Hakka & Dragoneyes Mirror Reboot Info Post - Book II

Dec 17, 2013 13:15

Summary of the second book. The title is the Vulcan word for passion, as the book should have covered Spock and Jim butting heads until deciding they could as well do something more productive to vent off their energies.
It starts with Jim's Academy life and ends with... well, you see under the cut.
We happened to write a first Word file for this for a total of 161 pages.
While the first book was build with mixed chapters (see the notes of Book I), this one had mostly entirely Jim or Spock's chapters until their first real meeting.

[Second part of the trilogy behind the spoiler cut]

Book II: Shaukaush

  • Step back in time, we start with the entrance test and preliminary medical tests to enter Starfleet Academy (the list of allergies starts to grow). Jim didn't want to enlist to start with (the bet with Gaila), so he put faith in being rejected by the doctors. Hope crushed, alongside his habit of smoking, since he's ordered to stop.
  • Jim is roomed with a second year called Gary Mitchell, who turns out to be quite fine and they get along immediately. There're both not-so-secret movie geeks. [Gary's played by Julian McMahon: when he smiles makes you either chill of melt, so perfect for Gary]
  • Gaila enlists to Engineering, because she loves engines. She shares a room with Uhura, who isn't very fond of Jim because first impression isn't good for Jimmy boy. He likes to drink and when drunk he's not at his best in gentlemanness, ok?
  • Gaila keeps bossing Jim around using him like a wife, even if they don't live together anymore and he has an image to preserve. She might send him to learn how to make massages or on laundry duty.
  • After some months in which Jim is set on slacking so to be kicked out of the Academy, he changes his mind and applies himself. He sets his mind into not only graduate in three years instead of the usual four, but also enter into a specialization course: Computer Science. So he'll work his ass twice, to follow both his primary track (Command) and this one.
  • He and Gary become friends with benefits to then soon switch to couple, though open.
  • Jim keeps annoying the crap out of Cupcake, who beats the crap out of him in return out of fondness.
  • Lessons, lessons and more lessons.
  • Meets and ends up hanging out with, in no exact order, Bones (the one fixing him whenever he gets beaten), Scotty (they bond over the love for engines), Sulu (they spar), Uhura (who in the end starts appreciate him).
  • During the summer break, between first and second year, Gaila starts a blog in which she reviews porn items that gets toon of traffic. Jim ends up writing some posts on the line of sites like Cracked.com
  • In his second year Jim is even more busy than ever. He creates a personal, elitist circle whose members are chosen by him (and dragged in the club even if they don't want, see Grumpy Bones, who wants to stay on his own) that he names "Captain Kirk senior crew". They, duh, will be his senior crew when he'll be promoted, and he has confidence that it won't take him many years.
  • He gets stalked by one Admiral Pike [see end of Book I] and, while this, he decides it's a good thing start using his hacking skills. And he ends up hacking the whole Academy systems because he's a very bored genius and wants to impress his professors for the end of the year test. He gets a commendation for his efforts and a long list of insults in his file by all the Admirals of the Academic board.
  • Chekov enters in his orbit. They get along quite fine, being both genius brats.
  • The third year means going on Vulcan. He's still roomed with Gary and they're still together, though Gary shows to be an asshole. [it doesn't come as a surprise if you know your canon]
  • A Vulcan (who, we should point out, is some cousin of Spock's) woos Jim until Jimmy agrees to a date. Everything ends because Vulcans are prissy bitches who don't bottom while Jameses Kirk only go for topping, thank you. Don't remind Spock this bit about his cousin about to hit home with Jim or he goes rampage: he's a lovely possessive one. <3
  • Gary's an asshole. Yeah.

