- Post prompts! Please keep it to one prompt per comment, though. Makes things neater.
- Suitable prompts include pictures, words or phrases, song lyrics, poems, quotations... sky's the limit.
- All ratings are allowed, but don't feel like you HAVE to write teh pr0nz just because it's Secret Diary-- there is plenty of room for wonderful genfic, and that's also encouraged. (That said smut is ALSO TOTALLY COOL.)
- All characters are allowed, as well-- we're all big Billie stans around these parts, but don't be afraid to show Bambi/Byron/Ben/Stephanie/Alex/Duncan/Connor/Ashok/WHOMEVER some love, or leave prompts about them.
- On the same token, RPF will not be allowed this time around.
- Crossovers are allowed, but must be labeled clearly-- if you want a crossover, prompt for one. If you want to write a crossover as a prompt fill, ask the prompter if that would be okay with them first.
- Reply to prompts in the comments; if your fic exceeds 4,300 characters, feel free to either post it in parts or just leave a link to your own journal.
- Multiple fills for the same prompt are TOTALLY FINE.
- Remember that Secret Diary is currently on-air, and as such, any prompts or fics dealing with series 4 must be LABELED CLEARLY for spoilers.
- LEAVE FEEDBACK. Comments light up everyone's lives.
- This ficathon ends when you guys stop prompting; my goal is to have it be active for the whole two months that series 4 is broadcasting. HELP KEEP THE LOVE ALIVE.
- Keep this post clean; this is for prompts, fills and feedback only. If you have questions, feel free to
pm me.
- Pimp us!
secret diary gets a tag now,