Hakka & Dragoneyes Mirror Reboot Info Post - Book III

Dec 17, 2013 13:16

Summary of the third and last book. The title is the Vulcan word for death, and I don't need convoluted sentences to explain why.
Warning: if you've seen Oliver Stone's Alexander you might be ready to see how someone very relying on their soulmates react when said soulmates is brought away by Death.

[Third part of the trilogy behind the spoiler cut]

Book III: Tevakh
  • The mission is officially a cakewalk, according to the Empire's Intelligence there's no danger on the surface. Kirk has this itching at the nape that worsen his already wary attitude developed after aforementioned nightmares plaguing his dreams. He and Spock have a fight because Spock doesn't want his very pregnant bondmate to leave the ship in his "conditions". [If only Jim listened to his Vulcan... No, seriously: this fic is written on "causing the worst future happen while attempting to keep that very same future from happening" episodes. Which now, Feb 2016, is another simile with BBC's Merlin, that has become another of the boy's previous lives]
  • It's a clusterfuck. Spock shields his bondmate - which a previous chapter explained the reader that was the target - with his own body: he immediately pays with half his side and an arm. Jim barely has the time to protect him by lulling him within his arms and then to order the Enterprise to beam both up before the shock of having a dying bondmate between his arms sends him into preterm birth. Which complicates everything, because he's made so he was supposed to have a nice C-section two weeks before the natural term.
  • While Bones tries to save both Jim and the baby, Jim is left alone to cope with what's happening within his mind. Spock is dying so his landscape is crumbling and it's threatening to bring Jim's one with it. Spock knows and that's why he's the one to personally break the bond, with the last strengths and presence of mind he has; Jim fights with all himself to not let him but Spock's mentally stronger than Jim and he succeeds. He can't entrust his katra to Jim, existing the founded risk that, by doing so, Spock's katra would end up swallowing Jim's own, and there's no chance to return Jim the bit of his own that moved to Spock during the bonding (aka, the one represented by the green le-matya).
  • The medical team isn't able to save Spock. Jim and baby fortunately survive, but as soon as Jim as the strength to leave the biobed is out to seek revenge over the doctors who failed Spock.
  • Jim then falls into deep depression, which is his first stage of copying with the death of his t'hy'la, named after Kal-ap-ton, the god of grief. [It was heavily inspired by Alexander The Great's reaction to Hephaistion's death, NdH]. It seems he's just willing to waste himself away, no matter how Sh'aar - now and always loyal to him - tries to talk him into react for the sake of baby Alexander. Inside his head Jim's a mess, with his landscape slowly sliding on the edges where it connected to Spock's landscape and harboring suicidal wishes.
  • His second stage is react, named after Tyr-al-tep, the god "who made Vulcans feel guilt over what might have happened had the death not occurred of a loved one". Jim feels guilty and tortures himself with what ifs which made him think and rethink everything, and one thought occurs that leads to...
  • His third stage, revenge, represented by the god Ket-Cheleb: as stated by Vulcan Dictionary, "one of the most dangerous and dark voices amongst the gods, who signified anger and was the only one that lacked a counterpart with it being said that he killed his dual aspect ages ago". Which means there's no turning back. Jim raids the planet, everyone's killed and burned down to ashes; the ones who successfully escaped don't really escape his wrath. He knows that there must be the Empire - or part of it - behind the whole thing and an inkling confirmed by some prisoners captured and tortured for info. His first reaction is to want to burn down the Empire but thinks better of it since he has more impending things to do than put his son's life on jeopardy by running into war.
  • He dedicates himself to organize Spock's funeral and follow the proper rituals for one's bondmate's death. He has seen how the ancient rituals of the extinct Northern tribes worked in one of the nightmares preceding Spock's death as a memory from a previous life. He scalps his hair and lets a stubble grow [physically, take Pine from "Unstoppable"] - unlike when bonded, with Spock wanting him all smooth - in a sign of scruffiness to then pain mourning signs on his face and body [see Nero from STXI - Romulans and ancient Vulcans shared rituals] plus some other actions that were just sketched in my mind. The ceremony is held according to the ancient rituals (which are inspired to the ways Greeks burned their dead and, especially, on Hephaistion's funeral) as well. Spock's ashes are sent back to New Vulcan to Sarek to be kept in the family's shrine.
