Comedy, drama, comedy

Jun 11, 2014 08:41

B99 1.21 Unsolvable

I was surprised that Gina let it slide that Holt had insisted on sorting out Amy’s dental emergency when he’d clearly never done for her. I know it was partly because he thought Amy’d been a hero when she was a lying liar, but still.

I was also surprised that Jake realised what he was feeling because of Amy, although maybe Charles’s pep talk and being on the periphery of Charles’s relationship with Vivian has made him grow up,

Santiago’s quick reaction to said boyfriend was amusing, as were Hitchcock and Scully terrorising Charles*, not to mention the final moments. Oh, and Holt telling Peralta about the hula-hooping. Lots of funny.

It might have been nice for Babylon to be more of a longer-running thing. Perhaps they could let more people in on it gradually.

The flashback, which they mainly did for the gag, was a reminder that most of the precinct have long worked together, and it’s Holt who was the new guy.

*I would have thought Rosa and Gina would be the scarier duo.


I’m further behind on this show than I thought.

2.16 Guilty Street

Given that Tandy went walkabout for weeks weeks ago, there’s a bit of handwaving that it took so long for the cheques to bounce. I can see why Rayna needs to disentangle the personal and business there, although I hope the two sisters can make it up. Not all of Rayna’s decisions were perfect, this ep, although some of it was based on incomplete information.

Oh Gunnar, sometimes so stupid. Don’t talk about girlfriends cracking the whip in front of your girlfriend.

And was that the first time we ever heard Liam sing?

Generally, it was all nicely complicated.

I don’t get the appeal of Teddy beyond Nancy’s empathy for his situation, but she doesn’t know why he’s so not worth it as much as the viewers. For me, there was a bit of trying to get her to fill the same role as Peggy had. But she probably likes ‘em broken. The way Deacon’s ‘I love you’ was so much more sincere was plenty of foreshadowing.

Was that was the actress who played Stevie on Revenge as the backing singer-friend who wants a/Deacon’s baby?

Please be willing to work on your relationship with Avery and not assume, Juliette. Although he is a wee bit chippy. Phew, she did. HOWEVER, I would hope that her decisions were mostly about her respecting herself, not Avery respecting her, even if he was right about staying away from Jeff. Anyway, it finally led to what all the audience has seen coming - Juliette joining Rayna’s label.

If the boys can dial down their machismo (and Avery is more in the right than Gunnar, but they’re both spoiling things for Zoe), that trio sound really good together.

The Mindy Project is back

I’ve been spoiled for something quite big that happens this season, and also casting spoilers (but that’s par for the course).

2.1 All My Problems Solved Forever...

I found the opening montage amusing and the episode never really passed that, for all the silly names and Morgan deployment. And Casey just irritates me and their relationship makes no sense. What he was saying at the wedding that wasn’t pretty much sounded like ‘we’re never getting married’ so why isn’t the engagement off?

Of course, what is in the show’s favour is the Mindy/Danny and his reaction to her - aww, thinking she was really sick etc etc, and how they reverted to normal, except they’d corresponded and could talk seriously about life choices after making knee jerk (if correct) assessments about their relationships with other people. So, he clearly knows more about how he feels than she does. And suggested the scrubs.

I am starting to hate her hair. (It’s a wig, I’m assuming.)

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brooklyn nine-nine, nashville, tv, the mindy project

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