Power Rangers: Red/Black (2/2), (Jason/Zack), PG-13.

Feb 23, 2011 13:24

Sorry it took so long to get part two of this posted. I just had a series of sicknesses and then a convention that kept me away from it. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading. :) It means a lot to me.

Title: Red/Black: Part Two
Author: vandonovan
Main Pairing: Jason/Zack
Background/mentioned pairings: Jason/Emily, Adam/Tanya, Tommy/Kim, Tommy/Kat, Kim/Skull, Rocky/Adam.
Word count: 6,432
Rating: PG-13.
Era: Zeo through Turbo
Warnings: mentioned homophobia, Power addiction, adult language
Summary: The Power is stronger, stranger and more influential than anyone realizes, including Zordon.
Notes: Fic betaed by azelmaroark, banner betaed by babel.

Part One | Part Two


Within minutes of landing, Jason could feel Zack.

They had agreed not to meet at the airport-there was way too much potential for extreme awkwardness-and yet he was near. They were now breathing the same Swiss air. Although the rest of the people disembarking the plane moved sluggishly, weary from flight, Jason felt a jolt of revival. It was nothing compared to the phone calls, but after such withdrawal it helped significantly.

He found himself thinking at Zack and knew that Zack was watching the flight itinerary somewhere not-too-far-away, thinking of him, too. Maybe it was a placebo.

Maybe it really did work.

Kimberly clutched her coat to her chest. “You sure perked up.”

Jason took a deep breath of the fresh air once they made it out of the airplane, nostrils flaring. “I can tell he’s close.”

“Okay. That’s officially a little creepy. Brr.” She shrugged into her jacket. “Trini’s supposed to meet us at baggage claim.” She stared up at the signs and blinked slowly.

“This way.” Jason led her, navigating the familiar airport with relative ease.

Trini was waiting at the carousel just like she’d said she’d be. She was in a long black coat, lacking even a bit of yellow, so Kimberly almost missed her. Jason spotted her immediately.

“There,” he said, nudging Kimberly.

“Omigosh, Trini!” She abandoned her carry on and flung herself across the room and into Trini’s arms.

It was impossible not to smile at the sight, and Jason picked up Kimberly’s carry on and brought it over. “Hey. Good to see you again.”

“Jason.” Trini gave him a hug once she extracted herself from Kimberly. “How are you?”

“Good.” He nodded. “Tired.”

“I’ll bet. Well, let’s get your luggage and get back to my place.”

The words gave Jason’s heart a little tug; he was so tired of waiting. “How’s Zack?”

“All right.” Trini only glanced at him, but her eyes were keen. “Here.” She put a neat little stack of coins into his hand. “There’s a payphone over there.” She nodded over his shoulder. “He told me to use my discretion. I think you need it. We’ll get your bags.”

Jason blinked and then realized what she meant. It was a little overwhelming thinking that Trini knew too, but he didn’t stand around to talk. He just managed to breathe, “Thanks” before hurrying over to the phone.

Dialing from a Swiss phone was more than a little strange, and the line was noisy and had a worse connection than the international one he got through his house in America, but he didn’t care.


As soon as Zack’s voice hit him, a wash of serenity came over Jason. “It’s me.”

“Oh. Hey.”

There was silence as they drank in one another’s presence, and the knowledge that Zack needed it every bit as much as Jason did filled him with longing.

“How was the flight?”

Jason swallowed. The lightheadedness he’d felt for the last three days was starting to fade; the airport was becoming very loud and crisp. “We didn’t crash.”

Zack breathed a laugh. “Always a good thing.”

“Calling was a good idea.”

“I’m no genius. It’s just selfishness on my part, really.”

“Yeah. We haven’t gone that long without in a while, have we?”


Jason couldn’t stop taking deep breaths; it was wonderful to be able to breathe again. “When do I get to see you?”

Zack took a few moments to answer. “Tomorrow.”


“Yeah. I think that’s for the best. You get settled and acclimated and we both . . . recover a bit.”

As much as he hated it, Jason knew Zack was right. “Can I call you from Trini’s?”

“Yeah. That’s probably a good idea.”

“Zack.” Jason pulled on the phone’s metal cord nervously. “I think I’m ready.”

“That’s the withdrawal talking.”

