for your enjoyment

Aug 24, 2015 10:25

Recs! Fanfic and fanvids in the following fandoms: Agents of SHIELD; Brooklyn Nine Nine; Fairy Tales and related; Glee; Harry Potter; The Hour; Jupiter Ascending; Man of Steel; Marvel Cinematic Universe; Multifandom; Pacific Rim; Parks and Recreation; Poldark and Veronica Mars.

Agents of SHIELD
I've Been Yes and I've Been Oh Hell No: knight_tracer, paperclipbitch

AU post s1, Tripp and ensemble, teen, quite long (I read the fic rather than listening to the podfic)

Really funny. Tripp the newcomer's take on this weird team that's the remnants of SHIELD - his coworkers now.

“I’m fine,” Skye insisted, “like, it’ll take a bit of time, but I’m fine.”

“It’s okay,” Jemma told her, laying her hand over Skye’s, “we’ve all made out with murderous fascists at one pointor another.”Antoine caught his laugh in his throat as he realisedthat Jemma was apparently genuine.

And Fitz made a noise of agreement from where he was trying to kick the vendingmachine into a free candy bar.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Dynamite: elipie

Ensemble, but with extra Amy (technically contains spoilers up to the start of season 2)

Tremendous fun and energy in this vid.

Fairy Tales and related

The Fable of the Wolf and the Fox: silverfoxflower

This is well-named as a fable, but it feels like a proper fairy story, too, with its tone and nods to the demands of the form. I liked how true to their natures the characters in the title were. A satisfying read (with a few formatting issues.)

[One of the Tales of the Wolf, which are worth reading, although this was my favourite.]


My Love Must Be A Kind of Blind Love: brandnewsoul (pre Rachel/Puck)

Really good characterisation as Rachel gets wound up at senior prom and Puck surprises her in a good way. (I have no idea if this was speculative fic that got jossed or AU as I stopped watching the show when it moved to Sky.)

Harry Potter

The Unusual Courtship of Lucius Malfoy: diabolica (pre Lucius/Narcissa, teen?, quite long)

I very much enjoyed this. The portrait of young Lucius was multi-dimensional, and how Narcissa entranced and entrapped him rang very true. Very well written overall, with some lines gleaming like well-cut jewels, but the setting of the Slytherin/Pureblood circles of the time was created with great thought and craft too.

The Hour

in the quiet of a shadow: voodoochild (Lix/Randall, pre-series, teen.)

Great voices, capturing the characters when younger, in this Randall can draw - Lix insists on being his model fic. A great deal is said in very little.

Jupiter Ascending

Ascension for Dummies: fadeaccompli

An engrossing and witty continuation of the film as Jupiter processes what’s happened while dealing with space bureaucracy.

Man of Steel

Flight: navaan (Lois/Clark ficlet)

Lovely, simple, just right.

Marvel Cinematic Universe

scientific method: 100demons

Teen, Darcy/Bruce, post Avengers

Utterly charming Darcy/Bruce (or Darcy/Bruce with science on the side).

A Brief Introduction to Asgardian Dinner Parties: jonesandashes

Jane-centric, but with Jane/Thor, Natasha, Bruce, Sif, Fandral and others.

This tale of Jane and a few Avengers on a diplomatic/scientific mission to Asgard just got funnier and funnier, I loved the goofy, good-natured and character-driven nature of the humour.

although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight: paperclipbitch

Long, teen, post-Avengers Natasha-centric, Natasha/Bruce.

This fic made me flail, in a good way, because it recussitated all my
Natasha/Bruce feelings, which had been squashed slightly by AoU doing it wrong. I love that this fic is first and foremost about Natasha processing all that happened in the first Avengers film, and, yes, how Bruce fits into all that. It slips in some clever meta, but mainly I appreciate all the
thought, care and Natasha/Bruce FEELS in this fic.


This Woman's World: grammarwoman

This vid about women's 'stories of infertility, miscarriage, and loss' is affecting, personal and well-crafted (I like the breadth the multiple sources provide.)

Pacific Rim

What is Built Endures: thrace (gen)

A beautiful Mako-centric fic about her relationship with her adoptive father.

Parks and Recreation

Snapshots Left on the Negative: cypanache (Leslie/Ben R)

This intense, multi-part fic (it claims to be a four-parter, but is really a 12-parter) goes AU after 3.08. It’s grounded, intense, bittersweet and very rewarding, as it just gets deeper and deeper. The writer described it as an attempt at affair!fic, wherein Leslie and Ben are married to their jobs as public servants... (Some typos.)

The Crap on the Crayfish: ijemanja (Leslie/Ben, ficlet, spoilers for ‘Road Trip’.)

A fab expansion on an already excellent scene


I'm coming home: four knocks (Ross/Demelza)

Set during the first few episodes, this vid tells the story of Ross's homecoming.

Veronica Mars

Rich Dirt: theohara (AU of Shelly’s party, spoilers for 1.21, Veronica/Logan, kind of, R, 2nd person POV.)

The second person POV actually works here, I think because Veronica is trying on a new personality, almost. It explores its 'what if?' well, and mainly left me flailing 'these two' at how Veronica and Logan are hurting, able to recognise the truth and weaponise it.

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poldark, tv, links, films, jupiter ascending, harry potter, parks and recreation, veronica mars, uk, brooklyn nine-nine, fanvid recs, the hour, themed links, glee, marvel cinematic universe, agents of shield, recs, books, fanfiction recs

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