Guide and Recap to Hakka & Dragon's Star Trek Multiverse

Dec 20, 2013 13:09

During the years of RPG together, and generally ideas popping up, I and aleniakalain build up some decent multiverse that, while not putting to shame the Marvel one, still is big.

This is a comprehensive recap of the ones we either decided they were good enough to really plan a fanfiction for or ended up being used for RPG session via chat.
Collected so to create the proper tag - or to have a post to link - in case of material related posted either by me or aleniakalain.

[The list behind the spoiler cut]

The multiverse
  • 1.0. TOS [ tag]
    The canon from the series and following movies.
  • 1.5. TOS Mirror
    The canon from the episode "Mirror, Mirror". Not as bloody and violent as the fanon has decided it is after the few scenes seen in the episode.
    aleniakalain someday will finally decide to post her meta about the Mirror universe. In the meantime you can and should follow her " Balance verse" series, which is based on the characterization of our own TOS mirror verse and characters.
  • 1.5v2. TOS mirror AU - de-aged!Spock
    AU from the 1.5 above, in which XO Spock get de-aged and the science team isn't able to fix him, so he has to grow up from childhood again. By the time Spock is adult Jim is an Admiral (Wrath of Khan time), even more grumpy than before.
    aleniakalain might have started the fanfiction some year ago: someday she'll finally finish Balance and then she'll pick this up again...
  • 2.0. Reboot [ tag]
    The canon J.J. Abrams verse.
    Pre-STiD, our Spock was cuddle-allergic and always shied away from affection to the point that every night there was a war in their bed, with Jim wishing to hug and generally be touchy while Spock tried to move away and ending up on the very end of the bed.
    After STiD, Spock has become insanely attached to Jim who, psychologically, he's the dominant of the couple.
  • 2.5. Reboot mirror [ tag]
    Our own headcanon mirror verse for the J.J. Abrams verse. See here for more.
  • 2.5v2. Reboot mirror - Lex AU
    An alternative timeline from the 2.5 verse above, in which Jim and Spock 2.5 meet a starship coming from future temporary stranded and a divergence is created because the future is modified.
  • 2.5v3. Reboot mirror - nekomimi AU
    The always asshole race that messes up with your favorite crew: they don't mean evil, they just think to do a gift by *insert odd non-believable procedure* which bring the person closer to their animal spirit, which lies inside and blah blah. Jim gets le-matya ears and tails (and a little bit its snappy behavior), while Spock is a very loyal wolf. The process is irreversible, so yet another divergence.
    In a RPG they ended up being adopted by the 2.5 as pets so they can play with each other everyday and night, spoiled and pampered by their furr-less counterparts.
    → Wrote a full chapter about them, long ago.
  • 2.5v4. Reboot mirror - female!Jim AU
    The always malfunctioning transporter gets Jim turned into a female. Unfortunately there is nothing to be done to return Jim his male features, so another divergence. Jim takes it too well, Spock has is fair of issues considering he's a lost cause of gayness.
  • 3.0. Female [ tag]
    The third main universe in our head canon, since all the following are AUs of one of these three.
    In here all the characters have the opposite sex and the universe is ruled by women (nonetheless to say there's been way less wars). Loosely influenced by an alternative timeline of The Authority comic book.
  • 3.5. Female mirror
    Mirror verse of the Female verse above. Much mess done during an all-planet fight between Earth women and men lead to time being rebooted by gods. Time is then blocked in a Greek-like setting, with men taking over Italy and giving life to the Roman Empire, while Greece is under the women, who rule as Amazons. Vulcan warriors decide to conquer Earth just in this very time, so you get Vulcan female warriors conquering Earth women. Cue to T'Pock getting for herself a nice human warrior called Jean (not so very loosely based on Xena). Bones in here is a Julius Caesar who, after the reboot, has followed another path and is now a wandering healer; very proud of his ancestry but still a wandering healer. Inspired by Xena, The Warrior Princess.
    → I wrote a couple of chapters about this verse but there's no hope I'll ever pick it up again.
