Classic Alice, end of book one

Jun 07, 2014 09:33

I'm following The Narrative and typing that makres me think of avoiding the bridge and all away missions.

Episode 4: Terror sets in to the last tweets in April

Ep 4 Terror Sets In

Predictably, Alice flips out some more after brooding over what she's done, but she does it entertainingly enough. Andrew feels less sympathetic for stopping to talk to us and not going straight after Alice, plus that meant that they both left the incriminating test behind. (Hello, Cara the room-mate of Twitter fame!) I feel like saying ‘I told you so’ for picking a Russian novel, basically.

Intriguing ‘things are changing’ line in the bunch of tweets promoting the vid. It feels like it’s in reference to something that happened offscreen...

Ep 5 In Siberia

Three acts to this ep, although I don’t know how this fits in with the timeline of Cara’s last tweet.

Act 1: Ha, so she thinks Andrew and Alice are 'special friends', doesn’t know about the vids and the show comes up against the basic problem of having the internet know secrets that people the characters interact with in daily life don’t. A chivalric instinct to protect Alice from Andrew, well, he was partially responsible.

Act 2:More guilty feelings from Alice - and a decision.

Acr 3:And then Andrew found a new way to get his two cents in. Wonder who’ll get to the dean first.

(Wonder too how far in advance they've planned all this.)

Tweets in which Josh is a bit too eager around Cara too... (this was back in April and the treatment of Josh is lighthearted, so far. He is borderline obnoxious towards the girls, but it’s the low-level stuff that they can deflect, although they shouldn't have to. I wonder if the show will let him get away with it given recent events. He is an RA.)

strong>Ep 6 Punishment.

My lack of reading the book comes into play here. Does Andrew’s revelation of how he got Alice off the hook i.e. that his father has influence and he used it (and he’s cynical that it worked) come from the novel? Anyway, I loved the fight and that Alice called Andrew on being manipulative and that it was a little tied into how she’d convinced herself that giving herself up was keeping to the project because the protagonist had confessed too. Plus he was being manipulative.

Did it need to be said explicitly that it was more about liking being with her than wanting to do the documentary project? Not after the body language in the fight from Andrew, no.

Also, she might change her mind and start watching ‘her’ vids again at any second.

And in the bunch of tweets, Andrew urged Cara to watch the vids.

It makes sense that this was when Andrew posted the interview (chronologically set between episodes 2 and 3) in The Narrative.

I was confused about the timing uf Zombie Dance Circus Party - when did Andrew leave his camera in their room? Was Alice referring to the party she hyperventilated at? Nice to see her and Cara interact, and be very different people, in some ways, who get on, and amusing to have Cara tease Alice about her relationship with Andrew. About which she (and him when he tweeted a link to the vid) equivocated.

A Video Andrew Doesn’t Want You to See

Started off funny, but then got OTT when I started wondering ‘and he can’t hear the very noisy Alice because>’ (or maybe he really did need to unblock his ears). Also all the talking about Alice was so unsubtle, so while I appreciate this being framed at Alice retaliating for Andrew posting the last vid and really like her countering him being the one who films and posts the vids, the idea was better than the execution.

Twitter responses - are these characters or real people interacting here? Anyway, it seems like Cara has reached the point of laughing at Alice and Andrew.

And it looks as though that’s it - ‘Book 1’ is complete, I think, but there’ll be more ‘over the summer’, where presumably Alice and Andrew will reconcile enough to work on that Mark Twain book.

(It occured to me while watching the above that Kate Hackett, the actress who plays Alice, has a look of Toni Collette about her.)

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webseries, books, watching, reading, an alice in a wonderland

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