  • The Vulcan crew breaks apart, the younger ones withdrawing their loyalty toward their late alpha's mate now that the alpha is death. They all are still loyal to Kirk as their captain but from now on they'll obey any officer with higher rank over their captain, should they receive an order from someone over-ranking Kirk - before they where first loyal to Kirk as the mate of their alpha.
  • Jim doesn't notice - or, worst, mind - and instead turns his attention to the Empire. He has a very thick confrontation with an Admiral (a Vulcan who also is member of the Senate) which ends with Jim's doubts confirmed. His answer is offer his crew a chance to disembark at the nearest Starbase if they're loyal to the Empire and don't believe in the Empire's involvement in Spock's death to then head the Enterprise away, officially committing mutiny against Starfleet and the Empire itself.
  • Cue to Sh'aar being overprotective with Jim, the Empire's propaganda machine working to make Jim look as a psycho loon, Jim getting sick and not healing until he's forced to let the healer check his mind and cauterize the broken bond, meeting the Horta and starting a fruitful career as mercenaries: millions of credits are stored away, many coming from the successful agreement with the Horta's planet miners.
  • The people at the head of the Empire is so stupid you just want to facepalm, really. The get this idea that, by having someone kidnap Alexander, they can return Jim to obedience. A Vulcan onboard the ship does it, a bloody mess follows (never steal kitty to momma Le-matya: you might meet the end of her very sharp claws) and they just get that Jim's gets out of control, once and for good [he's now worst than Achilles, so for you to know...]. Jim wins the game by travelling to Romulus, talking the Romulans into giving him some red matter to threaten Vulcan II; the Empire says bye bye to one of the planets on which Vulcans relocated after Vulcan blew up anyway.
  • Sarek secretly helps Jim in this all-out war. Some Vulcans from Spock's clan leave to join ranks with their peers still on the Enterprise, believing in the loyalty they harbored over their clan's late-heir. Some others from others clan come, especially from the famous T'hy'lara clan, out of loyalty towards two t'hy'lara split apart.
  • Jim manages to build an alliance with the Romulans, who believe him when he tells them his truth about Spock's death. They respect him for the respect he shown years before toward the Romulans who sought out revenge for their star (Jim killed them by setting the ship on auto-distruction instead of bring them back to Earth) and also for the rituals he followed to honor his bondmate's death. He manages to talk the Klingons into this alliance also, so a Alliance is officially born.
  • Months follow. Collecting money and soldiers from all the planets enemies of the Empire plus members of the races subdued by the Empire, blueprints to build new Constitution class, Scotty with Klingon and Romulans engineers working to try and apply the cloacking device on ships the sizes of the Enterprise, battles, attacks, terrorism and what happens in your average war, plus starships.
  • During a battle heavily inspired to Admiral Nelson's last one, Jim unexpectedly decides to surrender himself to avoid his baby son a life of hunted fugitive. He gets his not-fair trial, full of hate and racism at the end of which he's sentenced to death for so many crimes it's not even worth try and list them, but they fall between massmurder and triggering off the destruction of a planet. He's executed live, the thing broadcasted to every home in the Empire and even farther. T'Pau (who was fond of his grandchil's mate and was looking forward to the moment when she'd entrust the clan to Jim - as the nepik of Spock) is the only clan Head not present, signing a serious rift in the Vulcan ruling class.
  • Sarek manages to get Jim's body and his ashes are mixed with Spock's.
  • The crew scatters to every corner of the galaxy, most of them finding refuge in either the Romulan or the Klingon dominion, fearing revenge from the Empire.
  • Bones flees with Johanna. He doesn't believe it that the Empire, having laid their hands on Jim, will stop seeking revenge. He tries to make Sh'aar see it his way but the Vulcan has still some small trust in Vulcan honor. Sh'aar brings Alexander to Sarek's home so the baby's grandparents will raise him.
  • Not so much time passes by before the Empire retaliates on Sarek and family. Sh'aar manages by sheer luck to flee with his and Lex's life. He reaches the secret place where Bones retired and they live there, raising Alexander together.

  • Alexander is grown up into one awesome good-looking young boy [with the looks of Jared Leto].
  • He and Sh'aar are standing before Jim and Spock's grave (it wasn't yet decided how Sh'aar managed to steal the urn when he was fleeing from Sarek's home) and Lex suddenly announces that he wants to follow his mommy's path, which is free the universe from the Empire's dominion.
  • It was left implied that Lex would find his t'hy'la (or, at least, a soulmate) in Sh'aar.
Phewwww, and that was all!

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++ fandom: star trek, relat trek: kirk/spock, + fanfic, char trek: james t. kirk, char trek: spock, 2.5 (mirror!reboot)

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