Back in the fiction writing game...

Feb 23, 2009 18:30

Title: The Winner Takes it All
Rating: T
Characters: Gin x Kira
Written for: geekbubble 
Prompt: Gin cares for Kira
Warnings: Yaoi, but light.
Disclaimer: No Bleach, bot for me.....*is sad*

The Winner Takes it All

It had started as a game for him, just another way to alleviate the boredom of this interminable waiting. There was no denying that Aizen was a genius and his plans were a thing of beauty, meticulously thought out and carefully exacted; unfortunately, this meant everything was executed years before the end result leaving endless amounts of time for waiting - and Ichimaru Gin was not the most patient of creatures.

And so he had developed distractions to occupy his time and keep himself from going insane, they lasted days or weeks at most, before he got bored and moved on once more.

But then he had found Kira Izuru, the outgoing blonde that was made his fukutaichou and promptly became his newest game; there was something so inherently fascinating about the odd mixture of sweet naivety and arrogant ambition that made Gin postively shiver with delight.

He wanted nothing more than to know what it was like to break such a man, to take everything he had to give and keep it for himself. It was one of the only things he had ever developed a sense of patience for, because far from getting bored he seemed to enjoy this game more each day.

It was so very gradual, the slow deteriation of Kira Izuru; the outgoing friendliness replaced by a timid need to please, and the gentle arrogance transmuted into a simple desire to fade into the background.

Every moment brought new and interesting challenges for Gin, the game getting more thrilling until one fateful day, when he saw love shining in Kira's eyes - that was when the game became an obsession. It was all he thought about now, a burning need to own him not only emotionally but physically, as well.

By the time he realized this, it was almost laughably easy to move Kira from his office to his bed; to gently take his virginity around soft sighs and murmured reassurances of what a 'good boy' his Izuru-chan was.

Over the next years Gin made sure to systematically take every last piece of Kira's innocence and independence, reassuring both himself and Aizen that it was still just a game; a vast culmination of tireless efforts, just to see the look of stark betrayal on Kira's face when he snatched it all away and left him.

Now that moment was almost upon him and for some reason Gin didn't feel the giddy excitement he had expected to; it made him angry at himself for letting the blonde get under his skin, and furious as Kira for affecting him so.

This last night together he had been almost cruel, biting and clawing at Kira in a mess of tangled, sweaty limbs in a fevered passion that was half-punishment and half-desperation. He didn't want this to end, didn't want it to be the last time he felt the heat of Kira surrounding him or the look of almost hopeless love and devotion he saw cross Kira's face at the harsh cry of Izuru when they orgasmed together.

With that realization, Gin began to giggle; a soft chuckle at first, quickly building into hysterical, screaming laughter that wouldn't stop no matter how hard he tried. Because this situation was just too ridiculous, the final outcome too unfair and unpredicted.

Ichimaru Gin was in love, and the game was irrevocably, and completely, lost.

kira izuru, fan fiction, ichimaru gin, request, bleach

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