Last winter when it dropped below 32 I introduced Maggie to the Celsius scale. The Eep has a temperature/directional display mounted in the center for all passengers to see, and there is a toggle button for metric. I explained how on one scale it is 32 degrees for water to freeze and on the other it is 0, and hey, it's 29 degrees today so that means it is -1 degree when I push this button! For awhile there, even into the spring she would say, "Mommy! Let's see what negative degrees it is!" I have since corrected her in all this. I used the exercise as an opportunity to become quick with C to F conversion.
Also, metric temperature sucks for human reference. One degree in Celsius covers a somewhat wide fluctuation in temperature.
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Also, metric temperature sucks for human reference. One degree in Celsius covers a somewhat wide fluctuation in temperature.
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