Yuletide 2012 recs (part the ALL!)

Dec 31, 2012 18:19

Guys I did it, I finished reading as much of the main archive as I could through the whole alphabet! And I commented on stories and kudos'd others! And I only had one or two moments of fic fatigue in the middle!

I've already rec'd my gift story over here, and now I add

All Yuletide recs can also be found over at my pinboard

Attack Chickens, Children, and Other Hazards of Suburban Life (Calvin/Susie, Calvin and Hobbes)
This is hilarious and I love that Calvin grows up but he doesn't grow out of the wonder of being a child, and gets to pass that and Hobbes onto his own daughter. Lovely.

You Are What You Eat (Tony/Amelia, Chew)
Tony solves a case, and it eats at him, the stories behind another crime, another victim. It's just lovely, which I guess is an odd word to describe a crime story, but it's a great exploration of what it means to Tony to be a cibopath, his feelings about the job, what it means for him to have this power and how it can do a bit of good in a shitty world. Also, the ending with Amelia is *perfect* - I felt hungry after reading it, despite all the blood and brains and spew before. :)

The Young Chants (Chrestomanci)
This is fantastic! The voices for everyone sound just right and I love all the little glimpses of Christopher relating to each person who make up his found family, the love between them all. Such an enjoyable read.

Special Problems in Erotic Roleplay (Annie/Troy/Abed, Community)
I love this manages to perfectly show their roommate/friendship/relationship dynamic, with the negotiation that feels so in character all for all three of them - Abed's need to be someone else, Annie's need to be herself, Troy willing to accommodate both of them. Also, it's just so funny. I really enjoyed this!

Ponds and Castle (Christoph/Edgar, Echte Kerle)
I was so excited when I saw someone had nominated Regular Guys, and then even more excited that there was fic! It's a silly, adorable movie and this story is fun, it's got that same madcap tone. And I love that Christoph is still a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to sexuality and Edgar, but it all works out in the end!

In Practice (Joan, Sherlock; Elementary)
Joan teaches Sherlock to be still, to communicate, to trust. This is fantastic, and beautifully written. I love this exploration of how their dynamic could work - just like the show, with Joan discovering more and more about Sherlock from deduction, and then using it to help Sherlock, even if he doesn't realise he needs it at first. And I like that it means something to both of them, benefits them both.

Something Old, Something New (Eric/Linus, Fanboys)
After Skywalker Ranch, after that night in the tent, Linus follows Eric home. I'm trying not to cry. This is so sad but also, exactly the fic I've been wanting since I saw this movie, so this is great (but really really sad, aaah).

Springtime will kill you (Greek & Roman mythology)
Orpheus is hired to track down a missing 16 year old by her bereaved mother. Wow, a noir retelling of two Greek myths expertly weaved together - this is so inventive, and the writer pulls it off brilliantly, with that hardboiled language and setting evoked perfectly. I really enjoyed reading this.

Like a Climbing, Coiling Vine (Nick/Amy, Gone Girl)
Nick and Amy, after. This is so good, a perfect extension of the book. My skin was crawling by the end, knowing they continue to be forever locked in this twisted, unhealthy, symbiotic relationship.

Shipmates (Brigand/Nemesis, Hark! A Vagrant)
Aaah, a gift that keeps on giving!! This is inspired by my awesome Yuletide gift from two years ago, so it's FANTASTIC to see another amazing Brigand/Nemesis story this year. I love their retellings of how they met, how they came to be *cough* enemies, and the befuddled reactions of their listeners. And there's a happy ending of sorts that just feels like the continuation of their funny, lovely relationship. :)

Cranberries (Dave/Alex, Brad/Jane; Happy Endings)
Dave and Alex decide to have Christmas at their place, and Jane tries not to worry. This is hilarious, and everybody's voices are spot on - I could see all of this happening just like another episode.

Lie Back and Think of Lake Shore Drive (or 8 Ways Max has been Screwed by Chicago) (Max, Penny, Alex; Happy Endings)
Author summary: "You'd think throwing up in a CTA trashcan while waiting for the 2am red line train would be the lowest point in Max's life in Chicago. It's not." The voices are dead on, and the writer's love of Chicago (and the show) comes across so well. So much fun to read. :)

You can’t explain away the poetry (Scripps/Posner, History Boys)
Author summary: "Right," Dakin said. "It's time we finally relieved you of the terrible burden of your virginity."
I like how this get inside Scripps' head, how it feels through what his belief means to him. All the other boys too, all the different voices come across really well, with a sweet, funny ending that's just right - lovely!

A Very Happy Hitchhiker’s Christmas (Arthur/Ford, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
Arthur pines for a Christmas that no longer exists, while Ford drags him from one disaster to another. This is hilarious and so much fun, with great little details of all these terrible intergalactic Christmases plaguing Arthur. But most of all, I love how sweet Ford and Arthur's relationship is, even when things are going wrong (and being set on fire, again).

How Freezing To Death Can Sometimes Seem Like The Better Option (Harry/Perry, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang)
Harry falls in love with Perry, moves in with him, starts working with him. There's always at least one great KKBB fic each year for Yuletide and this is probably it for me this year; the Harry voice is dead on. Oh and the ending, ahahaha, what a perfect ending.

Within These Gates All Openings Begin (Isherwood/Auden, literary RPF)
Christopher goes to visit Wynstan in Berlin. Gorgeously written, managing to convey so much about their uneven friendship in perfectly captured, bittersweet moments.