“I mean it.”

“You’d promise me anything to touch you if I was there right now and we both know they’d be empty promises.”

Jason ignored that. “I told Kim. She thinks Rocky and Adam are the same way we are. That there’s something specifically Red-Black.” He leaned against the phone booth. “She’s so good to talk to.”

“Yeah. Now I know you’re feeling it. We’ll talk more later, okay, bro? The girl’s have probably got your luggage by now.”

Not ready to hang up so soon, Jason said, “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too. Don’t think this isn’t hard on me as well. Call later.”

To Jason’s shock, Zack hung up the phone. The line went dead and he heard his money deposit completely. He tried the return, then hung the receiver back in the cradle and slumped against the booth. The warmth of being connected to Zack again was fading fast. The fog had cleared, but it was still on the edges.

Turning around, he found the girls standing not far away, laden with luggage, casually watching him. He picked up his pace and hurried over, knowing that the sooner he got to Trini’s the sooner he could call Zack back.

They hadn’t planned it, but Jason spent the entire night on the phone with Zack. Trini and Kimberly went out to dinner, but Jason called Zack and curled up on the couch that he was to sleep on, and eventually passed out while still connected to Zack.

Zack had disconnected by the time Jason finally woke the next morning, but he felt alive and knew they must have kept the connection open for hours, just sleeping on the phone together.

After a shower and breakfast, Jason felt better than he had in months.

“Look at you!” Kimberly admonished when she saw him. “Did Zack sneak over here last night or something?”

“We may’ve had one epically long phone call last night.” Jason checked his hair in the mirror by Trini’s front door. He raised his voice, to reach Trini in the other room. “If you have a crazy phone bill this month, let me know.”

“Consider it my treat.” She came into the main room fashionably bundled for the cold.

“Ohmigos! I love that coat, Trini!”

Trini grinned and gave a little spin. “I thought you might.”

“And those shoes! You have got to show me where you bought those shoes!”

“We have got a lot of shopping to do.”

Kimberly stared at Jason. “This is gonna be the best Christmas ever!”

“I thought,” Trini said, picking up her purse, “we would go over to Zack’s today for lunch. He suggested we have a private reunion so we don’t have to worry about Ranger things.”

Jason was pretty sure Zack wanted it private for another reason entirely. He couldn’t make himself look at Kimberly. “Sounds good to me. Should I, uh.” He looked at his suitcases. “Maybe I should bring them? Just in case?”

“I think that’s a good idea,” Trini agreed. “He said you might . . . well, I wanted to take Kimberly shopping tonight, so it would be nice if you boys spent some time together while we did. You are welcome to come with us, though, if . . . if you want.”

If things don’t work out, she means, he thought. “Thanks.” It was all he could manage. He filled the silence by grabbing his suitcase and carry on, dragging them over.

“Well!” Kimberly sprang to her feet, clapping her hands. “I’m ready to go if you two are.”

It was beautiful and cold out and Jason drank in the crisp air. Geneva had its own level of air pollution, but it felt nothing like what they got on the Southern California coast. As he watched the Swiss homes and buildings fly by in a blur, he reflected on his conversation with Zack the other day.

He still longed for Zack, but the phone call last night had rejuvenated him. It had been enough, he hoped, to keep him level-headed and well behaved this afternoon. What it hadn’t done was diminish what he’d said the night before-he was ready.

The potential of the words scared him, but not as much as the thought of getting back on that plane in two weeks and feeling that hollow, gaping maw swallow up his thread to Zack again.

When the streets started to look familiar and Jason’s pulse began to quicken, he snapped out of his reverie and found himself in familiar territory. Those were the light posts on Zack’s street. That was the tree he walked past on his way to the shops. There was the house with all the potted plants out front. He laughed as they drove past the same old tired-looking pug flopped down on the top step of the same old flat he knew was not far from Zack’s.

Kimberly was giving an excited running narrative that consisted of little more than vocally observing everything they passed. “He’s so close to the water! I can’t believe how cute these flats are. Did you see that dog? Look at all those flowers! Ohmigod, I want her sweater! That is a totally adorable car. You’re slowing down! Is this it? Is that where Zack lives? This is so amazing!”