  • Spock gets boring missions that aren't even covered in the fic until things become exciting. Which means a mission go wrong and Spock is left with a crippled starship that needs repairs and deprived of a good XO. A journey back to Earth, where Starfleet's has base, is in order.
  • Pike, being the conspiring Admiral bitch he is, decides this is the good time to find a good job position for his Jimmy. Which means putting him on the Enterprise of his Vulcan protegee. This requires from Jim speeding up a little his already sped up study program: instead of three full years he has to do it in two years and half. Oh, yes, Jim's not offered the position: he's ordered to accept it: Pike's nobody's fool, and he's captain not for his looks!
  • Caffeine addiction, else it's hard to cover half a year of studies in a three weeks. [You can't really have a Jim without caffeine addiction, could you?]
  • His "senior crew" people manage to get their graduation, if not already graduated like Scotty. Gary isn't happy for Jim's quick career and they break up. When you're some kind of social climber you don't really like when someone gets ahead you, apparently. Hell, the man is a little bit resentful. We'll hear about him later.
  • Spock and Jim have a rocky first meeting, which might end up with... Oh no, wait, their first meeting happens in Earth's Academy gymn, with Jim - oblivious of the Vulcan's identity - challenges said Vulcan for a quick fight. And floors the warrior, much to said warrior confusion. And he then leaves (meeting with Pike and soon-to-be-Vulcan-Captain-of-his) but not before kissing the Vulcan in apology for not finishing their match.
  • Cue to official meeting in Pike's office. Spock might still be baffled by the odd human kissing him, especially when said human enters the room and is introduced by Pike as his very-not-wanted brand-new human XO. Poor Spock's very, very confused about humans now, especially humans who manage to piss him off and whom he ends up choking on the desk. [Don't tell him, but Jim kinda got an hard on over their sparring and following choke play]. Or not. Spock surely chokes him, even if only in his own mind.

