Hakka & Dragoneyes Mirror Reboot Info Post - Book I

Dec 17, 2013 12:28

Summary of the first book. The title is the Vulcan word for life as it covers the boys' life from birth to Jim entering Academy and Spock's promotion to Captain.

The book is finished, for obvious reasons (see below) un-betaed and with some words still in Italian (aleniakalain never managed a re-reading, in which she would usually fix english here and there). Split into four Word files, for a total of... well, many pages. Roughly more than 1000. Yep, pages.

I love the structure we chose. There are chapters in which we explore the same theme in both Spock and Jim life, in some kind of comparison to show how, in the end, their lives are entwined years before meeting. for chapters necessary to build Original or Secondary characters we opted for interludes, the point of view belonging to a specific character.
I don't really know how but we managed to get the perfect number of 200 chapters with 40 more interludes.

[First part of the trilogy behind the spoiler cut]

Book I: Ha'kiv

  • Spock has a very dull and boring childhood (just for a change. Reboot!Spock might be a little jealous, even if jealousy is illogical, obviously).
  • Being half-human doesn't help with his social relationships. He's not the only hybrid around but he's considered inferior by many of his peers - not by his clan adults, never - but he eventually kicks all their asses at warrior prep school so...
  • Spock's relationship with Sybok gets sour over the years as Sybok starts resent Humans. In the end he's unexpectedly appointed to Clan's heir when Sybok, his brother, is expelled from the clan for evil and shameful things he did.
  • At school Spock is approached by Sh'aar, a senior four years older than him. Though Spock's not so trustful at first, in the end Sh'aar becomes the brother he never had. Sh'aar is one kind of a Vulcan, calm when the others are emotions-junkies; he's also annoyingly similar to canon movies!middle-age!Spock. Well, less adherent to logic. [Sh'aar's Keanu Reeves, ndH]
  • Sh'aar has four crazy brothers who become Spock's nightmare because of their habit to hug the hell out of puppy!Spock. None of them is the image of the proper serious!warrior Vulcan, and this might be the reason why in the end it's women and nepiks that rule Vulcan [don't tell the males, though, since they still have to get the memo!]
  • Spock gets some clues by the universe under the form of a le-matya attacking him but he doesn't get it. Puny Vulcan!
  • Spock loves drawing and starts practicing by portraying Sh'aar. Just for you to know, he's taken the marshmallow-ness from his father and, to make things worsts, he'll add some more by the time he gets to his mating bond.
  • Spock and Sh'aar go on with their scholastic career as warriors. They get accepted in a training camp where they spend their teenagehood to adulthood. They decide to bond as bloodbrothers, a bond that's taken very seriously by a race where warriors are at the top chain of command and society. A blood brother would give his life for the other and the other's mate and, if the other brother dies, it's his duty to protect the widowed bondmate left behind. A blood brother bond grants a "brother" status in each other's clan, like an adopted brother would, so Spock becomes officially a member of Sh'aar's clan and otherwise.
  • Spock decides he definitely hates women. At least, in that way. He's very, very gay and happy about it.
  • Spock and Sh'aar gets to "experiment". Together. They do most of the stuff boys do together if they don't have any issue about doing eachother stuff. Besides going third base, because that's a big no-no for Vulcans: interlegs is good, topping is very good, bottoming is bad.
  • Why they end up firmly believing they're t'hy'la is something I still don't get (go and punch aleniakalain because she's in charge of both Spock and Sh'aar!). They're just silly, sappy teenagers: no wonder they believe in fairytales. Let's be all grateful that Sarek say NAY when Spock asks permission to bond with Sh'aar and orders them to wait after graduation from the Academy or we wouldn't be here summarizing a K/S fic. ._.
  • Spock becomes a very good warrior. He also shows to be alpha in the core and gets his degree in war with the rank of lieutenant before hitting 18, which doesn't happen everyday. Sh'aar pledges to be his right hand until they die.
  • They both enroll Starfleet. Academy goes on while the two play husband and husband until one meld goes wrong - there might be wolf-barking, see more ahead - and they get it that they really aren't t'hy'lara. Breaking up isn't easy even for Vulcans, especially when they were sure to have found their soulmate-whatever.
  • Just so you know, the Academy for Vulcans consist in three years, two on the Vulcan branch and the last one, as interchange program, on Earth. For the human works otherwise, with the last year on Vulcan. Spock might be the only Vulcan eager to be transferred on Earth between humans.
  • Spock experiments with humans, discovering that humans have less qualms in bottoming. Such naughty nepiks, they are - even though he doesn't really appreciate the fact they want him to not come inside. What's bad in marking, he thinks?
  • Spock and Sh'aar make friends, including two warrior twins with the head age of five, who are smitten for a civilian (nameley-non-warrior) Vulcan with a penchant for science. Threesomes yay! [they really are made for each other and sharing is a whole different matter when you feel your already half katra has been split in two to fill two DNA-identical bodies. ;) ;)]
  • Spock officially gets the title of alpha male. To celebrate, his idiot twins friends drag him to a nightclub, where he should find a companion for the night. He might loose his composure of Very Serious Alpha over a very sexy human dancer with a snake tattooed on the leg and with a killer ass. He doesn't act on the impulse, though. Bad for him. He's plagued by dreams of deserts after that. [And we authors would have chunk away a good portion of this fic, speeding things up.]
  • Life on a starship goes on for fresh-officers Spock and Sh'aar until it's time for Captain Pike to pick the names for his new Enterprise's crew. He chooses a promising Vulcan to be promoted as his personal First Officer (and here goes Jim's promise to be the first human to have a warrior male as second in command: evil Pike!)
  • Spock proves Pike he's been a perfect choice so, when Pike's offered a promotion to Admiral, Spock gets the rank of Captain and goes on captaining the Empire's flagship.