It was strangely comforting to see that Zack hadn’t moved out of his tiny three-room flat. Trini parked along the street. Upon getting out, Jason was hit with a wave of comfort; it felt like coming home considerably more than it had when he’d moved back in with his parents.

The funny thing was he had never lived here.

His heart was pounding right until the front door opened, revealing Zack. Ice cold air washed over him, invigorating and crisp, and he could breathe again and the air tasted pure and right and Black. Seeing him after all these months was overwhelmingly indescribable and Jason couldn’t form words. He just reached out and enveloped Zack in a hug.

Touching sent electrical surges through his skin, as sure as though electrodes had been attached at the point of contact. Warmth followed immediately, spreading over the skin that the icy burst of air had chilled.

“Oh, man,” Jason managed at length. “It’s good to see you.”

“Same, bro.” Zack pulled back at least a hundred years before Jason was ready for him to. His eyes were on Kimberly. “Hey, girl. Looking good!” He released Jason and went to hug her.

Every nerve in Jason’s body twitched at the disconnection and he put a hand out to catch himself on the doorframe.

Kimberly got the weight of Zack stumbling into her. “Easy, Zack.”

Trini quickly stepped up to help Kimberly support him. “Maybe you two should sit down.”

For a few minutes, things happened without Jason noticing. When he began to focus again, it was because his leg was warm. Blinking the spots out of his eyes, he discovered he was on the comfortable black leather couch in Zack’s main room with Zack leaning against him. He inhaled deeply again, drinking in the contact. His hand slid off his lap and his fingers entwined with Zack’s.

“They’re coming around,” Trini called. Her smiling face swam into view. “You gave us quite a fright.”

“Tea is served!” Kimberly said, appearing with a tray laden with teapot and cups. She set it down on the coffee table with a flourish. “And now I have got to get my camera, because this is just too precious for words.”

“I’ll pour.” Trini flipped over the tea cups and while Kimberly scurried off, she filled the cups and soon was pressing one into Jason’s free hand.

“Some host I am,” Zack mumbled.

His voice sent chills racing through Jason, and helped him to sit up just in time for Kimberly to snap a photo of them.

Zack took a deep breath of his own and sat up as well. He kept hold of Jason’s hand, but took the cup of tea Trini offered him with the other. “Mm, guess the secret’s out?”

It was only then that Jason noticed Zack had shaved off all his hair.

“This is a secret you never should have been keeping,” Trini admonished.

“Your hair,” Jason said. Zack looked at him and it was very hard not to get lost in his gaze.

“I was worried you wouldn’t like it. You don’t like it?”

“I didn’t say I don’t like it.”

“They’re ignoring me, aren’t they?” Trini glanced at Kimberly.

“It’s just different,” Jason said, eyes focused on Zack. Ridiculously, all he could think about was did he throw the hair away and why didn’t he give it to me? “We’ve been apart way too long.”

“You’re having weird thoughts, too?”

“That makes three of us,” Kimberly said.

Trini raised her hand. “Four.”

“Man!” Jason broke into a grin. “This is great. I haven’t felt this good in months!”

Kimberly smoothed her skirt out and sat on the edge of the coffee table. “Kay, so, do one of you two want to explain exactly what’s going on here, now?”

Jason couldn’t take his eyes off Zack, but he said, “You know everything I know.”

“I don’t know anything more than he does.” Zack grinned at Jason. “There’s a connection. A very real, very Red and Black connection.”

“Something to do with the Power.” Trini took her own cup of tea and settled back into the nearby armchair. “You two should’ve asked Zordon about this long ago.”

“They’re boys,” Kimberly pointed out. “We’re lucky they didn’t get themselves killed first. Getting Jason to even admit anything was like extracting teeth.” She paused. “No, worse.”

“How long has this been going on?”

Jason raised his eyebrows in thought. It wasn’t something he and Zack had ever discussed. “Since . . .”

“The beginning?” Zack suggested.

Kimberly stared. “What, you mean fourth grade?”

“The Rangers,” Zack clarified.

“I was gonna go with fourth grade.”

“Cute.” Zack gave Jason a look that said he was not swayed.

“So, we definitely know it’s a Ranger thing.” Trini took a contemplative sip of her tea.

“And it’s been there since the beginning, which was like six years ago and you two never told any of us, or even Zordon?”