  • 3.0v2. Female - Nekomimi AU
    Jean and T'Pock are nekomimi, Jean with le-matya's features while T'Pock with wolf's one. They are adopted by Jim and Spock from the 2.0 verse and treated like a spoiled pets. In return, the two girls here gossip and comment about how idiotic are our two males here.
  • 4.0. Littlebirdtold's "Like a Moth to a Flame"
    The universe from littlebirdtold's " Like a Moth to a Flame" and its sequel "Like a Peacock Among Crows", which their usual roles are reversed, so Jim's the First Officer of Captain Spock. Go and read the fanfiction, alongside Littlebird's every other fanfic.
  • 4.5. Kyliselle's "Oasis"
    The universe from kyliselle's fanfiction " Oasis". Spock's a prince while Jim is the young version of Marvel's Cable. If you want to know more, just move your damn ass and read the fic, if you have never done it already, and then don't ever dare close the page before reading all her other fanfictions!
  • 5.0. The wolf - Reboot AU
    Fairy tale-like universe in which Jim serves at Lord Sarek's house, taking care of the family's wolf which, according to Jim, is oddly too much spoiled to be just your average pet. Reboot because it's Reboot Jim, even though AU.
    aleniakalain started this fanfiction at some point, but I don’t see any hope she’ll ever return to it.
  • 5.5. The le-matya - Mirror Reboot AU
    Mirror to the one above, in which Spock is a teenager Vulcan just accepted in the training camp (see universe 2.5 to understand), when he's told the legend of the red le-matya. Mirror Reboot because it's that universe.
    → I so itch to start write this. I have the necessary notes already on the proper doc, but...
  • 6.0. Gaga dancers [ tag]
    Now, this's pure crack. There was a time when we were obsessed over Mark Kanemura and Jeremy Hudson. While watching videos of Gaga live with her dancers, we decided these two were an alternative version of Jim and Spock. Gaga in here is their alpha and the position on the hierarchy is in inverse proportion to one's heterosexual-ness. Mark!Spock is at the top, second only to alpha Gaga while Jeremy!Jim is at the bottom, apparently too hetero in his dancing movements. Our RPG was full of Mark playing very-gay and Jeremy act like your average hetero boy, even though in the end Mark's the top between the sheets.
  • 6.5. Dancer!Jim and Warrior!Spock
    Mirror verse to the one above, started as a divergence from the 2.5 verse. Jim never left dancing and went professional while warrior Spock claimed the sexy dancer whose ass was winking at him during that night at the Babylon club...
  • 7.0. The Kirk twins [ tag]
    Another 2.0 AU. Jim never was a Jim but two identical twins (semi-identical, also called semi-monozygotic). Canon Jim's katra/soul/whatever has just been split into two bodies by evil forces which fall under stupid George wish to have twins, a wish that was granted by some force of the universe with a twisted sense of humor. Not serious here. Anyway, they consider themselves as one person split in two bodies, and this means they have no qualms in have sex with themselves and threesomes are their standard. James's the captain while Jim's the ship's Computer Chief. Thank daddy George's humor for their names. :D
    Spock, against all logic, gets intrigued by the both of them and only when he discovers that their katra is literally split in half, he can wholly embrace the fact he harbors romantic feelings toward two people.
    He may hate himself for those same feelings, since having to do with one James Kirk is trying enough, but two...? Not even a Vulcan is equipped for that! They, on the contrary, come equipped to stand a Vulcan in pon farr.
    → I might have a fanfiction going on about them.
  • 7.5. The Spock twins [ tag]
    Another 2.5 AU and mirror to the 7.0 above. In this verse it's Spock the one who's no more one but two individuals, Spock and Selek are twins (semi-identical, also called semi-monozygotic) and consider their katra as one, a half split in two that is waiting for their other half, which ends up being hosted in their crazy captain's body. Said crazy captain who might be the one drawing on himself all the ill-fortune he could when he suggests the twins he can handle them both. Spock's the captain's First Officer while Selek is the Security Chief.
