That's the story of my life

Oct 15, 2009 17:43

I'm going to start titling all my entries with lines from songs - and the first person to guess what the song is gets a prize... =D

Today was a funny, funny day. I was with my Contextual Studies tutor and she was discussing what essay I would be writing this year. Each year we have to write a 5000 word essay on something to do with theatre / performance, etc.

The conversation went like this:

Tutor: What are your interests?
Me: Well, sound design and protools primarily.
Tutor: No, no, your outside interests.
Me: Um... anime, manga, roleplaying, ju--
Tutor: Can I just stop you there... roleplaying?
Me: Yeah.
Tutor: Have you heard of online roleplaying sites?
Me: ... a little =/
Tutor: Okay, well how would you feel if your essay title was 'Creating a performance persona for an online theatrical experience, and the differences in characterising said characters'?
Me: Um. You want me to write an essay about playing characters in an online roleplaying game?
Tutor: Yes.
Me: So for research... would I have to take part in the games?
Tutor: Yes, creating a character would be useful. If you could create two for the contrast, that would greatly improve your ability to show differences in characterisation.
Me: So let me get this straight... you want me to write an essay about online rpg games? And research it by playing them? Do you mean like WoW and Second Life?
Tutor: Actually, I was thinking more of something forum based, if you don't know any websites I can give you a few. Most of it is fandom specific, for example taking an existing Harry Potter character and putting them in a new world.
Me: ...
Tutor: What do you think?
Me: ...I think I can do that =D

Best. Essay. Ever.

So come on rp friends, help me research~

hahaha, life, random

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