jim's and Spock's ones are complementary. For my and aleniakalain's lovebirds things aren't different.
More about Jim's under the manip.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): This manip was sitting on my HD waiting for me to somehow suddenly turn into a goddess of manips. No, really, I wasn't completely satisfied but... whatever. It's not that the finished manips might improve just by laying on my PC.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits to the owners of the images used.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (2200 x 2022)

About Jim's mind landscape
Jim's landscape at birth is unknown - since, as psy-null, nobody ever had access to it. The many experiences that molded Jim during his childhood up to adulthood had resulted in Jim's mind to take the shape of an alien desert. Red sands, barren mountains in the far distance, little to no vegetation, with small oasis scattered here and there with their springs. Two suns always high in the sky, 24/7, with no night to offer respite, while gusts of wind, at unpredictable rate, sweep the land: that place is never really pacific - like Jim, who is always on the move and is, on the core, unstable.
Its inhabitants are many different kind of animals, not all of them desertbreed kind. They always come in pairs (same gender). Taking a walk on the soft sand, you might stumble upon a pair of cute fennec, with their elongated ears, or try to avoid the ill-tempered rattlesnake hiding in the shadow of a little bush - though you might want to look out for the king cobras, they tend to bite and bite hard. Some are shy and don't show up, like the scorpions who hide under the sand, forced to live a life concealed from the perpetual daylight, and others have their nest on the mountains, like a pair of bird of prey who take high flights in the sky, and never land on the barren sand they fly over. You might even spot two sa-te kru, the feral Vulcan black feline; very aggressive but usually mind their own business. [Not even Spock is really sure to have met all the inhabitants of that mind desert, actually.]
The most important pair of all, though, are two le-matya: the whole place is their kingdom. One is green, bigger than a liger and the most dangerous between Vulcan animals - the kind that, on Vulcan, live on the cooler mountains. The other is red/orange, slighty smaller (similar in size to a tiger), born to live in the desert, its fur the same color of the sands. All the animals somehow stand for a part of Jim's personality (and boy, his personality has lots of different facets) but the le-matya are the more prominent of them all. The green represent the "toppy" side, the one that makes Jim good at tend for himself and others, the one that makes him an excellent leader; the red one, that is very shy (and made Spock wait a lot of time before even showing up, let alone be touched or cuddled) is his most hidden side, his "nepik" side, the one who wants love and a place to belong to: Jim's most vulnerable side. Remove one from the equation, and Jim's sanity goes down the drain, since they both are the physical representation of a good chunk of Jim's personality.

Jim's landscape is made for Spock to feel like home, looking very similar if not identical to Vulcan, the sand is glittery and the temperature is fitting for a Vulcan. Nonetheless to say that Spock likes to take walkings in there as soon as he can afford to spend some time in his mate's mind - aka, when Jim's out cold or sleeping. Also, they quite fit together: after the bond, if you reach the peak of Jim's mountains and look down, you'll see the rock slowly vanishing under grass until you see Spock's landscape. Even though there's an easier way for one to hop between one and the other landscape than spend hours trekking on mountains.


series: mind landscapes, ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, char trek: james t. kirk, 2.5 (mirror!reboot)

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