Back in the fiction writing game...

Feb 23, 2009 18:30

Title: The Winner Takes it All
Rating: T
Characters: Gin x Kira
Written for: geekbubble 
Prompt: Gin cares for Kira
Warnings: Yaoi, but light.
Disclaimer: No Bleach, bot for me.....*is sad*

The Winner Takes it All

It had started as a game for him, just another way to alleviate the boredom of this interminable waiting. There was no denying that Aizen was a genius and ( Read more... )

kira izuru, fan fiction, ichimaru gin, request, bleach

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Comments 29

mako_pretty February 23 2009, 20:29:44 UTC
Oh, that's hot hunny! Fabulous work!


prof_ryoki February 23 2009, 22:17:17 UTC

You know I see the relationship as far more destructive that this usually *coughs* gimp mask madness.

So this was a challenge...but it came out alright I think, you one is the next up ~


mako_pretty February 23 2009, 22:20:29 UTC


prof_ryoki February 23 2009, 22:38:28 UTC
*hugs lots*

So much fun...


nannete February 23 2009, 21:09:04 UTC
Kirafics normally bore me, but ou wrote this so well I believed every bit:) *approves*


prof_ryoki February 23 2009, 22:17:51 UTC
Thanks *grins*

You have a fic waiting to be written on my list so watch this space...


nannete February 24 2009, 14:28:16 UTC
I do? Ohhhh, that's awesome! *snuggles loads*

Btw, missed you, hoped you were ok:)


prof_ryoki February 24 2009, 17:21:12 UTC
Of course you do, silly. I'm writing you a Shun x Uki, I hope that's okay?

And thanks, things are slowly getting better so I thought I'd attempt writing again.


vayshti February 23 2009, 22:36:08 UTC
Hey! Glad to see you back ;)

My favourite moment in this was the way you just had Gin call Kira's name - you didn't draw any extra attention to it, and it definitely didn't need it. That line is so terribly telling - Gin is damned as soon as he says that.



prof_ryoki February 23 2009, 22:37:52 UTC
Thanks, glad to be back and writing again.

Yus, poor Gin was so lost the moment he let himself call Kira's name. Just, chan, or honorific. Poor, silly, Gin.


wintaerland February 24 2009, 02:30:08 UTC
I usually prefer GinRan fics, but niiice


prof_ryoki February 24 2009, 11:25:19 UTC
Thanks hun

Your Urahara one should be posted by the weekend hopefully *crosses fingers*.


wintaerland February 25 2009, 02:57:30 UTC


hoshitachi February 24 2009, 11:41:16 UTC
I really like that oO .. I especially like how you noticed that Izuru used to be an arrogant little prick when he was young, and the way he transformed serving as Gin's fukutaichou.


prof_ryoki February 24 2009, 13:50:34 UTC
Thanks, that always fascinated me.

I was like : 'Hello? Can nobody see what's happening?!'


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