“It wasn’t a problem until Jason left Switzerland,” Zack said. “I’m not even sure we were aware of it when we were still . . .”

“. . . Rangers.” Jason nodded. “I was aware of it; I just thought it was, you know . . .”

“Yeah,” Zack agreed. “Part of the Power. That’s the thing about it. It’s totally unlike anything you’ve ever felt, and yet . . .”

“It feels so normal.”

“And so . . . right.”

Jason nodded.

Kimberly exchanged a glance with Trini. “Okay, they are officially creeping me out now.”

At length, Jason was able to look away from Zack. “We’re creeping you out?”


“You two are finishing each other’s sentences,” Trini said. “It’s a little disconcerting.”

“Oh.” Jason sank back into Zack’s gaze. That was a lot more acceptable than he’d anticipated.

Zack grinned. “We do that all the time.”

“Sooo,” Kimberly hazarded, “this isn’t something you two are looking to cure?”

Jason tilted his head, studying Zack’s features acutely. “I used to want to.”

“He just didn’t want people to know he was interested in guys.”

“I’m not interested in guys. I’m interested in you.”

Kimberly made a face. “Well, they’re cute like this, at least.” She picked up her camera and snapped another photo.

Although the idea now horrified him, Jason asked, “How would we even cure it, if we could?”

Trini set down her cup. “We would have to contact Zordon again, somehow. Isn’t Tommy still a Ranger?”

Kimberly frowned. “No. Everybody is different now. Didn’t you see the newscast when they took the shuttle and left Earth? They didn’t even take Justin.”


Jason blinked a few times. “He’s a kid who . . .” He shook his head. “He was the Blue Ranger for a while. Look, if anyone still knows how to get in touch with Zordon and the other Rangers, it’d be him.” He sighed. “I wish Billy were here.”

“Yeah,” Trini said. “Then it’d really be like old times.”

Kimberly nodded. “And he could whip up a communicator out of coffee cans and tinfoil for us in no time.”

“Well, it’s not like the connection is so bad.” Zack gave Jason’s hand a squeeze. “Not when you don’t resist it.”

“It could be dangerous, though,” Kimberly said.

Trini nodded. “What if the new Rangers have it?”

Kimberly set aside her mug. “Or Rocky and Adam.”

Jason let out his breath. “I’m not gonna ask.”

Kimberly rolled her eyes. “I’ll ask. I was pretty close to Rocky, once.”

Zack’s eyebrows rose. “You were?”

She shrugged, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Sure. He used to tutor me in math. I always felt a bit stupid asking Billy to, since he’d gone over all those equations with me like, hundred times before.” She smiled. “Rocky was always very patient about explaining things again and again.” She narrowed her eyes. “He’s also not a homophobe.”

“Hey,” Jason protested. “I’m not.” He felt the first tiny trickle of doubt flicker through him. “Maybe my dad is, a little.”

“He is,” Zack said, not taking his eyes off Jason, “a lot.” He shifted his gaze to the girls. “His dad’s the kind of guy who’s totally cool with gay people, so long as they keep out of sight, don’t cause trouble, and especially so long as his only son is definitely not one.”

“Jase.” Kimberly put a comforting hand on his arm.

“I know many people like that, too,” Trini said. “Some in my own family.”

“I don’t care anymore.” Jason kept his gaze on Zack. “Maybe this is the Power influencing us; maybe it just brought out what was already there. I don’t care. I’ve spent a year with you and I’ve spent a year without you and they were the best and worst years of my life, respectively. Being with you feels right. I don’t care if other people have a problem with who I want to spend my life with; I don’t want to share it with them, anyway. I want to share it with you.”

Zack bobbed his head. “You really mean that?”

Jason felt heady from the Power, but clear and rational. “Every word.”

Zack’s gaze didn’t deviate. “You guys wanted lunch before I took him to the back room to ravish, right?”

“That’s our cue,” Kimberly said, springing up from the coffee table.

“We’ll leave your suitcases in the living room,” Trini said, following suit.

Jason reached out, grabbed Zack’s shirt and hauled him close for an extremely overdue kiss. It was better than the hot, passionate kisses they’d stolen when this began. This was long and deep and intense. This was confident and right.

Kimberly stared. “I don’t think they’re going to make it to the bedroom.”

