Title: Logical Fallacy - On Privacy
By: Unseen_Daydream
Rating: K/G (depending on the rating system you follow)
Verse: G1
Characters: Prowl, Jazz,
Warnings: fluff
Drabble: 3/?
Summary: An error in reasoning - when assumptions are made by those who can't see the forest for the trees. A series of drabbles picking apart the fallacies surrounding Jazz and Prowl
Notes: no beta, sorry for any mistake i didn't manage to catch ^_^;
Jazz, contrary to so-called common knowledge, is a very private mech. He is a master of conversation, he knows how to converse with another mech or femme for groons at a time without ever giving away pertinent information about himself. His past is shrouded in mystery for most, he never tells even when others ask. Instead responding with something specific enough to be called an answer yet vague enough so the one asking never gains a true answer.
He has been a master of conversation long before the war started, he has always been one to keep his private life private. Given half an opportunity and Jazz will always lend an audio to a soldier in need of venting, but never will he ever take the opportunity to speak of his own past and his own troubles. Jazz can talk audios to deafness about music or dancing or style and that is all one will ever learn about the mech.
Prowl, however, has never asked Jazz the questions so commonly directed towards him. Prowl has always calmly accepted what Jazz is willing to share without ever asking for more. Without knowing or caring where Jazz came from, what his past contained, Prowl accepted Jazz as a soldier fighting under the Autobot symbol and before Jazz learned to respect Prowl for his tactics or his professionalism Jazz respected Prowl for understanding the need for privacy.
It isn’t until Vorns after they meet that Jazz found himself with the growing desire to learn who Prowl is. To learn what makes the mech tick, why Prowl fights in a war when war, no matter the cause, banner, or opponent, is always illogical. Why wouldn’t Prowl simply remain neutral? Why fight in a war when war itself is so catastrophic and unpredictable? Is Prowl truly from Praxus as his frame suggests, or is he from some other district far away? What did Prowl do before the war; what does he plan to do after?
So Jazz asked, subtly, as Jazz has always been a master of conversation, and is suitably frustrated when Prowl just as subtly redirects the conversation entirely. He tries again time and again, trying to learn whatever he can about the mystery that is Prowl. And each time he is gently rebutted. Out of exasperation he finally asks of Prowl, “Why don’ chya eva answer ma questions Prowler?”
And, with a soft cycle of his intakes, Prowl answered in a way that made Jazz believe that Prowl thought the answer rather obvious, “I do not wish for you to feel indebted to answer any questions I have in return.”
Jazz has sat there for several breems, implications, questions, and conclusions rapidly being made and discarded in his processor. Was he willing to answers Prowl questions? Was he willing to open that part of himself up to someone else? Could he trust Prowl to keep his vocalizer shut if he didn’t like what he heard?
“Hey, Prowl?”
“Yes Jazz?”
“What were your Creators like?”