Presents, yessssss

Dec 25, 2012 18:11

So obviously the universe decided to reward me for cooking a Christmas feast last night, and surviving 12 unexpected guests for post-lunch Christmas celebrations today.

I mean, a great Ferris Bueller story, for me? YAY! \o/

it's time to spend the night away (Ferris/Cameron, PG-13)
Author summary: Ferris looks at Cameron later that night, when the sweat's dried to a dull shine and the tense lines under his skin seem to have relaxed. He's caught off-guard, really. It's always the other way around.

I've read it twice already and I just love it. It's beautifully written, just the way I like it, and I can see it all unfolding in my head.

It manages to capture Ferris and Cameron's friendship from the movie so well, and extrapolate it perfectly beyond, with their separate paths after high school, and how Ferris still knows Cameron so well, is still there for him, even as he can kind of feel Cameron leaving him behind.

This is my sixth Yuletide and I've been so lucky every single time to get amazing stories for rare fandoms. Aaaaaah, so happy! :D

Now off to start that enthusiastic campaign of making my way through the whole archive. Let's see how far I get this year before I run out of steam as I always inevitably do...

rec, yuletide

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