“We’ll leave the suitcases outside the front door!”

“Give us a call later,” Kimberly said. “You know, tomorrow.”

“Kim, c’mon!”

Zack broke the kiss once the front door finally shut. “I thought they’d never leave.”

Jason wasn’t capable of speech. His jaw worked at thin air, trying to find that mouth and tongue again.

“There were Rules about this, you remember.”

“Mm.” Jason reached for him, tingling as his fingers pushed up shirt and felt skin.


It was sharp enough that his eyes refocused on the beautiful, familiar face in front of him. It took a moment to get his mouth to respond. “What?” His brain engaged a few seconds later, replaying Zack’s last words in his head. Rules. Oh, yeah.

“Say it.”

Pure adrenaline flooded Jason when he realized what Zack meant. All the months of fear and doubt melted off him, replaced with absolute conviction. “I love you.” He reached out and cupped Zack’s face in his hands, drinking in the shocked expression he now wore. “I meant every word back there. I love you. I think I always have. I just . . . I just couldn’t say it before. I needed time.” He wanted to kiss Zack again, but his need to say these things was suddenly stronger. “I’m so sorry I made you suffer. I was an idiot. I should’ve known that first week when we were both so sick from withdrawal . . .”

“Shh.” Zack raised his hands to cover Jason’s. His eyes had welled up. “Stop it. You needed time.” He turned his face to kiss Jason’s palm. “We both did. And now we know.”

“It’s real.”

Zack nodded and kissed his palm again. “So, no more Rangering?”

There wasn’t even a pang of loss. “No more Rangering.”

“No more hiding? No more lies?”

Jason nodded, watching Zack’s mouth against his skin, feeling it burn into him. “I’ll do whatever you ask, Zack. Anything.”

His dark eyes flickered up, capturing Jason’s. “What about your parents?”

“What about yours?”

“Mm. They’ll get used to it.”

“Yeah.” Jason tried to tug him closer. “Will you come back to America?”

“You asking me to move in with you, Mr. Scott?”

Joy bubbled up inside him. “Yes.”

Zack chuckled and kissed him again. “I’ll think about it. Why don’t we see how you behave over these next two weeks, first?”

Jason grinned. “I thought you liked when I was naughty?”

“I didn’t say it had to be good behavior.”

“Mm.” Jason kissed Zack’s neck, drinking in his scent and taste at long last. “I’ll do anything you ask.”

“I could certainly get used to an obedient boyfriend. You can start by carrying me into the bedroom.”

The word boyfriend sent an excited thrill coursing through Jason that it had never done before. He slid a hand under Zack’s legs and another behind his back and was on his feet in almost no time. Zack wasn’t light and walking with an erection was not easy; he almost dropped Zack twice, but it was worth it to get him back on that big, familiar bed.

Zack stopped him before Jason could kiss him again. He was smiling, his eyes filled with love, but he said, “I’ll never survive if you leave like that again.”

There was no fear in Jason’s heart. “I won’t.” He kissed Zack. “I won’t. Never again. I promise.”

Jason didn’t even think about calling the girls until after the sun had set the following day. The only reason he did was that after he showered (again), he wanted to put on something more than Zack’s flimsy house robe, and realized he had no clothing.

“They were supposed to leave my suitcases in the living room.” Jason cheered himself up by wrapping his arms around Zack’s middle from behind.

“It was a little occupied when they left. Can you blame them?” Zack was staring into the pantry, but tilted his head to give Jason’s mouth better access to his neck. “I’m feeling like pasta tonight, how about you?”

“Sounds good. Is there enough for four? We should probably invite the girls back over so I can have something to wear.”

Zack leaned back into the thin fabric of the house robe. “Remind me exactly why you need clothes?”

Jason nipped at Zack’s neck. “So you can tear them off again?”

“Mm. I’ll get the phone.”

Jason followed him as he made the call, kissing his shoulder while he waited.

“You gonna keep that up when they’re here?” he teased. “Hello? Oh, hey, Kim. Yeah, it’s the Zack man. No, you don’t need to get her. Listen, you two busy tonight? I know it’s a little short notice, but Jason and I were gonna throw together some pasta, maybe a salad, and we thought you two might like to come back over now that things are a little more settled down.” He laughed. “Oh, yeah. Great, great. No, that’s perfect. Oh, and, uh, when you do, could you bring over Jason’s suitcases? He seems to think he needs to wear clothes while he’s here.”

