Jul 26, 2008 16:14

Okay, I am bored. And inspiration-less. And I saw that awesomely awesome post that ptps did for art requests. So I thought mebbie to get the plunnies running again, I'd offer a drabble request.

Because me + drawing = you all go blind. So!

I AM OPEN FOR FIC REQUESTS!These will probably be short-fic, unless something really noms on me. Not putting a ( Read more... )

request: fanfic, fanwork: fanfiction

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Comments 58

scribblex2 July 26 2008, 22:28:51 UTC
Lessee...I know you said no pairings, but is one-sided awkwardness is okay?

Flora has a gigantic crush on Layton. I'm talking like...can't be within his vicinity without blushing and stammering. Layton is totally unaware, or maybe a tad aware. :D


Unlike Any Other, Part 1 candy__chan August 1 2008, 03:07:36 UTC
This fic...mutated. There's no other way to put it. It turned into a big Flora fic, and IT WOULD NOT STOP. It'll take a couple of posts to get it all. Also, unless something massive happens in game two, this is probably the closest to Layton/Flora I will ever get XD Hope you like it!Flora had spent much of her life in the sheltered confines of her family. After all, she was the daughter of a wealthy baron, and as such her life was one of privelege and luxury. She wanted for nothing. It was not an unhappy life, though it could sometimes be a lonely one ( ... )


Unlike Any Other, Part 2 candy__chan August 1 2008, 03:08:10 UTC
Not long after, another woman was brought to the house ( ... )


Unlike Any Other, Part 3 candy__chan August 1 2008, 03:08:45 UTC
Such was the case when two strangers came to the village: a man in a top-hat, and a boy in a blue cap ( ... )


ptps July 27 2008, 03:27:17 UTC
oh my god fics from YOU are like tickets to heaven oh my god *fanspaz* I love your writings. I honest to god really do. *__* (also oh snap I noticed you never commented on the request thread and I CLOSED IT ADSFDGFJKHFDS can I do you a return doodle if my prompt gets filled out? Please? ;__; Because you're simply too damn awesome.)

Uhhh prompt, prompt... And I'm totally fine with gen relationships because that's the only way I can view the series without my brain breaking |D

I'd like to see the Professor sick. Not terribly sick, just a dumb bug or flu or virus and it puts him out of commission for a few days. And Layton's all "DDDDDDDDD: whut" because he's the man of the house, dammit, and Luke's doing everything for him (brewing his tea, fetching him his books, giving him extra tissues, etc.) is kind of embarrassing and he can't even tell the boy that it's fine and he really can walk around the house by himself because he's sneezing all over the place every two seconds ( ... )


Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever (Pt. 1) candy__chan August 18 2008, 04:34:37 UTC
FINALLY PROVING THAT I DID NOT FORGET ABOUT THESE REQUESTS! So here, I bring you loooooong ficcage, to be relayed in several parts. I hope you like it!The sun rose that morning. Which was a good thing, really. It would have been really strange if it had not, and a lot of people probably would have panicked. So yay for the sun ( ... )


Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever (Pt. 2) candy__chan August 18 2008, 04:36:22 UTC
Now, Luke was perfectly aware that he was still a mere apprentice. He was not a professor, nor was he an archaeologist, and he certainly had not achieved Layton’s status as a puzzle master. But he was still incredibly sharp for his age, and he knew when he was being had. And right now, the Professor was not being entirely up-front about his current state ( ... )


Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever (Pt. 3) candy__chan August 18 2008, 04:37:22 UTC
And there, his protégé and his adoptive daughter (of sorts) had ganged up on him, insisting that he was sick and needed to go back to bed. He had been too out of sorts to protest, and they had marched him right back up here and deposited him back in bed ( ... )


kaitodoushi July 27 2008, 05:37:56 UTC
What does Professor Layton keep in his hat? :D You know he has to have SOMETHING up there...


candy__chan July 27 2008, 14:59:17 UTC
...I'm sure you'll kill me for this, but I just couldn't help myself. Too good of an opportunity to pass up. I think you'll get the reference ^_~

“Err, Professor? There are two, um, gentlemen here to see you,” Luke managed, glancing at the odd pair warily.

Especially when the shorter of the two (a blonde kid in a red coat) pushed past him. “We’re here for the stone, old man.”

“Brother, don’t be rude!” the other, a large person wearing armor, chided in a child’s voice.

Layton sighed. “Oh, very well.” He lifted his hat to reveal a dark red stone sitting on his head.


“This is the Philosopher’s Stone, Luke, my boy.”

“…so who’re they?”

The armor piped up again. “My name is Alphonse Elric…”


ptps July 27 2008, 15:09:55 UTC


candy__chan July 29 2008, 01:52:57 UTC

Thanks! ...right? XD


jacketlove_way July 27 2008, 05:52:27 UTC
Fist thing's first; I heart you & your PL fics. :]

hmm I'd love to read about Professor Layton telling Luke a story or two from his past.


Chance Encounter [1/3] candy__chan September 1 2008, 14:03:33 UTC
Thank you! And sorry this took so long *pokes fingers together*Luke had that look in his eye, and Layton knew it. He had seen it many times before, and knew what it was eventually going to mean. So he chuckled and gave his apprentice a knowing smile. “You have a question, my boy. Care to ask it ( ... )


Chance Encounter [2/3] candy__chan September 1 2008, 14:04:09 UTC
“Pardon the intrusion, my good man, but I must complement you on your most adventurous taste in haberdashery,” Layton said, observing the striking man in tweed who seemed to be passing the time in waiting by simply observing the people around him and smoking his pipe ( ... )


Chance Encounter [3/3] candy__chan September 1 2008, 14:05:16 UTC
Luke stared.

Layton smiled.

Luke stared some more before he finally squawked out, “YOU MET SHERLOCK HOLMES?”

“Indeed. And no need to shout, my boy. I can hear you perfectly well,” Layton said, wincing slightly at his young student’s volume. Luke was a good boy, but as with most children, now and then the Professor wished that the boy came with a volume control knob.

“…you met Sherlock Holmes.”


“…you met Sherlock Holmes.”

“…yes, Luke, I did.”

“…you met Sherlock Holmes.”

Layton sighed and lifted a plate from the tea tray. “Here, Luke. Have a cookie and please be distracted.”

Late reply is late, but...amusing mental image is amusing xD Thanks for the prompt, and I hope you liked the story!


lucalight July 29 2008, 04:58:09 UTC
I'd like to a story where Pavel tries to ask directions from someone in St. Mystere, but because of his confusing speech patterns, they think he's relating some kind of puzzle.


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