Fic writing and film news

Aug 02, 2016 19:14

I posted three ficlets on Sunday:

Paterfamilias, Scorpion, U, Cabe Gallo & ensemble.
Summary: Cabe Gallo has three sons, two daughters and one grandson who he isn’t related to and never officially adopted.

It’s All About the Chemistry, Sky High, PG, Warren Peace, Layla Williams, Boomer, Medulla (Layla/Warren, canonical relationships)
Summary: Layla Williams doesn’t attend her school reunion with Will or Larry.

A Long Time Coming, Marvel Cinematic Universe RPF, U, OCs and A-listers.
Summary: Welcome to the red carpet for the premiere of the long-awaited Black Widow movie!

Apart from all being fills for comment-fic prompts, they’re all future fics. Two are new departures fandom-wise - this is the first time I’ve written RPF! Obviously, I expect every word I wrote about a Black Widow movie to come true! This is also the first Scorpion fic I’ve written. I drafted it back in the spring when I first saw the prompt, but was hesitant to post even this ficlet because I haven’t seen the first season and a half. Returning to it last week, I decided I could live with that.

I also drafted a fill for the ‘any high school couple, are they still together at the 10-year high school reunion fic?’ prompt back in the spring, which obviously had to be about Sky High, and left it unfinished, wondering if perhaps I could expand it, but after some polishing decided to post it as was.

I saw the ‘red carpet’ prompt on Saturday, so it's not just a case of polishing and posting old drafts.

There is some Pacific Rim 2 casting news. here.

Would Mako Mori and Raleigh Becket return was the crux for me about this sequel. Not the kaiju vs. the Jaegers or Del Toro’s role. It turns out Charlie Hunnam isn’t coming back, citing his schedule, and I don’t know if Rinko Kikuchi will return. But I don’t want to see Mako piloting a Jaeger with anyone else, and the only way Boyega’s character being Stacker Pentecost’s hitherto unmentioned son wouldn’t feel like trampling over Mako and Stacker’s father-daughter bond would be if his father had barely known about him, but I think they might be more likely to examine something like the Hansen dynamics.

I am cheered, though, by today's news about Channing Tatum potentially playing a merman.

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tv, scorpion, links, themed links, films, writing, marvel cinematic universe, fanfiction meta, rpf, meta, self-promoting links, grumbling, writing meta

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