Title: Pink
Pairing: ShinDong/SungMin
Notes: I'm trying to get through all the fics I owe people. Here's a short drabble for
nekura_hime. Ridiculously cute and fluffy that I'm not sure I can finish up the brownie my roommate made. ... Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but be warned of excessive fluff! 8D
Pink isn't SungMin's favorite color, not in the way he shows it off whenever the cameras are rolling. Most of the time he only dresses in it because he knows it helps with his image. Korean girls are into "cute," and SungMin can be tooth achingly adorable when he puts his mind to it. But, SungMin's favorite color is not pink.
Every now and then, however, SungMin finds he's very fond of pink. Pink is the color of the piggy on ShinDong's shirt, the color of the nail polish the older man insists on applying to his fingers when it's raining out and there's nothing to do, the color of the Valentine's Day cookies they decide to bake together, the color of the bear ShinDong won for him at the fair. But SungMin likes pink most of all because it's the color of ShinDong's cheeks as he grins when SungMin accepts his invitation for a day on the beach, just the two of them. Sometimes, SungMin can't help but like pink very much.