just a bit of silliness, really

Aug 22, 2015 07:37

Parks and Rec

4.7 The Treaty

Watching Leslie and Ben be flirty model UN geeks until her campaign got in the way was fun. Also, I appreciated Andy’s involvement (thoughtless lions) and April’s attempt not to be involved.

The glee that Nick Offerman had when delivering Ron Swanson’s line about needing to sand his toenails before the titles was perfect. Because of course Ron would be proud of it.

I thought it was foolishness, not pride that kept Tom from accepting his job back. Ron’s explanation of how Tom’s competence:selfishness ratio worked for him made sense of why he went so far to get him back. Tom actually falls more in the obnoxious than endearing camp than I think the show wants him to for me.

Was Borgen airing at the time they came up with making Leslie Denmark? Since when are France and Switzerland Scandinavian? I was glad Ben called Leslie out for being selfish and obtuse, and given the little being in high school riff, I want more Leslie-April interaction.

Jerry should have just gone to the toilet and never come back, rather than put up with Chris’s investigation. Although I enjoyed Ann and Chris dance around the concept of sarcasm, unlike Donna, I didn’t care about picking over their relationship.

The interviewees for Tom’s position were typical Pawneeans. That is a good and entertaining thing.

4.8 Smallest Park

I did appreciate that Chris LOVES Leslie&Ben as colleagues working on a project when he stood/stands in the way of Leslie/Ben.

Andy goes to community college definitely treaded onto Community territory (I was thinking ‘CRISIS ALERT’ as they did the model UN). But with his idiocy and added April and Ron commentary, it worked. Although from what we’ve seen of Ron’s past marriages, he’s been the slave. Also, who is Ron actively rooting against on his team? He loves Leslie and April too, and admitted that he found Tom useful. I don’t think Donna registers, and yes, he thinks Jerry is the worst like everyone. Unless if, in his mind, keeping them in the department is acting against them.

I was a little shocked by the last scene. Shocked but I-want-to-rewatch-it pleased. After all Leslie’s crazy, where her selfish behaviour regarding Ben in the past few episodes intensified, I didn’t quite expect them to go for it, although if they hadn’t, the characters would just have been sad, not crazy, and you can’t have that in a sitcom. But I am so used to most other TV shows not going for it. So it took a little while to process.

Chris does know that there were issues with his dream team now, but I’m not sure how they’re going to play who knew. April and Andy have the clues, but I don’t think she’s cared enough to put them together and Andy is too thick.

Tom ‘dealing with’ reality in his own little way was the least interesting strand. (Ann was relegated to being no. 2 or 3 in Leslie’s storyline.) I thought The Treaty was funnier, because I was more being aghast at Leslie than laughing at her shenanigans.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/195717.html.

tv, parks and recreation, shipping

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