He paused, and Jason could hear Kimberly’s laughter on the other end.

“You did? Oh. We must have not heard. No, I’ll go check now. Jason, stop that.” Zack gently swatted him aside. He pressed the receiver to his shoulder. “Kim says they left your suitcases outside the front door.”

Jason stared at him, and then narrowed his eyes. “I may vaguely remember Trini telling me that.”

“Go check.” He swatted Jason’s behind as he left.

Pulling the house robe closed around him, Jason opened the unlocked front door and sheepishly stared down at his suitcases. “Thank God for Swiss honesty.” He began dragging them inside, shivering at how cold it was outside.

“Yeah, he’s got them, thanks. No, it wasn’t your fault.” Zack soon appeared by Jason’s side and shut and locked the front door. “Give us an hour? Pick up a bottle or two of wine on your way.” He chuckled. “Drinking age is eighteen here, girl.” He paused, watching Jason drag the suitcases to the couch. “Oh, you did? That’s . . . is that good? I see. Well, tell us about it when you get here. See you soon.” He hung up and went and grabbed the carry on. “Out there the whole time, huh?”

“Yeah. I can’t believe I forgot. Just glad no one stole it.”

“Well, you hardly needed it. My robe and a spare toothbrush and you’re all set.” He kissed Jason. “The ladies will be here in about an hour, in case you didn’t hear. Turns out Kim had a little chat with Rocky this morning. Should prove interesting.” Zack hefted up the carry on. “C’mon, we don’t have much time. Let’s get these into the bedroom so I can decide what I want to peel off you later.”

Dinner was pleasant and the conversation nostalgic, but Zack tabled any Ranger discussion until after they’d eaten and consumed both bottles of wine. They eventually made their way, giggling, back to the living room, where Jason, Zack and Trini collapsed onto the couch together like they had dozens of times before and Kimberly cheerfully folded herself up into the armchair.

Trini kicked off her shoes and snuggled up against Jason, chuckling. “I wish you could have been here for all the good times, Kim. Living in Switzerland has really opened my eyes to so many things.”

“The shopping certainly appeals.” Kimberly smoothed out her new skirt. “I think I’d miss home too much, though. This place is beautiful, but . . . I don’t know. I was never jealous I wasn’t picked for the conference.”

“I’m glad of that,” Trini said. She closed her eyes. “I think Billy always was. He did so well leading the World Teen Summit. He should have been first choice for the World Peace Conference.”

Kimberly shook her head. “He wasn’t jealous. Well, perhaps at first, but he told me more than once that he was glad he’d stayed in Angel Grove.”

The wine made Jason feel Billy’s absence even more. “Still can’t believe he’s on another planet.”

“I know, huh?” Kimberly looked at him. “Sometimes I see something that makes me want to call him up and talk to him about, and then I remember I can’t and it hurts all over again. Long distance calling to Switzerland can’t compare to Aquitar.”

Jason had been the only Earth Ranger there when Billy departed. Even the memory of it now tugged at his heart. Billy had seemed happy on Aquitar when he’d contacted them later, but Jason still had the nagging sensation that he hadn’t really wanted to go; not really. Certainly not forever. “Billy knew what he was doing. You guys did a lot more to save the world back in Angel Grove than we ever did here.”

“That’s not true,” Kimberly protested. “They’re both really important jobs.”

“I’m just glad we’re all retired now,” Zack said, putting his feet up on the coffee table. “I’m glad Earth has Power Rangers, but I’m even gladder I don’t have to worry about my friends getting hurt when I see them on the news.”

“I agree,” Trini said. “And so we can all visit again. And drink too much wine.”

“Yeah.” Zack grinned at her. “It only took three years!”

“Hey, those plane tickets were expensive!”

Jason’s smile faded slightly at the mention of money. He reached out and took up one of Trini’s hands and one of Zack’s. “It really means a lot to me to come back here and get to experience all of this with my best friends. Sometimes I can’t believe how much we’ve all been through together. Rangers, Switzerland, . . . Divatox.”

“Retirement,” Zack fondly said.