  • The life on the ship is quiet, if you don't count the daily fights between XO and Captain. Jim turns out to be a decent First Officer but damn Spock if his human second obeys. Jim's not your average subdued man, so it threatens Spock's alphaness everyday and it's written in Vulcan 101 that you should never threaten a Vulcan's alphaness if you like your life as it is. Jim was missing the day the book had been handed out, so it's no surprise that he doesn't follow any of the schemes suggested to humans who have to serve under a Vulcan captain.
  • Random info. Vulcans share a bond with their alpha, the alpha is the boss and they're sensitive to the alpha's moods. The captain is in charge with the ship, his duty is to protect the ship (aka, the village), while the XO's duty is to mind the well-being of the crew (take care of the pack). Jim's disturbed attitude doesn't help his relationship with the Vulcan crew he should take care of.
  • Jim spends more time in engineering with Scotty than on the bridge with Spock. Spock borders from being happy (not having to have to do with the crazy animal) to annoyed (since his second his never at his place).
  • Jim's poor snake pet freaks the hell out of the Vulcan crew because very similar to a very venomous snake of Vulcan. The poor animal ends up shipped back to Earth, under the cares of Pike, because snakes apparently don't like the cold of space.
  • Jim uses an infinite amount of nicknames for Spock, which annoys the hell out of the poor captain stuck with him. Sh'aar is the ultimate punchball on which Spock vents his frustration. Sh'aar's a saint, if you still hadn't got it.
  • Fights. Fights and again fights. Did I mention fights? Yep, they're at it all day.
  • Jim takes his duty of Vulcan-sitter very seriously, so in the end he bonds - sort of - with his Vulcan people. Spock isn't won. [The wolves game Jim personally programs from scratch to keep his Vulcans busy during free time undermines Spock's resolution of hating his XO, though] but he might change his mind when he see that Jim stands his ground even when he has to kick to brig a Vulcan who's been a bad puppy.
  • Insert missions here.
  • Insert random and weird dreams for the both of them.
  • Starfleet gets on Spock's nerves when, after the failed implementation of the M-5 computer, the Enterprise develops a very annoying personality and spends her time flirting with Jim [if she tries to copulate with Jim, that's not your business nor Spock's, so don't ask how!]. Pike might want to thank his constellation for not being sent a killer by Spock, because it's all his fault for Jim's presence on the Enterprise and all that followed.
  • Chekov graduates and Jim shoehorns him on the ship. He's a cub. A very cute cub. Vulcans digievolve into squealing animals always ready to pet the poor guy, who searchs for Jim's protection to get an adult position on the crew.
  • The people at the head of the Empire are very stupid. They decide to fuck up with the Romulans' star on a "attack before being attacked" belief. The Romulans aren't really grateful that they have to find another star for their planet, being the nearest Walmart out of stock, and Vulcan pays the consequences of electing a bad ruling class while Vulcans discover that Newton's third law works on interstellar politics (especially if said politics make Bush look like a pacifist). The Enterprise gets caught in the middle of this clusterfuck, Spock looses his shit, Jim has to mutiny on him, Earth is saved, Romulan ship is destroyed, Vulcan people is evacuated in due time and Enterprise plays ferry to take from the planet everything that might be savaged before the planet blows up. [Romulans have developed a very bad working Red Matter: trust the canon pacifist Vulcans for the improved one who immediately starts the implosion reaction]
  • The Empire awards Jim for mutining over Spock with the promotion to captain. Ok, fine, he's not awarded for that, but because as acting captain he managed to, in scattered order: order the Enterprise on a pursuit to intercept the Romulan red matter-heavy ship before Earth gets a nice drilling hole; order the rest of the fucking fleet to reach Vulcan and start with the damn evacuation; not to forget, have the balls to tell his Vulcan captain to stop weeping over a planet who has few days of live so can be evacuated and let him save Earth, thank you. [You don't challenge everyday your Vulcan captain when said Vulcan is heavily compromised, especially when he can snap your neck in two efficient moves]
  • Evacuated le-matya try again to warn the boys, by the way. The boys are thich as a brick, sometimes...
  • With Jim captain, Spock agrees to be downgraded to Lieutenant Commander and be Jim's XO. He might want to keep an eye on his personal basked case of a puppy because he feels it's his duty. Vulcans named Spocks are basket cases as well, just don't tell him.
  • First times aren't easy, with Spock no recognizing Jim as alpha and Jim being Jim with not even an officer to outrank him and keep him subdued, but Captain Jim eventually rubs over XO Spock. They become a balanced commanding team, finally.
  • Bones's wife's a bitch. But we already knew. Jim takes care of her. In a Frank-like way. Yep. Welcome on the Enterprise, Johanna.
  • Spock gets the impression Jim and Scotty are an item. This becomes an issue when he finds himself intrigued and then sexually drawn to the former. Scotty's still wondering why Spock growled something that sounded like a challenge over the captain's ownership. Scotty haven't got the 101 Vulcan manual as well.
  • It takes some time, many missions, a lot of efforts, stalking, glaring, death threats, and dedication from Spock part, but he eventually wears Jim's patience - let alone his hornyness - so much that Jim kinda orders him to take personally care of his sexual frustration. Spock's more than eager to comply, even if there's a mutual misunderstanding over the roles and Jim's cherry ends up popped. Almost. Sort of. Whatever. He definitely meant to be on top, though. Again, he missed the memo about Vulcans being the ultimate toppers.
  • It takes Gary and a very gore dismemberment toward his persona to convince Jim that he should stop fool around (not that he'd been allowed to hit even first base with someone else since the first Spock-date) and that he and Spock should become a serious item. Politics and lawyers ensue but Jim's more than his looks so he saves Spock's ass from some serious beating. Metaphorically speaking.