    → I might have a fanfiction going on about them.
  • 7v1.5.1. The Kirk twins, 1.5 version
    Verse in which Jim has a twin with which he shares the soul, which means they aren't really just close brothers but they both act like the canon Mirror Jim. I think. Just added when we were playing with some twins AU RPG, never played. Two cranky Jims... the whole crew will die because of all the stress!
  • 7v1.5.2. The Spock twins, 1.5 version
    Direct opposite of the one above, in which Spock is actually a pair of twins, Spock and Selek. Just added when we were playing with some twins AU RPG, never played. Two goateed Spocks... and the death of Jim, if they have the same scheming attitude of Spock from Balance Verse.
  • 7v2.0. The Spock twins, 2.0 version
    Direct opposite verse to the 7.0, when the twins are Spocks instead of the Kirks. Just added when we were playing with some twins AU RPG, never played. Poor Jim might become crazy, with two Spocks to tell him how much he's illogical!
  • 7v2.5. The Kirk twins, 2.5 version
    Direct opposite verse to the 7.5, when the twins are the Kirks instead of the Spocks. Just added when we were playing with some twins AU RPG, never played. Spock here might thank all the gods known and unknown for giving him two t'hy'lara, so he can virtually always have a Jim ready for him (possibly cuffed to the bed, legs wide open and already lubed up...).
  • 7v8.0. The Caesar twins
    Twins version of 8.0. Nothing much more to say, we don't even remember how and when this went on: probably it's here just because we came up with its mirror, namely the one immediately below.
    Created when we were "twin-ning" almost all our universe out of boredom.
  • 7v8.5. The Ares twins
    Twins version of 8.5. Since there are two Ares, one covers the "cold strategy" part of wars (overtaking this from Athena, which isn't necessary in this universe) and the other the emotion, so what true Ares was. Nothing much more to say, just that I'm sure T'Pock, being a true maniac, will like it.
    Created when we were "twin-ning" almost all our universe out of boredom.
  • 7v9.0.1. Twins wolfie!Spocks
    Twins version of 9.0. Because if one wolf puppy!Spock is too cute to kill even Jameses Kirk, two is the evil taking Vulcan form.
    Created when we were "twin-ning" almost all our universe out of boredom.
  • 7v9.5. Twins le-matya!Jims
    Twins version of 9.5. Here just to have the mirror version of the one immediately above.
    Created when we were "twin-ning" almost all our universe out of boredom.
  • 7v9.0.2. The Kirk twins of Wolfie!Spock
    Twins alternative version of 9.0, in which there's one cute puppy!Spock and two Jameses, much to his happiness so he has no more one but TWO people spoiling him. This might be entirely aleniakalain's fault. I'm sure it's been her wanting two Jim for his Spock to wrap around his little green finger.
    Created when we were "twin-ning" almost all our universe out of boredom.
  • 7v10.0. Twin le-matya!Jeans
    Twins version of 10.0. Just because Spock's already stressed out of his skin by one queen!Jean, why not give him two? This might've been what either I or aleniakalain thought at the time.
    Created when we were "twin-ning" almost all our universe out of boredom.
  • 7v10.5. Twin wolfess!T'Pocks
    Twin version of 10.5. Jim has his fair share of problems handling one female wolf so why not make him a even greater alpha by giving him two females? Threesome in Vulcans/Wolves is soo the new black, at least in this universe.
    Created when we were "twin-ning" almost all our universe out of boredom.
  • 8.0. Minerva!Spock
    Universe set during the Romulan Republic era. Jim is Julius Caesar, doing what the true Caesar did, until he gets visits from Minerva, no matter how much he isn't her priest. Whatever. In truth, Minerva is a male, gods are the same in most of the cultures, both on and off Earth, and Spock is primarily a Vulcan male god. However, even if it's illogical, he has long since accepted that, for Greeks first and Romans then, he is a female goddess, and so he takes a female appearance whenever he visits Caesar. He/she's fond of Caesar for his cunning mind and he/she decided on his/her own to make him his/her protegee.