Kimberly unfolded on the chair a little. “You never were crazy about being a Power Ranger, were you?”

Zack shrugged. “I’m grateful for the opportunity. It brought all of us a lot closer.” He gave Jason’s hand another squeeze. “But, I don’t miss it.” He glanced at the others. “Not the way Jason did.”

“You two wouldn’t have formed this . . . thread if it weren’t for the Power, though.”

“Doesn’t mean we wouldn’t have ended up this way.”

“The thread helps, though,” Jason quietly said. “I don’t know that I would have ever . . .” He shrugged and tightened his grip on Zack’s hand. He swallowed, feeling himself sober slightly. “You said you spoke to Rocky earlier?”

“Oh, yeah.” Kimberly stretched out her legs, crossing them at the ankle. “It was a little awkward. I mean, the connection was bad and I didn’t want to just come out and ask about he and Adam . . .”

Jason was suddenly not sure he wanted specifics on this. “You asked if he had any weird Power-related connections to another Ranger?”

Kimberly eyed him a moment. “Yeah.”

Trini released Jason’s hand. “And?”

“And, . . . he said he did.” Kimberly kept her eyes on Jason. “Then he told me he once asked Zordon about it.”

Jason nearly choked. “Rocky asked Zordon?”

“It seems at least one of you guys isn’t afraid to ask for help.”

Fear suddenly gripped Jason. What if Rocky had asked Zordon and had been cured? What if that’s why Adam’s Zeo Crystal had turned Green? What if they could turn off the affects of their own influence? Would Zack want to? Would he? “And?”

“I didn’t exactly press him for information. It’s just a good thing Rocky’s so eager to talk to any of his old friends. I couldn’t have ever gotten anywhere like this with Adam without it being completely obvious why I was asking. Rocky’s at college now, you know.”

“Good for him,” Trini said.

Jason wanted to be happy for Rocky, but he was too gripped with fear. “What did Zordon say?”

“He implied that Zordon knew there was a connection, but that he had no influence over it.”

“That’s it? Why didn’t he tell us about it?” Zack glanced from her to Jason and back. “And why would there be a connection just between the Red and Black Rangers? That doesn’t make any sense.”

Jason glanced to Trini. “You and Billy were pretty close when you were Rangers. Did you two ever have any sort of connection?”

She crossed her arms and shook her head, but her eyes were unfocused in thought. “No. Nothing like this. But, I wonder . . .” She blinked out of her reverie. “Are you very familiar with the ancient Greeks?” After everyone shook their heads negatively, she sighed softly. “There was a group of soldiers once, the Sacred Band of Thebes, I think they’re called. They were elite soldiers, made up of sets of male lovers. It was believed that being in battle with your lover meant you would be stronger and fight more fiercely than you would with merely a brother-at-arms. They were extremely effective.”

“Wow,” Kimberly said. “Really?”

Jason felt his hackles rising and saw his arm hair standing all on end. He wasn’t sure he could verbalize the thought, but that felt right.

“So, with Jason as leader,” Zack began, “it decided to form a bond with me?”

Jason was thinking about fourth grade again. “Maybe it knew.”

“We don’t know the cause and effect,” Trini said. “Whether you two fell in love because of the bond, or if the bond was created because you two were lovers.”

“Tommy and I didn’t have a bond.”

“And Rocky and . . .” Jason swallowed Adam’s name. “Whoever did? Do? What about when Tommy took Red?”

“I don’t know,” Trini said. “You would have to ask Rocky to clarify.”

“Tommy became Red, but Adam turned Green,” Kimberly pointed out. “So if it’s only something that affects Red and Black Rangers, maybe it’s not affecting them?”

Jason was only slightly relieved that they wouldn’t have to ask Tommy if he’d ever wanted to sleep with a man. “Red as leader makes sense, but Rocky wasn’t leader when he was Red. If it’s that Greek thing, like Trini says, then it should have been White and Pink when Tommy was leader and you were dating.”

Trini shrugged. “Maybe it only works between men.”

“Then the Power has a sick sense of humor.”

Trini didn’t laugh. “The Power isn’t a laughing matter, Jason. It’s there to protect us and help us defend the Earth. If it thinks it can do that best by making the Red and Black Rangers into lovers to fight better, regardless if they’re leaders, that’s what it’s going to do.”

