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Comments 10

angel_gidget March 16 2011, 21:11:41 UTC
Besides, my best friend told me guys don't actually like girls who play video games and know about cars and read comic books, so I thought I was safe.

This? Total and utter lie. Geek guys are always attracted to the females of their species. The catch is that if you are attracted to non-geeky guys, you may not have quite the same appeal. But yes... sexy, geeky, and faith-driven guys are frightfully hard to come by.

Though you might also try asking if a guy who likes you would be up for a stay-at-home-and-watch-cartoons type of date. Even if he doesn't seem the type, he may surprise you ( ... )


proverbsun March 17 2011, 20:07:21 UTC
This? Total and utter lie.

Lol, looking back, it's so obviously not true! Like I said, I have no idea why I believed her because firstly, she is not a geek, and secondly, I am the only geek she hangs out with. And I’ve always thought I liked geeky guys, but all the ones I know just seem to be not what I'm looking for ( ... )


lover_of_narnia March 16 2011, 23:26:30 UTC
Aw, I'm sorry your all kinda depressed right now. *hugs* I'm sure something will cheer you up. :)

Anyway, I wanted to say I LOVE Zelda too! :D There really isn't any other video game I'd rather play. :) Especially Twilight Princess. That was epic. :D

Your wallpapers are beautiful. Love the fonts and the color of the texts. :)


proverbsun March 17 2011, 20:08:23 UTC
*hugs back* Heh, I bounce back quickly. :D All it really takes is a good night’s sleep for me to get a totally new, more positive attitude.

Yessss, Zelda!! I haven’t actually played many Zelda games (not even Twilight Princess, which seems to be the definitive Zelda) on account of we haven’t got any of those fancy game platforms, but I have a habit of stealing my brothers’ DS and playing Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass into the late hours of the night because I love them so much. ;)

Thanks! I had so much fun making them. :D


ladyadeone March 17 2011, 04:02:55 UTC
*is awed* What a personal entry!
Great job making a strong decision regarding that potential date. Sounds like your really know yourself well.

*hugs* I'm sorry about your upsetting "Tell me about yourself" moment. I know what you're going through. : (
But I also see angel_gidget's POV. If you're talking with someone for long enough, it'll hopefully be kinda obvious - "Let your light so shine before men..."


proverbsun March 17 2011, 20:11:40 UTC
Aw, way to make me feel awesome about myself! I do actually think knowing myself is one of my favourite things about myself. I was very shy when I was younger (and now still, too) but it’s not so much shyness now as it is extreme caution. I’ve always really thought about and dwelt on things that everyone else seems to dismiss and I’ve learned that if something really feels not okay, I don’t regret backing out, when I would definitely regret doing it and having it turn out badly.

*hugs back* I just really, really wish I had thought to say it. Even if I’d decided not to say it (which would have also been a mistake), I would have at least realized that should be the most important thing about me.

That is probably part of it as well. I’ve gotten used to not bringing it up on purpose and only mentioning it when it does come up, because the last thing I want to do is be preachy and in-your-face about it. But at the same time, I really hope my not working on Sundays and my no swearing (out loud, anyway) and especially the way I act makes ( ... )


ladyadeone March 25 2011, 04:59:19 UTC
First off, sorry for not replying sooner!

I’ve learned that if something really feels not okay, I don’t regret backing out

That's great! I'm glad to hear it. I wish I could get that through my own skull. /: Thank God I don't run into that sort of situation often.

And I think you're right that your Sunday-observing, No-swearing behavior will get across the fact that you're a Christian. It works for me and my sibs. : )


missadventure02 March 18 2011, 03:31:50 UTC
I am no good with words in serious situations, and everyone has already said what I was pretty much thinking but this!
why are there no cute geeks in real life?There are! I have met some at my school! Or if not "geeks" (although, most of the crowd in question are engineering/physics/rocket science majors, so I'm assuming they are at least nerds, but what the actual difference between nerd and geek is has always been slightly fuzzy for me) at least they have a healthy streak of goofy. Which, for me, is almost right after "Loves Jesus" on the important qualities list. So, I guess it all depends on what you want a guy to be geeky about. But hope! It exists ( ... )


proverbsun March 19 2011, 18:46:43 UTC
rocket science majors
^I lol'd at this. Thought you should know.

*puts on teacher hat* Well, the difference between nerdy and geeky is sort of this: nerds are smart at school and science and math and stuff like that, whereas geeks are more like reading-comics-books, liking-Star-Wars, playing-video-games kind of people. And you can be both. *takes off teacher hat* And well, I suppose asking why there aren't any was the wrong question. I think what I meant was more: why don't I know any of them? :D ( ... )


missadventure02 March 21 2011, 03:12:13 UTC
My understanding is that the "official" name is aerospace engineering. But the job title's rocket scientist. Which makes me laugh too. :D

That's was what I was going to lean towards. Huzzah for confirmation! :D Ah, that question I cannot answer. I wish you well in your search! (Hang around university campuses? I feel like they might be a dumping ground, but that might be more true of nerds. ;) )

Yay! :D

Very true. Something to think about (and work on), I guess! :)


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