Srs Bzns and Wallpapers

Mar 16, 2011 10:59

Real life srs bzns: I think I got asked out for the first time ever yesterday. I said yes. And then I said no. Because at first I thought, 'what's the harm in going for a burger?' Then I thought, 'there IS harm if he's gonna want to go again and he is very clearly NOT the kind of person I'd normally even hang out with, never mind go out with.' And the more I thought about it, the less comfortable I felt about it so I said something came up and I couldn't make it. I didn't encourage him to try for another time. :/ Dunno what I'm gonna say next time I see him in person though.
This is a note to myself: For you, in all situations, "I'll think about it" will ALWAYS be the correct answer, because it's always true.

(My little-middle brother says it's my own fault for actually engaging in video game talk with this boy. But what am I supposed to do when someone brings up Zelda? Besides, my best friend told me guys don't actually like girls who play video games and know about cars and read comic books, so I thought I was safe. Now I'm like, why did I believe her? She doesn't do any of those things! Also, why are there no cute geeks in real life? WHY IS THERE NO REAL LIFE CHUCK BARTOWSKI?)

And another reason for saying no: as tobyMac once said: "And to all you single, godly ladies... I want you to listen close: don't even let that boy step to you unless you know he loves God with all his heart."

Real life non-srs bzns: I started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender finally and I love it. :D Well mostly I love Sokka. And Iroh. But it's just love and win and silliness. And I'm not going to lie, that's part of the reason I changed my mind about the burger-date. I realized I'm not really a hanging-out-by-going-out kind of person, and I would actually much rather watch cartoons with my baby brothers than go on a date. For reals. And no, I am definitely not normal.

Second most serious thing: My brother and his girlfriend went to Hawaii last week with their steel band, and the next morning, my dad woke me up with news about a tsunami. I just about had a heartattack until he said they were all safe. Then I read the newspaper and realized he'd failed to mention that the tsunami had actually been in Japan. Don't tell my brother, but I'm really thankful it all turned out all right for him and us. It's funny how much different it feels when it's closer to home. I'm still praying for all of you who have friends/family in Japan!

Most serious of all: yesterday, someone asked me to tell them about myself and the first thing out of my mouth was not "I'm a Christian." I feel so... I don't know. It's not that I didn't want to say it, I just didn't even think of it, which is even worse, in my opinion. Well, basically, I feel horrible about it. Like I made a huge, huge mistake.

Also, I read The Scarlet Letter this week and it was very disappointing.

Now, some tobyMac wps. :D They are all pretty much exactly the same!!! Mwahaha!

- DO NOT hotlink or claim as your own.
- Please keep your comments and userpics family-friendly.
- Comments are love.

Oh yeah, changed my layout again.

*graphics: wallpapers, !ramble, !real life, music: tobymac

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