Fic writing and film news

Aug 02, 2016 19:14

I posted three ficlets on Sunday:

Paterfamilias, Scorpion, U, Cabe Gallo & ensemble.
Summary: Cabe Gallo has three sons, two daughters and one grandson who he isn’t related to and never officially adopted.

It’s All About the Chemistry, Sky High, PG, Warren Peace, Layla Williams, Boomer, Medulla (Layla/Warren, canonical relationships ( Read more... )

tv, scorpion, links, themed links, films, writing, marvel cinematic universe, fanfiction meta, rpf, meta, self-promoting links, grumbling, writing meta

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Comments 2

daria234 August 2 2016, 23:19:42 UTC
Read the RPF and really enjoyed it :)

LOL the merman news made me giggle too. His costar in that is hilarious too.


profshallowness August 4 2016, 07:38:35 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed the fic.

I hadn't heard of Jillian Bell before. Let's hope this remake gets made and that it's thoroughly entertaining!


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