    Watching together Xena's episodes with Caesar has never been the same, after the birth of this twisted RPG idea...
  • 8.5. Khosaar!Jim
    Universe in which the Vulcan Empire rules and Spock is the competent captain of a Vulcan vessel. He visits the Halkan planet and, while getting a rash for all the Halkanians talking about peace, he ends up in the middle of a very angry God of War's plot to get revenge for his shrines abandoned by the Halkanians. You might imagine who is the aforementioned God of War...
    → This is one of the first fanfic I started to write between the now too-many I have in the folder. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with a chapter since... well, 2012.
  • 8.0v2. Minerva!Spock - Reboot
    Sequel to the 8.0 above. Minerva doesn't really like it that Brutus & co. have killed his/her protegee (especially because she was too busy be smitten with Caesar to notice and prevent it). Which means being a very illogical pain in the ass toward all the Gods in the Panthenon until Father Zeus agrees to reboot the time so she might save Caesar. Caesar, not being halted just when he was starting a new chapter in his life of conqueror, becomes the first Roman Emperor (stealing this place in history to Augustus) and dies of age; Minerva then gets to give him immortality and he lives as the god mate of Athena. This changes of course in the time eventually leads to a stronger Empire that will never fall. And... to the canon Mirror universe, here called 1.5.
  • 8.5v2. Khosaar!Jim - Reboot
    Sequel to the fanfiction based on the 8.5 verse, where a very angry God makes a clusterfuck out of pain for being left behind by his dead mate. Some very wise Father God manages to reboot the time when the universe is by now hopelessly stuck in an all-out war, so our God, after centuries, might meet once again his now alive mate, even though his mate is living a life very different from his previous one.
    → There's a rough introduction to this fic but it's useless to write it before I finish its prequel.
  • 8.0v3.5. Athena!Spock and Jean
    Genderbend (and heterosexual) version of the 8.0 in which Jim is a Jean. Jean is a warrior like her 3.5 counterpart and, during her legendary deeds, she draws on herself the interest of one Vulcan God who also happens to be a Greek goddess.
    This has been added only to be the mirror of the already existing one below, never played in flesh or via chat.
  • 8.5v3.5. Ares!Jim and T’Pock
    Genderbend (and heterosexual) version of the 8.5 in which Spock is a T'Pock. T'Pock is a warrior much similar to her 3.5 counterpart and she goes on conquering Earth, enslaving human women and blah blah. One day she stumbles upon a young man who seem to not remember anything about either himself or his past; T'Pock finds this man aesthetically pleasing so she goes and captures him, making him her own male slave (what she does to and with him is up to you). This man eventually turns out to not be your average mortal male but no less than Earth's God of War Ares who's been punished - for facts left unknown at this point - by Father Zeus by being deprived of both his powers and memory. By the time he gets back powers, immortality and memories he's been a slave for too much so seeing T'Pock as his mistress is just ingrained in him so, even though he now could snap her neck, he remains her slave, even though now and then he mans up and rebels to his now-not-really-imposed condition of slavery. He eventually gets promoted to equal (T'Pock is so not full of herself as to consider a god barely her equal, it's just your sensation!) and lover. Never thought too forward as to wonder if she eventually decides he's worth to be considered her bondmate nor if she develops feelings for him that aren't fondness one has for a pet.
    Picture me (Jim) and aleniakalain (T'Pock), watching together Xena the Warrior Princess. Now, can you imagine how many slaps I got whenever Ares did some stupid thing or drooled over Xena? Yep, I got some and then more.
  • 9.0. Wolfie Spock
    An alternative timeline to the 2.0. Jim, an happy guy living on his own far away from Riverside and his idiotic captain father, ends up adopting an abandoned small Vulcan child with wolf ears and tail.
    → Currently writing a fic about it. Puppy!Spock is such a precious thing! <3
  • 9.5. Le-matya Jim
    Alternative timeline to the 2.5 (namely, the universe is roughly the same) and mirror to the 5.0 above. In here young!Spock follows his father Sarek to a pet's shop and, upon seeing a human-le-matya hybrid, decides he just wants that one, no matter how much the shop's owner tries to explain Sarek that the animal is dangerous and definitely not suitable as company animal for a cub.
