Paramount/Bad Robots are a.s.s.h.o.l.e.s

Feb 28, 2014 15:13

Than-fucking-ks for releasing such a lousy bonus disc for Star Trek into Darkness (USA or Italian, it doesn't really matter at this point) so we're forced to pi-fucking-rate the content online in order to have access to it all. Then you even have the galls to go and whine if people pirate your material online: this is just a way to fucking boost illegale sharing!

And so fucking thank you for deleting scenes that should have been in the movie or decide to use alternate ones. Why the hell they decided to change Uhura's one when speaking with the Klingons? She was fucking badass and perfect in the alternate, the one with her claiming to be in search of her Klingon lover.

Damn, I so fucking hate you!

+ nonfanworks fandom tag

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