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Comments 7

hobnobofjoy November 16 2010, 17:29:59 UTC
BTW, as I was watching The Habit of Art I was sat there casting the actors in the History Boys, because they all seemed so perfect. Then I looked them up yesterday, and half of them WERE in the History Boys!

Seriously though, if you get the chance you should see it. It was like the other side of the story, seeing the relationships from Hector's perspective and the obsession with young boys (is 11 too young?).

There were also so many un-compounds and all I could think of was the Hardy scene, but the central character was Auden and I don't know whether it's significant. He did seem to be coining words with the prefix though, and there were a lot of them. And I did get a lot of Auden references simply because I know THB off by heart!

We need to get together and flail over Christmas. Please? I'm down for a month.


ems November 16 2010, 17:33:48 UTC
Augh, it sounds fantastic. I wonder if we'll get it down here -- it's a touring production, isn't it? I'll keep an eye open.

Oh I LOVE that scene. ♥

YES. I have quite a bit of time off, actually; shall I send you some suitable dates when I'm back at work and we can book one in? xx


hobnobofjoy November 16 2010, 17:39:49 UTC
This is the tour, I think it's coming to an end, sadly. I can't believe we didn't hear about it until now!

Hurrah!! I think I'll be down from about the 12th Dec-10th Jan and Winchester is easy peasy for me. Or any of a hundred other things I would like to go to or see with you!


_faeriequeen November 18 2010, 00:15:43 UTC
Lol @ us basically requesting exactly the same thing for Trinity! ;)


ems November 18 2010, 00:17:03 UTC
Because forest boyfriends are the best boyfriends. ♥

Damn, I should have requested yellow hoodie mentions!


mekare_enra November 19 2010, 14:47:15 UTC
Ems, this post has made me really inclined to ship Mark/Eduardo! Once I read what you had to say about them, I went to your user info and found the community for the pairing... and then I spent like an hour just reading through things on there. I have been sucked in, I think!


ems November 19 2010, 18:16:35 UTC
Oh I ship them SO HARD. It's practically canon, I swear. <3


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