    → I have the fanfiction going on, even though I never added one word since 2013...
  • 10.0. Le-matya Jean - Reboot AU
    Spock from the Reboot verse - captain, here, since there is no Jim Kirk in this timeline - acquires a le-matya/human female hybrid and unwillingly has to take care of her, even though he just doesn't want, especially because - being a kitty in the inside - Jean wants to be very, very spoiled by the one she considers her slave. She got also a very big sexual drive that gets even more out of control because Spock doesn't want to oblige and help her. She may haves to resort to, err, sexually assault him because Vulcans are just very stupid tomcats, or this is what she thinks. Mostly created just to find out how a mirror verse of Wolfess T'Pock could be.
    I have in mind a series made of little scenes from Jean pow, in a dairy-sort-of type, in which comments the idiocy of her slave, aka Spock.
  • 10.5. Wolfess T'Pock
    Jim from the Mirror Reboot - even more uncontrolled, since he hasn't found one Spock on his path - gets stalked by a Vulcan female named T'Pock (Vulcans here do have furred ears and tail and live in packs like wolves). She manages to shoehorn herself on the Enterprise and in Jim's life until she forces him to become his very furrless mate. She might complain and whine about Jim's lack of a decent amount of body hair, and she's convinced that the lack of furr is a sign that Jim is of ill constitution, no matter how many times Bones assured her that Jim's health is pretty fine.
    I have in mind a series made of little scenes from T'Pock pow, in a dairy-sort-of type, in which comments the idiocy of her supposed alpha mate.
  • 11.0. T'Pock's le-matya
    Captain T'Pock, while saving her First Officer who has been captured by the local king, finds an exhibit of exotic and new-seen-before animals, which include some kind of young humanoid-le-matya hybrid who seems to appreciate T'Pock's company. T'Pock logicing her way into winning the hybrid's trust is pricelessly fun.
    → Started this fanfiction... is there any hope I will ever resume it?
  • 11.5. Jean's wolf
    Captain Jean Kirk is playing diplomat on Vulcan, her orders convince the Vulcans to join the Federation. Vulcans who have some nice wolf ears and tails. It just seems a quite uneventful mission, when she get's assaulted by a Vulcan male. She manages to save herself by sheer lucky, by the way. And then she gets stuck with this same wolf, who claims that he's meant to be her mate (you know, the whole "they pick the mate by smell").
    → The first chapter was quite disturbing to write, since there was an almost-rape happening. Not sure I will ever resume it.
  • 12.0. Boxer!Jim - 1.0 AU
    1.0 AU in which canon Jim is an hybrid-like with a Boxer dog. The choice behind this it's because the Boxer character and nature fits canon Jim - I swear.
    Just part of the "let's make all furry/nekomimi" series. Never played so far. Hopefully in the future I'll finally post the animals-character meta, image-confrontation included.
  • 12.5. Panther!Spock - 1.5 AU
    1.5 AU in which canon Mirror Spock is an hybrid-like with a panther. The choice behind this it's because the panther nature and swiftness fits our headcanon version of our favorite goateed Vulcan. He's just a big cat who looks evil and ready to rip your throat open but, down inside, he's just one purring and sly kitty.
    Just part of the "let's make all furry/nekomimi" series. Never played so far, as far as I remember. Hopefully in the future I'll finally post the animals-character meta, image-confrontation included.
  • 13.0. German Shepherd!Spock - 1.0 AU
    1.0 AU, alternative to the 12.0 above in which is Spock the one crossbred-like with an animal, in this case a German Sheperd. Why? Because he's too fucking loyal that he would put any dog to shame - but that's not the only reason behind the choice.
    Just part of the "let's make all furry/nekomimi" series. Never played so far, as far as I remember. Hopefully in the future I'll finally post the animals-character meta, image-confrontation included.
