Title: Late
Pairing: KiHyun/Lio
Notes: For
soulfulmaverick. 8D Long overdue.
"I'm not coming down," KiHyun announces, arms crossed, lips pursed, and ankles firmly tucked behind the legs of the stack of chairs he's sitting on.
"Why not?" Chris whines, already tugging at his elbow, trying to get him to budge without knocking him onto his face.
"It was only a joke, hyung!" HwiChan apologizes, bowing, but doesn't try to physically remove KiHyun from his almost sanctuary on the stack of chairs.
"We're going to be late!" Ryu informs them all, looking rather impatient.
TaeHwa ignores him and the rest of the brood, because this is ridiculous and he wants no part. That and he knows that when Chris does knock KiHyun onto his face, there's going to be hell to pay.
But Lio only takes a moment to assess the situation before pushing Chris aside and scooping KiHyun up in his arms. In his surprise, the group's mostly friendly giant loosens his hold on the chairs and allows himself to be held. KiHyun clings to Lio and Taehwa hopes he isn't dropped, because while KiHyun is eating the other boy alive, they really will miss their appointment.