That's the story of my life

Oct 15, 2009 17:43

I'm going to start titling all my entries with lines from songs - and the first person to guess what the song is gets a prize... =D ( Read more... )

hahaha, life, random

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Comments 34

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prof_ryoki October 15 2009, 17:03:15 UTC
Best. Essay. Ever.


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prof_ryoki October 15 2009, 17:05:39 UTC
I bet she does. She's a new tutor this year and we don't know much about her yet.

Everyone got essays tailored to their interests, I just don't think she realised how much this tailors to mine.


vayshti October 15 2009, 17:26:47 UTC
Oh nice and smart on your behalf too - playing down how much you already know means she won't realise you've already developed a discourse expertise.

How practical/theoretical is this essay? Do you use any cultural theory? If you want some theory that looks at explorations of self and boundaries in the safe space of roleplay, I suggest you look at "Dark Play" as a search term.


prof_ryoki October 15 2009, 20:29:08 UTC
I shall definitely look that up. Thankee kindly mah dearie!


vayshti October 15 2009, 23:28:26 UTC

Henry Jenkins looks well enough at online cultures, but I used to work with Gerry Bloustien who he mentions here. She, and Sarah Baker specifically looked at constructions of self in public/private arenas of girls/teens - although they tended to use popular music as their vehicle for construction. Still the work is transferrable - just need to support that online roleplay serves the same pleasure/identity work functions.

(Hah, it's kinda coming back, all this jargon.)


prof_ryoki October 16 2009, 09:10:39 UTC
Wow, you are so much help!

*jumps on the link and snuggles you*

Thanks a lot.


draiol October 15 2009, 17:37:27 UTC
...oh god I laughed


prof_ryoki October 15 2009, 20:29:41 UTC
You're not the only one. Foolish context tutor. BAHAHAHAHAHA!

Want to help me 'research'? *sporfle*


draiol October 15 2009, 21:18:50 UTC
Of course~


prof_ryoki October 16 2009, 09:11:23 UTC
Methinks we need to smack an Ichizen bitch =/


wintaerland October 15 2009, 17:53:30 UTC
Ahahahahaha! Nicely played

She sounds like she's roleplayed before


prof_ryoki October 15 2009, 20:30:06 UTC
No. Not that route again.



muko October 15 2009, 18:02:36 UTC
I am in complete awe. Holy crap.


prof_ryoki October 15 2009, 20:30:51 UTC
Clearly East 15 is just awesome!


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