  • An unwanted and casual run into Winona leads to Spock asking Pike to adopt Jim. Jim's not happy, Spock doesn't give a damn.
  • Pike's asked little Princess Jim's hand by Prince Spock. Pike's amused.
  • The ritual of the bonding is a ceremony that involves painting hands, palm to palm and sitting crosslegged while parents watch. Being the parents unable to assist, Spock and Jim have a very private bonding ceremony, followed by a very heated post-bonding Pon Farr mating marathon that ends with spent sleeping Jim drooling on his pillow with a collar around his neck. His bastard hubby hasn't even asked permission! During the ceremony, though, Spock indeed puts a collar around Jim's neck, the sign of the bonding. It's a wonderful think made of a silver metal, a simple circle with a le-matya and a wolf that touch their muzzles in the front and with their tails entwining where there's the lock of the collar. This collar is not meant to be worn everyday, in the line of work like Jim's.
  • Bonding involves opening one's mind to the bondmate and give access to one's mental landscape. Spock has Earth's woods where roam a pack of black wolves whose boss is one very big black wolf Jim nicknames Alpha (= Alphone. in Italian the suffix "-one" is augmentative: we're not sure if to keep the name Alphone in English as well). Alpha is cute, according to Jim; Alpha doesn't agree as alphas are not the least cute. He and Jim have some heated dates while Spock's busy elsewhere. [Yep, there was to be bestiality in this fic.] Jim's landscape is the Vulcan's desert where live only two-of-a-kind animals, from cobras to a pair of le-matya. The green one likes mountains so he's quick to grab the chance and relocate himself over Spock's woods. [It's a very elaborate symbolism for katras mixing and bond linking minds. Don't ask what I was high on when I had the idea. NdH] Confusing? There are manips for that).
  • There's possessive Spock not wishing to share, T'Prings trying to poison Jim by exploiting the latter's known allergies just to get verygay!Spock to bond with her, official presentations of one's bondmate at the clan's parties-once-orgies-now-only-offer-the-mouth-to-your-alphas-feasts, missed orgies, wooing T'Pau, meeting the parents, paparazzi going wild, happy George Juniors, tattoes, Jim generally not acting like your average obedient nepik, "Plato's children" remake just to introduce gay redemption camps in an otherwise gay-friendly universe, and many other things, including a couple more of canon episodes' mirroration and escorting a bunch of stranded Romulans kids back to their homes.
  • Spock gets a pet for his pet. A le-matya puppy. Long story short, Jim manages to win the feline's trust. There's an explanation at how he managed, and it involves one of his past lives, even though neither him or Spock know. For now. [If yours truly decides to kick the writer's block out of her house, the relative fic might see some life. Somewhen. Maybe]
  • Spock one day wakes up with the need to have puppies, aka cubs. It takes him some good months to talk Jim into be the mommy because, for many obvious reasons that only Spock doesn't seem to grasp, Jim isn't eager to grow a belly and spawn some Vulcan crying machine. Jim's lucky star seems to go supernova and die, because the tests Spock made upon entering the Academy - which condemned our Vulcan to a sterile sex life - turn out to be flawed and Spock really is able to knock his bondmate up.
  • Follows nine nightmareish months of gestation with an always!pissed Jim, an overlypossessive daddy Spock, a protective crew and a Vulcan pack ready to adopt mom and still-unborn cub.
  • In the meantime the Empire - the members of the Vulcan Senate, at least - gets tired of Jim's unique way to wield command. They get the idea Jim might want, in the near future, to steal the imperial throne for himself, so they - being the same brains who ordered to attack the Romulans' star to avoid a war... - develop a series of missions that should scare the shit out of Kirk that, in return, should get a little bit more subdued. It doesn't work so they put into action plan B, which is wipe out Kirk from the universe.
  • Jim is in his seventh month (or near that, we never decided the precise week) and it's been a month or two that, in addition to his dancing hormones, he got nightmares with death as recurring theme. He see many of deaths of what the reader knows are Spock's previous lives. So it's no surprise that he never allows Spock to beam out the ship without himself in tow.
  • Sometime during the pregnancy, there's Requiem for Methuselah. We never decided how exactly events pan out during this mission, but Jim and Spock eventually discover their previous lives, which involve be: Ancient-Vulcan-Warriors (who happened to be the mythical founding t'hy'lara of a clan, and Jim is a Vulcan coming from the North of the planet, belonging to a village/culture that is gone lost over the centuries and that included be more open-minded and sharing the life with a le-matya as companion); Achilles/Patroclus (lousy developed like the Song of Achilles book: they definitely are lovers), Alexander/Ephaistion (Oliver Stone's; they are definitely lovers), Caesar/Brutus (lousily from Conn Iggulden's books, so Brutus and Caesar have the same age and grow up together; still to decide if they eventually become lovers or not);
    Arthur/Merlin (from BBC series; this is very new - 2016 - so we haven't decided if it's just the canon series of there's more) and a live lived as Andorians in which Gaila and Sh'aar complete the four. These lives show Jim that he's meant to big things (change the world, usually) while Spock is to help him/protect/aid him. They also show that, most of the times, Spock is the first to die and Jim gets out of control.

Not sure how the book would've ended: we never decided the exact scene, if finish with a nightmare or Jim making a oath to himself or what.

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++ fandom: star trek, relat trek: kirk/spock, + fanfic, char trek: james t. kirk, char trek: spock, 2.5 (mirror!reboot)

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