My 2017 fandom or fannish year meme

Jan 07, 2018 19:37

Belatedly, after some over-thinking, my version of the 2017 fandom meme.

Your main fandom(s) of the year:
With my writing, I looked backwards, again and it was Sky High. For reading, MCU, but then I was reading a lot of Jane/Thor and Darcy fic because of the incoming Thor: Ragnarok, in addition to the many other pairings I read. I’m very multi-fannish for reading. TV shows: Strictly, although not so much fanac and NCIS: LA (some of seasons 2 and 3 and all of season 4).

Best film you watched this year:
For most of the year, it was going to be La La Land, but then the excellent The Florida Project came along.

Best book you read this year:
Tam Lin by Pamela Dean.

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year:
OK Computer Not OK: Radiohead 1997-2017. The OK Computer songs took me back, yes. Who knew I had a Radiohead happy place? But I really like a lot of the ‘new’ stuff, too.

I also loved ‘If I Knew’ by Bat for Lashes, which I discovered in late 2016.

Your favourite TV show of the year:
Strictly gave me the most enjoyment overall. Brooklyn Nine-Nine was reliable fun and I liked Strike a lot.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year:
Five years after everyone else, NCIS: LA? I do not think that the fact that the team ‘go undercover’ all the time was sufficiently heralded, or Hetty as chessmaster/tiny mama bear, the brilliant dysfunctionality that is Kensi/Deeks or the potential of Nell. (At its best. It is far from flawless.)

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year:
Marvel still hasn’t announced a Black Widow movie. That I had niggles with so many shows that I watched - I mean, thanks to the genre confusion and the objectification of women, I nearly gave up on AoS, and I could go on.

Your biggest squee moment of the year:
The final dance sequence of La La Land. Baby Groot in the opening scene of Guardians of the Galaxy or Ben Browder’s part in it. So much of The Lego Batman movie. Wonder Woman’s movie! Everyone agreeing Wonder Woman was the best bit of Justice League. The end of POTC: Salazaar’s Revenge. Most of last year’s fan anticipations coming good. Agents of SHIELD remembering it was sci-fi action and giving me robots and the framework and moving on a bit with Coulson/May. On Strictly, Alexandra’s paso, jive, cha cha, American Smooth, Argentinian tango and salsa; Debbie’s Fred and Ginge number, Memory number, Argentinian tango and showdance, Gemma’s American Smooth, Susan’s Wonder Woman thing, and Anton and Ruth’s samba and paso. (May have forgotten some other routines I loved.)

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to:
I still haven’t got round to My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and will probably see Killjoys first, but given the size of my DVDs to watch pile…

Your biggest fan anticipations for the coming year:
The Shape of Water (it is getting massive buzz, and it is Guillermo del Toro doing a human/merman romance during the Cold War), Black Panther and Avengers: The One With Everyone In It. Strike doing ‘Career of Evil’ and Rowling producing a fourth Strike book - the second is purely based on hope rather than information.

Favourite couples of 2017: The couples in new canon for me during the year were:
From TV: May/Coulson (Agents of SHIELD), Kensi/Deeks (I was watching seasons 3 and 4 of NCIS: LA), Jake/Amy (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) and Fitzsimmons (AoS).
Literary but also TV: Cormoran/Robin (‘Career of Evil’ and Strike)
From film: Pepper/Tony (thank you, Spider-Man Homecoming) and Will/Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean Salazar’s Revenge making up for the bad editing choices of At World’s End)

Favourite main character of 2017: Diana Prince and Isabella, both as the older Lady Trent narrating her life and the young woman spreading her wings (in ‘A Natural History of Dragons’ - I look forward to reading more in the series.

Favourite other character of 2017: After some thought, I’ve realised it was the brilliant Jemma Simmons.

Favourite team of 2017: Nine-nine! Also Jemma Simmons and Daisy Johnson/Quake teaming up and Cormoran and Robin.

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crossposted, tv, ncis: la, films, reading, cormoran strike, writing, sky high, gratitude, meme, brooklyn nine-nine, uk, heroines, potc, batverse, watching, strictly come dancing, wonder woman, marvel cinematic universe, agents of shield, music, books, shipping

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