“Perhaps it knew you and Tommy wouldn’t last?” Zack suggested.

“Maybe.” Kimberly sat forward in her chair. “But, you guys, you have to remember: Zordon didn’t make the Power. He didn’t even make the Power Coins. He knows a lot and he always spoke in ways to keep us feeling confident, but he didn’t know everything.” She slumped back into her chair. “This could all just be the Power’s influence and completely beyond his knowledge or control.”

Trini leaned back, too. “I wish we could ask him.”

“Why can’t we?” Zack asked. He shrugged when Jason stared at him. “We know where the Command Center is, don’t we? I mean, I’m the last guy who wants to go back to that place, but if we had to, I’m sure we could find it again.”

Kimberly and Trini exchanged looks. “I emailed Justin last night, too,” Kimberly said. “He got back to me pretty quickly when I asked what was up with the new Rangers.”

Jason sat up at that, shaking off the last effects of the wine.

“Apparently Zordon’s gone, and has been for some time; back home to Eltar.”

Zack’s brow furrowed. “But . . . then, who’s advising the Rangers?”

“He didn’t say. Maybe he left someone to help them. Maybe there’s no one. Fact is, though, we can’t just go to the Command Center and ask him about this now.”

Jason felt his brow furrowing as he lost himself in thought.

“If it was really important,” Trini said, “wouldn’t he have told us?”

Zack shook his head. “Assuming he even knew it was affecting us?”

Kimberly nodded in agreement. “He knew there was an affect. I just don’t think he thought it would matter. I respect Zordon so much, but he wasn’t always the most in touch with human reactions. He might not have realized what sort of emotional toil that kind of connection would have on teenage boys.”

Absolute clarity washed over Jason. “It doesn’t matter now. The connection exists, it’s real, and that’s all I need to know.”

“I obviously feel the same way,” Zack said, squeezing his hand. “But, if it affects every Black and Red Ranger set . . . we ought to at least let them know.”

“Why should we? Why is that our problem?”

“Because we were the first. And we only just figured it out. I’d never want Rocky or anyone to have to struggle through what we did. It’s hard enough to deal with the feelings without going through withdrawal at the same time.”

Jason didn’t want to take that responsibility, but Zack was right. Zack was always right. He nodded. “I’ll . . . I’ll call Rocky sometime and . . .” He ran a hand up into his hair, feeling out of his depth.

“You’ll know what to say,” Kimberly said. “It’s Rocky. He’s easy to talk to.”

“Yeah. I suppose you’re right.”

Into the silent lull that followed, Trini said, “I don’t know about you, but I think I’m ready for some dessert. Wait until you see the fruit tarts Kim and I made.”

They laughed and talked until midnight, by which time the girls were sober again and safe to drive. They made loose plans to sightsee the next day, exchanged hugs and kisses, and then the little three-room flat was silent.

Leaning against the front door, Jason watched Zack as he picked up the coffee cups to bring to the kitchen. His heart swelled with love at the sight and he let himself nurture the feeling. Zack was his; he was Zack’s, and he was finally confident enough to admit it.

He straightened the throw pillows on the couch, and then followed Zack into the kitchen. The light was stronger there, making everything feel a bit more real.

After rinsing the cups in the sink, Zack turned to face him, smiling as he crossed his arms. “You’re worrying again, aren’t you?”

“I’m good at it.” He shrugged. “Not about us.”

“About the others Rangers?”

Jason nodded. “All the future Reds and Blacks who don’t know what they’re getting themselves into.”

Zack drew him close, stretching up to kiss Jason’s forehead. “We didn’t turn out so bad, did we? I think they’re in for a pleasant surprise.”

Jason wrapped his arms around Zack and sighed. “I hope you’re right.”

“I know I am.”

It was so easy to believe Zack; he sounded so sure. Jason closed his eyes and drank in the feeling. Zack was always right, and yet . . . “How can you be so confident?”

Zack gave a little hum. “Because I’m your Black.”

Somehow that made absolutely perfect sense. Zack was in his arms and he was warm and strong and perfect. The overwhelming sense of the rightness of the moment, his words, of existence itself, triumphed his very last shred of Jason’s doubt.

No matter what else happened, all was right in his world. He was Red and he finally, finally had his Black.
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