TV and all sorts

Mar 28, 2009 08:03

Finally! A chance to catch up. No, actually, that's disingenious. I've managed to sneak in a lot of fic reading this week, but I was in reading mode, I suppose. And, as you will see, I've watched the usual amount of TV this week. More perhaps.

I only tuned in as the credits were on, which meant that I missed the first scene and don't know whether an announcement was made about the content, because there were some echoes with the recent Fritzl case to my mind. And I felt this was a bit of a step back in terms of where we'd got to and providing further proof that the show would be stronger if it was longer. I wasn't sure about the pathology (if that's the word) of the abusive father's behaviour, although they were consistent on it being all about power and him liking to be the one in control and with authority. But the final breakdown scene in the courtroom was completely hysterical, undermining Holly Aird's good work with a tricky part. We also learned that Sargeant Jamie Bamber, whose name I still haven't taken in, is a Catholic, and CPS boss man has a child.

The extra TV watching comes from having watched a run of Numb3rs repeats on Five USA (who's action movie ads are hilarious). I've more or less picked up from where I stopped watching (after the crystal Hoyles case, whichever season it is). Anyway, I am enjoying it, I didn't love Numb3ts quite enough to do the work of keeping abreast of the schedules (like that other Five show, CSI) but I always meant to catch up. Anything with Charlie and Don (especially Charlie) oh and Megan and Amita, I like (David and Colby nowhere near as much.)

Heroes - (3x18) Exposed

No, I still can't let it go, even though the good bits had to fight a lot of bad. Show, pray tell what bits from your past I am meant to forget and which I am not? I can't hold everything in my brain, and I know I have forgotten pertinent things, but I do remember a whole lot more than you want to give me credit for. I know you're trying to attract 'lost' or 'new' viewers, but the core audience is surely those who have stuck with you, and maybe you should throw them a gestur of freshness or going somewhere that isn't stupid (I think it would have been better if there was an overall arc rather than a seasonal or half-seasonal one that requires a bit of amnesia to work).

The good was one Mrs Sandra Bennet Even if her interaction with (the rather too stupidly impetuous) Claire this week made me miss Buffy and Joyce (and with the brain tumour and all, there are similarities). Also, Lyle, it is hard to fight your corner when you might as well be a doll. Still, the show remembering that Mrs Bennet was awesome and Claire sort of realising it anew was nice. Even the completely unrealistic Alex appreciated it, although he was just there as a stand-in for Peter, and I still resent him from last week and find him obnoxiously unrealistic (the abs). It will not be surprising either if Mrs B knows that Noah is doing double agent duty. I wish the brunette agent had been given a name, because it's nice to have a non-blonde woman on the show (other than Mrs P).

HRG was quite good, but mainly because he was surrounded by so much stupid (Nathan's grand ideas that make no sense, the stupid baddie from 24 - and although setting Matt up like that was EEEVIL, it was a rather brutish, obvious thing to do). Peter is supposed to be smart, except for how he isn't. (I have been obsessing over Milo Ventemiglia's hair after rewatching some Gilmore Girls). The fact that there re tapes, but that they couldn't show them to Moira Kelly's cynic because...? It was an open goal for HRG, really.

And Not!Pyro not dying was a bit surprising, (you killed off KBell and David Anders but keep him alive!? Feh). But the revelation that Sylar has the same power as his biological father (that's new) did not make up for the boredom of the red toy car of great significance. UK viewers will have been thrown by the Top Gear music, and the Schindler's List touch was BEYOND TACKY. (Having said that, Numb3rs tried it on last night.) There was not even a soupcon of mordant wit about this strand to make me change my mind about how they should have killed Sylar at Kirby Place and been done with it. And I don't care if wee Sylar was cute and what he saw was traumatic, he's not going to be sympathetic at this point, which some of the other characters are, which makes me forgive the fact that most of them are doing the exact same things.

I have been quite spoiled on casting this season, but I managed to spoil myself about something that's upcoming that I half expected, because most of the show's 'twists' um AREN'T. The puppet-master needing Claire's help is mildly interesting, the 'Heroes = terrorists' thingy isn't. And my strongest reaction post the ep was that Mr and Mrs B should have hot make-up sex. Sadly, it appears that they are a rarepair in the fandom. Yeah, I've reverted to bad Heroes, deeper in the fandom behaviour.

I went to see Duplicity on Thursday night. You will, like me, enjoy it if you like pretty grown ups with trust issues playing sexy mind games, or if you like capers/Ocean's 11, Mr and Mrs Smith, The Thomas Crown Affair, Sneakers, Alias and/or Burn Notice. And Michael Clayton, although this is frothier and glossier. Having said that, I think The International is going to be the one I get on DVD. Still, good month for Clive Owen.

ER Dream Runner
It almost came off. I thought it had come off after the first section, but the more it went on, the more it didn't hold together - what really happened? What was with Neela's omniscience? Mad World reference or not. Bassett enjoyed overplaying it, anyway, and I thought Alex Kingston was really stiff until I presumed she was 'dream' acting. Nice to see Keiko Agnew. I liked feistier Neela is the second section, and Nagra did a great job which may flatter the ep, but I'm not sure whether they just decided to do it because they weren't sure how to resolve certain things. Oh, and Not!Weaver just pulled a Weaver. It will be nice to see Elizabeth return to County for a visit. As for Neela, I 1) think she has it in her to be a good paed surgeon and 2) should move from County to somewhere nearer Ray. (PICK RAY NOT THE AUSSIE). Not quite filler then, but not quite the stand-alone piece of brilliance they were hoping for, although the show mostly did a good job on achieving a heightened, off, dream feeling.

I watched Dancing with the Stars in full again. I love how the crowd think Len and Bruno are harsh. Craig would make them bay.

And Pushing Daisies made me happy. I should figure out where we are in the run and which will be the last episode to try to be less bereft when it comes.

my film reviews, tv, films, comings-and-goings, l&o: uk, pushing daisies, er, numb3rs, heroes: the tv series, dancing with the stars

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