  • 13.5. Lion!Jim - 1.5 AU
    1.5 AU, alternative to the 12.5 above in which is Jim the one crossbred-like with an animal, in this case a lion. Don't even ask why, because it's too evident to ask, please! Ok, let's spell it out: he's fucking in command and likes it so, he roars and fights off everyone who tries to steal him his territory.
    Just part of the "let's make all furry/nekomimi" series. Never played so far, as far as I remember. Hopefully in the future I'll finally post the animals-character meta, image-confrontation included.
  • 14.0. Sa-te kru!Spock - 2.0 AU
    2.0 AU in which Spock is crossbred-like with an animal. Just for you to now, the Sa-te-kru is one big black le-matya-like feline. We never had the animal counterpart of Spock 2.0 (I was adamant he was one of those black and brown chihuahua, so like a very miniature version of German Sheperd 1.0 Spock but aleniakalain kept saying that she refused to have a chihuahua Spock in her), until finding the serval, which seemed to fit for its nature, wild yet tameable. Anyway, one day (in bed..) we decided to try play a kitty!Spock and see how it went, but Reboot Spock can't be considered a purry cat, not even if you blind yourself, so in the end we opted for the black cousin of the more famous le-matya (it actually exists in the non-canon verse, as shown in a comic book). He's definitely spoiled and a pain in the ass for poor Jim (in our RPG it wasn't clear if Spock was even in Starfleet or just played the captain's pet).
    It's its fault for the start of the "let's make all furry/nekomimi" series - either it or of the 15.5 below. Hopefully in the future I'll finally post the animals-character meta, image-confrontation included (and I'll have to add the Sa-te kru to Spock's animal personalities/affinity).
  • 14.5. Cobra!Jim! - 2.5 AU
    2.5 AU in which Jim is crossbred-like with an animal, a wonderfully, lovely and friendly king cobra. Or, for the sake of physical features, spectacled cobra (because, you know, the pattern behind the neck is <3<3). He's very, very mobile. Also very, very cold. And as a wonderful tongue who keeps leaping out to taste the air.
    Just part of the "let's make all furry/nekomimi" series. Never played so far. Hopefully in the future I'll finally post the animals-character meta, image-confrontation included.
  • 15.0. Dalmatian!Jim - 2.0 AU
    2.0 AU, alternative to the 14.0 above in which is Jim the one crossbred-like with an animal, in this case a Dalmatian dog. This is one hellion of a dog, always excited and with a delicate health, hence Reboot Jim.
    Just part of the "let's make all furry/nekomimi" series. Never played so far. Hopefully in the future I'll finally post the animals-character meta, image-confrontation included.
  • 15.5. Cheetah!Spock (plus one Cheetah!Sh’aar) - 2.5 AU
    2.5 AU, alternative to the 14.5 above in which is Spock the one crossbred-like with an animal, in this case a cheetah. Cheetahs have a brother-like relationship with other males and this fits Reboot Mirror Spock far too much. Sh'aar is Spock's bloodbrother in our Reboot Mirror. Jim finds himself stuck with these two big boys, Spock following Jim under the belief that Jim is his true mate while Sh'aar followed Spock because they're brothers and where one goes the other goes as well. They spend their days hanging out with each other, hunting and doozing off, until Jim gets off-duty so they can claim all his free time for themselves. They like to cuddle and generally hog Jim because they feel its his duty to mind their needs, from brushing the fur to scratch their ears; they also use him as comfy meat-bed: he's cozy and, especially, pleasingly warm. Jim, in return, likes to play with them, provoking Spock's jealousy (that turns into pouting and sulking) by stating no-stop that he likes Sh'aar more. In the end the two brothers, with purrs and big puppy eyes, make Jim do everything they want.
    It's its fault for the start of the "let's make all furry/nekomimi" series - either it or of the 14.0 below. Definitely played, they together kinda splat Jim every time he happens to be near them. Hopefully in the future I'll finally post the animals-character meta, image-confrontation included.
