there is fail inside the fail IT'S A TESSERACT OF FAIL

Dec 12, 2009 17:16

hey everyone, i'm sure there's lots of fun to be had with the most recent wank about victoria bitter/thanfiction/etc, but if anyone tries to justify using pronouns like "she", "he/she", "it", etc when talking about him, then i'm sure you wouldn't mind if i took you off of my friends-list ( Read more... )


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Comments 38

skipthedemon December 13 2009, 02:10:19 UTC
I'll be the first person to be admit I have *lots* to learn about the issues trans and other non-cis people face. I say this as a women who has major issues with the expectations tied to being a woman! Nevertheless, that calling someone by the gender they chose to identify by is basic politeness is a pretty simple concept. *headdesk*


prof_pangaea December 13 2009, 07:14:08 UTC
you seem to have already absorbed lesson 01: don't be an asshat.


fourzoas December 13 2009, 02:28:12 UTC
*eyeroll* Between this and that Ianto pdf, I think it's time for me to get off the internets for the night. Sigh.


stunt_muppet December 13 2009, 02:30:48 UTC I'd managed not to hear about this wank until now. That's epic. (For a bit there I got confused and thought he was the one behind the "my head is pastede on yey" meme, but apparently it was someone else. LOTR fandom funnels a lot of weird through it, doesn't it.)

Lots of fail on insisting on calling him "she" or "it", though. You don't have to approve of someone as a person to respect their gender identification, you'd think F_W would know that.


prof_pangaea December 13 2009, 21:44:27 UTC
f_w is too busy congratulating themselves on how liberal and progressive they are for being willing to use male pronouns after having been asked over and over again, because as you know doing so is a very difficult and expensive endeavour that costs each user actual sweat and money. except of course for the people who are still using the wrong pronouns or insisting that he's really a woman because only women are so bitchy and backstabby.


Totally offtopic, a sliver of WIN in all this fail brewsternorth December 13 2009, 04:27:33 UTC
Wore your "This machine kills fascists" T-shirt to a friend's party. I was advised that, if you're going to Gally, bring more of *those* T-shirts if you can, since there are a lot of Whovians among Woody Guthrie fans who would want to buy one off you.


Re: Totally offtopic, a sliver of WIN in all this fail prof_pangaea December 13 2009, 07:16:01 UTC
yay! i'm going to take pics of both shirt designs and post them to see how many people are interested. but yes, i do plan on making more and taking them out to gally -- glad to hear there are more peeps who are wanting them!


jigglykat December 13 2009, 05:11:31 UTC
I hadn't even heard of this person before last night, and believe me, I wasted a good couple of hours of my life reading up about the tip of the iceberg, but... yeah.

My brain is exploding from the matryoshka dolls of fail here. <--- SOMEONE HAS DOLLS ON THE BRAINS.


prof_pangaea December 13 2009, 21:46:51 UTC
can your russian dolls fit inside my tesseract? or should that be the other way round? either way that's a lot of multi-dimensional fail.


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