Andrew Fact #40

May 09, 2006 13:46

I've created a new box in the left margin of my journal to keep track of my "Interesting facts you may not have known about me," now renamed "Andrew Facts." So if you missed a fact (and care), you can navigate right to it by number!

40. I've inherited my mom's interjection: "UCH!"
No, that's not pronounced "ooch!" as in rhyming with pooch. The "CH" is like the "ch" in "Bach," and it's my mom's way of expressing not disgust, as you may have guessed, but mild pleasure. Let me use it in a few sentences for you:

"UCH, what a beautiful day."
"UCH, this is the most delicious Halivah I've ever tasted."

Often, "UCH" is accompanied by "Did/Have you ever?" The two phrases are almost interchangeable, but "Did/Have you ever?" can usually stand alone. "UCH" requires more elaboration. Also, "Did/Have you ever?" is often a reply or an afterthought. Observe:

Mom1: UCH, what a gorgeous day.
Mom2: I know, have you ever?

"She was so gorgeous up there on the bimah. Have you ever in your life?"

On rare occasions, "UCH" and "Did/Have you ever?" can take on a negative connotation. "UCH, what a schlep." "The waitress didn't even ask if I wanted coffee! Have you ever?"

But we have more eloquent ways of expressing displeasure.

mom, interesting facts

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