Cum Mortuis in Lingua Mortua (Sassoon, Owen; Regeneration)
Siegfried Sassoon calls up the spirit of an old friend after the war. This is beautifully written, and beautifully sad even while bringing a satisfying sense of closure. And the use of Owen's poetry is perfect. Absolutely lovely.

Though I Sang in my Chains Like the Sea (Rivers of London)
Stephanopoulos calls in a favour. Wow, this reads uncannily like the books except from Nightingale's POV; it's an involving read that I really enjoyed. There's a clear sense of the amount of thought that's gone into the overlay of the magic world on the non-magical one, and how Thomas and his apprentices are still just discovering it piece by piece, teaching each other and themselves.

You could turn it on like a light (Casey/Dan, Sports Night)
Dan's told to take a holiday for two weeks, and Casey doesn't freak out...I really enjoyed this story and getting to revisit the Sports Night 'verse again. There's a lovely, lovely build-up to Casey finally realising his feelings through a future after the series, imagined perfectly through the way the characters and the banter and their friendships are all written.

Or You'll Find Yourself Floating Home (Robbie/Mark, OT5; Take That)
TAKE THAT WINGFIC aka things I never knew I needed but am glad exists!! This is so evocative...man, that image of them on the bus, smoothing out Mark's feathers, is HOT. But most of all I like that there's a real darkness underneath it all, that the wings are another symbol of the industry that's tried too much to mould them into something they're not meant to be.

Friend Request (Russell/Glen, Weekend)
Life goes on, after Glen leaves for America, but they don't exactly lose touch. I really enjoyed this, it was so lovely to spend time with these characters again, and it really felt like that since this captures them both so well - Russell's quiet nature, Glen's exuberance, and how they complement and rub up against each other in turn. The story still manages to make their relationship make sense after the events of the movie, and it's a great read, the slow burn of getting them back together again, to come to the realisation that they can make this work, somehow.

Wednesday morning, 3 a.m. (Russell/Glen, Weekend)
I really liked this, how this brings Glen and Russell back into each other's lives with the same languid feel of the movie. The dialogue works so well, it feels very in character. And there's the hope at the end of something more, some time for them to get to know each other even more. Lovely.

Lately Things Just Don’t Seem the Same (Withnail/Marwood, Withnail and I)
How Marwood meets Withnail, and how he leaves him. This is really good, in an understated, heartbreaking way. The voices are spot on and I can really see this in my head as bookends to the movie.

And a secondary reading list of fics I also enjoyed, in jumbled order:

Prakiti (Sara, Mary; Hodgson Burnett)

we learned more from a three minute record, baby, than we ever learned in school (Jenny/Danny, An Education)

Galois Theory (O’Keefes, L’Engle)

Still frame in your mind (Bianca, 10 Things)

Erase and reconstitute (Sammy/Tracy, Kavalier and Clay)

With This Ring (Henry/Pike, Big Eden)

In the Middle of the Ride (Denise/Kenny, Can’t Hardly Wait)

That Untravelled World (Bond, M; Skyfall)

A Home for My Heart (Cougar Town)

Sunday Dinners: A Survey (Annie/Troy/Abed, Community)

The Importance of Being Mostly Human (Susan/Lobsang, Vimes family, Discworld)

Soul Cake (Carrot/Angua, Discworld)

Field Greens (Columbus/Wichita, Zombieland)

You are my Fifth Avenue (Bliss, Pash; Whip It)

That’s September, in the Sun (Dani, Charlie; Life)

Santa Claws is Coming to Town (Michael Buble Being Stalked by a Velociraptor) http://archiveofourown.org/collections/yuletide2012/works/607489

For (the sake of) times gone by (Joan, Sherlock, Mycroft; Elementary)

With Interest (Joan, Sherlock; Elementary)

Practice (Joan, Sherlock; Elementary)

Fated, or Two Weddings and a House Warming (Sherry/Hero, Gil/Ferdy; Friday’s Child)

Braid (Polly, Maladicta; Monstrous Regiment)

Where the Lovelight Gleams (Casey/Cappie, Ashleigh/Rusty, Evan, Rebecca; Greek)

Burn Invisible and Dim (Posner, Scripps; History Boys)

In Which Sophie and Howl Get Married (Sophie/Howl, Howl’s Moving Castle)

Infinitely probable (Arthur/Ford, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

We Go Together (Like) (Vanka of Brogoria, Mistertique; Oglaf)

It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time (TheBloggess)

in bleak midwinter (Marcus, Esca; The Eagle)

What makes the Cornfield Smile (Marcus/Esca, The Eagle)

The Red Suit (Edna, The Incredibles) http://archiveofourown.org/collections/yuletide2012/works/601538

The season of eyes meeting over the noise (Mary, Saved!)

A Thoroughly Stupid Thing (Cosmo/OMC, Kathy/Don; Singing in the Rain)

Get me to the Justice of the Peace on Time (Kathy/Don, Cosmo, Singing in the Rain)

A Very Necessary Thing (Alec/Richard, Swordspoint)

the rope you began with (was never that straight) (Into the Woods)

Le meilleur de tous les mondes (Kate, Colette; Pan Am)

Celebration for Three Mages and a Wise Man (Rivers of London)

Ghosts of Ettersberg (Nightingale/OMC, Rivers of London)

Up and Over We Go (Ben/Leslie, April/Andy; Parks and Recreation)

Talk to your friends, talk to my friends (Ben/Leslie, Parks and Recreation)

(turn the beat around) turn it upside down (Beca/Jesse, Pitch Perfect)

The Long Way ‘Round (Beca/Chloe, Pitch Perfect)

this tightrope’s made for walking (Beca/Jesse, Beca/Chloe; Pitch Perfect)

yuletide, recs

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