end-of-the-week TV

Mar 21, 2009 10:26


I did catch the title card, but I didn't take the title in last night. I thought, going in, that either I was going to be bored or over-invested, going on past episodes this season. Actually, it was a bit of both. The boring bit was Max and, mostly, Kate's non-pregnancy. My fanciful theory of the night was that Sam is pregnant by Tony, although I may be reading too much into things. Anyway, Morris should have reprimanded her, she was unprofessionally taking her anger out at much at Tony.

The over-invested bit is where I was aligned with a twelve year old girl (again) in my Neela/Ray shipping. It's the continuity announcer's fault, saying stuff about Neela needing a matchmaker, which made me ignore the first ten minutes or so. Then there was the John Hopkins stuff, which my sketchy US geography know-how tells me is still the wrong part of the country - though if she's looking at specialising in paedeatric surgery, is that a way of getting Doug Ross back, somehow, because none of the current main characters would have worked with him, so they have to find some kind of link? ANYway, I'm optimistic, because she's thinking of leaving (bad news for Can't Project in that what the job is offering her does not make up for her lack of social life etc) and the longer she doesn't know about the childhood abuse, the less likely it is that they have a serious future. SO, although it's hard on Ray to be in ANOTHER triangle, I don't think it's one to take too seriously. Also, the Thanksgiving girl clearly did not work out.

And this episode was clearly brought to us by some mobile phone company.

The undercover cop was beautiful and comparative light-hearted fun. Aw, Archie. The show could totally do with a female resident or attending though, because until we had the revelation, I thought they should sent in a female doc, and of course, they only have the new girls and Not!Weaver who is a Big Gun and was busy having a case involving a child. (which I totally called from the beginning of the ep).

Dancing With the Stars is back! The show that makes Strictly Come Dancing look restrained! I discover again my love of applique and because it's American, I have a better idea of who the dancers are than the 'stars'. I can't see me investing fully in the whole series (cricumstances will not allow it, honestly) BUT based on the first two dance nights, Mark must be grateful, although the gymnast's youth and discipline may hold her back - the fact that the actor did better quicker with less training may be significant (and I can't quite make myself like Cheryl - the quickstep made me cringe with the gimmick and picking Joker colours). I am delighted that Tony has got a tall partner, and a cheerleader/ballet dancer obviously has advantages BUT from what I got from the show's intro, is an intense (two and a half people down already) televised ballroom/Latin dance competition really the best place to go for someone in her situation? But then I don't get the reality TV 'star' mentality (see Denise Richardson trying to impose some sort of narrative and coming acoss as really fake - DwtS has it's own seperate talent show-reality TV structure). A few others have potential to be up there too.

And Pushing Daisies raised its game - I thought it was getting a bit case of the weeky, but Ned-Olive time and Chuck-Emerson time worked. And Chuck! Raising the stakes (nice fake out on where Lilly was and what she knew), and Ned's faces! And the initial midnight feast party at the school! And Eternal Flame - I must try to see KC perfor$m live.

pushing daisies, tv, er, shipping, dancing with the stars

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