  • 16.0. Spock and Jean - 2.0 AU [ tag]
    Heterosexual version of the Reboot verse. Just because you need some hetero banter (and sex), now and then. Jean is very much alike canon (and fanon) Jim in nature, good captain, brash, leaping without thinking attitude on, blah blah, but she's proud of her female bits - no sense of inferiority for lacking a dick whatsoever. Spock might be more malleable when the Kirk he has to put up with is a female - probably because he has some twisted sense of protection for females installed in his software; this means Jean can twist him better around her pinky finger. Pike might have a father-like crush for her, so he does everything she wants as long as she fakes a blush or a small smile his way.
    This fanfiction of mine might fall into this universe.
  • 16.5. Jim and T’Pock - 2.5 AU
    Heterosexual version of the Reboot Mirror verse. Not only because sometimes you want some hetero-ness in your favorite OTP, but because our (well, aleniakalain's) T'Pock totally. kicks. asses. She's the modern version of 3.5 T'Pock (or, better, 8.5v3.5). She's the mistress of the couple, she bosses around Jim like the slave he is, no matter how much he doesn't believe to be a sub slave to a very rocking dominatrix. Collar, cuffs, all the stuff is included, never let your sub go around without something marking his status and your property, else you could risk others coming and steal him from you, right T'Pock? Anyway, she's totally in command: she decides to take him as lover, she decides to use him as she see fitting, she totally pegs him because she likes it very much to take his Jim's ass, and then she's the one deciding it's time to move things to something more official: Jim doesn't have any word in it, she just lets him play captain because he's both good at it and she doesn't want to hassle herself with such a job (also, if she wanted to be captain, she'd be given another ship and she definitely doesn't want to leave her slave unsupervised for months!). Or, as I'm being reminded, she is the captain because she wouldn't settle for less. In this case, she doesn't let Jim become captain for the same reason above: don't try to steal her his XO, hence you want to face her wrath!
    Ok, this totally needs a fanfiction. Now.
  • 17.0. Jim and twin Jean - 2.0 AU
    Bisexual version of 7.0, with dizygotic twins instead of semi-identical (semi-monozygotic), so a male and a female. Poor Spock! If I remember right, the captain between the two was - for a twist - Jean while Jim was the Computer Officer.
  • 17.5. Spock and twin T’Pock - 2.5 AU
    Bisexual version of 7.5, with dizygotic twins instead of semi-identical (semi-monozygotic), so a male and a female. Now, considering Spock 2.5 is a top dog yadda yadda, all for topping and be the master of his bottom, while T'Pock 2.5 is... well, the same minus the general male attitude toward the master thing. Ok, Jim here is truly fucked. Totally, totally, totally fucked.
  • 18.5. Minerva!T’Pock e Koshy!Jim
    Aka Athena and Ares. Together. Minerva is all smug and fond of her stupidly rash brother who, in return, is always bitter because his sister always gets to top him during their skirmish. If they bring their fight to bed is something we never decided. Athena might want it (told you, she's smitten) but Ares... well, told you, bitter.
  • 19.5. Daemons - 2.5 AU
    Spock has a black wolf whose name is yet undecided; it's an odd animal, for a Vulcan (given it's not a vulcan animal), so Spock is treated as an outcast. For this reason, Spock has grown up learning to not give a fuck about what others think of him. Daemon wolf and Spock together beat the hell out of Vulcans (and their daemon) bigger than them.
    Jim has a le-matya (still have to decide if it's the mountain green or the sand red), few humans ever had not-Earth animal daemons. Since when the daemon takes the le-matya as definitive form, he gets isolated because people fear the daemon and think that the fact the daemon is an alien killing cat renowned for its brutality, makes Jim a psycho.
    The first time Jim and Spock met, they probably end up in a bloody fight?
    The daemon are both males (instead of opposite sex of owner) because I decided it: take is as a "if you're gay, your daemon is of your same sex". Also, the more the animal is rarer (and dangerous) and the more you're considered either a psycho to be feared or someone very cool.

++ fandom: star trek

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