  • George Kirk is killed in Rome, where he brought his six years old Jim's in the hope to raise his smallest's mood. Jim was plagued by dreams [see above for Previous Lives] that were making his mind unstable, at the time. Winona illogically blamed the fault on Jim, since they were in Rome because of Jim's insistence, and for months she doesn't act like a good mother should.
  • Eventually Jim and his mother reconcile. This before Winona goes and dates the asshole that goes by the name of Frank - who isn't really an asshole at first, he even drives Jim to his karate lessons and does chores at home.
  • Jim makes friends with some crazy girls who boss him around. One of them is Areel who decides she's his girlfriend even if Jim runs to the hills whenever a girl tries to approach him in that way. Boys and their odd behaviors!
  • Frank does some very bad things to Jim (never vent frustration on your almost-wife-who-said-no-to-you-proposal-because-my-Jimmy-doesn't-want-me-to-remarry's son, that's very bad). Jim stops speaking and generally looks like heading to a suicide behavior. His mother has the bright idea to send him to Tarsus IV when George's brother offers to host Jim in order to try and help Jim recover from whatever it happened to him - nobody knows what's happened, they only knows Jim and Frank don't really get along, and Jim use of a kitchen's knife over Frank proves the point. He's a bit psycho by that time.
  • Well, duh, Tarsus IV. Children have to gang up and help each other, while Kodos tries to overrule the Vulcan grip on the colony by using a fungus that then gets out of his hand. Jim toughens up and sees many horrible things. Let's just say when Jim returns to Earth isn't the same - much to Pike's chagrin. His and Winona relationship strains after this. On Tarsus, though, Jim has met Gaila and helped free her from her owner. They become an item and more after this.
  • Jim and his Tarsus friends get the T’Pol Medal of Honor for Child Preserving. Vulcans are very serious when cubs are involved. Do try to be a pedo in their Empire: you won't like it what they'll do to you once you're discovered. Lucky Frank's spared, his friends are not so lucky though, see below.
  • Jim discovers, during the Tarsus IV thing, that the hacking art might have some merits.
  • Gaila helps Jim return a decent, normal teenager. Perhaps too much, but you know how Orions roll - especially fanon Gaila.
  • Jim isn't the average loved boy, at Riverside, because he's a fucking genius. Children can be very evil, we all know, and his experience at school isn't one that can be called fond memory. Highschool (hey, Chris Pine's looks, hello!), and having a girlfriend as Gaila, helps. Definitely.
  • Jim wants revenge. He devises a plan with the help of Gaila to not only get revenge on Frank but on his friends as well all the while making sure nobody can relate the "incident" to him. It works deliciously. Winona doesn't take it well, feeling it that there's Jim behind the whole thing. Their spectacular fight ends with Jim and Gaila leaving Riverside on a motorbike and Jim getting himself his first (of many) tattooes.
  • Never say the Vulcan Empire hasn't good-working social services. Jim and Gaila are minding their own business when a SWAT troop storms in their motel room and arrest them so they may be entrusted to some adult. There might be Pike's hand behind this. [See why Jim starts resent the old geezer?]
  • Jim gets a a little bit obsessed over wolves, even though he doesn't really get why he's this much in love with them (or why in the future he'll have disturbing, NC-17 dreams with them). Soon Jim, soon!
  • Finally it comes Jim's 18th birthday, which means he's free to live on his own and stop being stalked by some stupid captain called Christopher Pike, who wants him to enlist and become his little yeoman. He and Gaila make a run for it and seem to vanish from the planet, much to Pike sadness. He sends after them everyone, including the Intelligence Department, but Jim's hacking skills had been polished during the years, which means he successfully created new IDs for him and Gaila. They wander through ex-USA, making experiences (including becoming a cougar's toyboy and learn how to blowjob a woman - nope, I haven't made a mistake here) and even meeting a very bald and very beefy half-Romulan very obsessed with street raches who'll return in Jim's future as fellow captain.
  • Jim might prove, during this time, that he's good at housewifing while he's a failure at being someone's employee. Gaila forces him to a cooking course - which he aces of course - just to keep him busy (a bored Jim is dangerous indeed) because she'd entitled to find a good hand-made meal when she returns home after bringing home their daily bread.
  • Jim finds the perfect job for him when he becomes a barista. Why has the club to chance ownership and promote him to something else, then?
  • Back in childhood Jim decided he didn't want anymore to follow his father's career (George's tragic death may have a say in the decision). Gaila thinks otherwise, so she goes and challenges Jim on something: the stakes? Enlist. Obviously Jim, having an ego the size of a planet... looses, so Admiral Pike - who has no news from Jim since Jim's coming of age -, while strolling through an Academy corridor with an Admiral pal, notices a George Kirk passing by. Awwr, his little Jim! <3 <3
And this cover the last chapter of the book!

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++ fandom: star trek, relat trek: kirk/spock, + fanfic, char trek: james t. kirk, char trek: spock, 2.5 (mirror!reboot)

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