Jul 26, 2008 16:14

Okay, I am bored. And inspiration-less. And I saw that awesomely awesome post that ptps did for art requests. So I thought mebbie to get the plunnies running again, I'd offer a drabble request.

Because me + drawing = you all go blind. So!

I AM OPEN FOR FIC REQUESTS!These will probably be short-fic, unless something really noms on me. Not putting a ( Read more... )

request: fanfic, fanwork: fanfiction

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ptps July 27 2008, 03:27:17 UTC
oh my god fics from YOU are like tickets to heaven oh my god *fanspaz* I love your writings. I honest to god really do. *__* (also oh snap I noticed you never commented on the request thread and I CLOSED IT ADSFDGFJKHFDS can I do you a return doodle if my prompt gets filled out? Please? ;__; Because you're simply too damn awesome.)

Uhhh prompt, prompt... And I'm totally fine with gen relationships because that's the only way I can view the series without my brain breaking |D

I'd like to see the Professor sick. Not terribly sick, just a dumb bug or flu or virus and it puts him out of commission for a few days. And Layton's all "DDDDDDDDD: whut" because he's the man of the house, dammit, and Luke's doing everything for him (brewing his tea, fetching him his books, giving him extra tissues, etc.) is kind of embarrassing and he can't even tell the boy that it's fine and he really can walk around the house by himself because he's sneezing all over the place every two seconds ( ... )


Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever (Pt. 1) candy__chan August 18 2008, 04:34:37 UTC
FINALLY PROVING THAT I DID NOT FORGET ABOUT THESE REQUESTS! So here, I bring you loooooong ficcage, to be relayed in several parts. I hope you like it!The sun rose that morning. Which was a good thing, really. It would have been really strange if it had not, and a lot of people probably would have panicked. So yay for the sun ( ... )


Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever (Pt. 2) candy__chan August 18 2008, 04:36:22 UTC
Now, Luke was perfectly aware that he was still a mere apprentice. He was not a professor, nor was he an archaeologist, and he certainly had not achieved Layton’s status as a puzzle master. But he was still incredibly sharp for his age, and he knew when he was being had. And right now, the Professor was not being entirely up-front about his current state ( ... )


Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever (Pt. 3) candy__chan August 18 2008, 04:37:22 UTC
And there, his protégé and his adoptive daughter (of sorts) had ganged up on him, insisting that he was sick and needed to go back to bed. He had been too out of sorts to protest, and they had marched him right back up here and deposited him back in bed ( ... )


Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever (Pt. 4) candy__chan August 18 2008, 04:38:32 UTC
He even had to ask Luke to bring him a book to read! And as if that wasn’t sad enough, his eyes chose that moment to decide that, like his nose, they hated him and were going to rebel. They refused to focus in on the words and allow him to read on his own, so he had to ask Luke to read to him. The apprentice eagerly agreed, and pulled up a chair to read to his mentor like a parent reading to their child ( ... )


Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever (Pt. 5) candy__chan August 18 2008, 04:39:21 UTC
It was all the worse, somehow, because there was evidence of effort having been made to clean it up. The mess on the floor showed signs of sweeping and mopping, and there were streaks on the counter that suggested it had been wiped down (or rather, an attempt had been made to wipe it down), and the garbage can was full where it had been more or less empty the night before.

…what in blazes had the children done to the kitchen?

A groan behind him made him turn around, and he found the two objects of his momentary ire standing in the doorway, looking at him with blank, glassy eyes. Their faces were pale, and they both seemed to have a rather green tinge to their collective countenance…

“Professor?” Luke mumbled. He glanced at Flora, who nodded, and then he said, “…we don’t feel good.”

...yeah, cliche ending is cliche. But it's done! You can has fic! Hope you enjoyed it :D


Re: Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever (Pt. 5) irizcrystali August 18 2008, 09:36:07 UTC
Beautifully done! Poor, poor Layton; looks like we all need a reminder that the man is indeed human and can fall victim to a nasty bug now and then.

O.O omg, he threw up? XDDD Why do I imagine him being so out of it, he does it in his hat? Oh the poor dears....


Re: Starve a Cold, Feed a Fever (Pt. 5) candy__chan August 19 2008, 00:26:12 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it! And...err, I think he made it to the bathroom *laugh* :D


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