Aug 24, 2006 19:28
Well it was the last day of my fridging driving school today - thank god! lol it was soooo boring, but w/e. so i get to sleep in tomorrow yay! Its my birthday in 6 days!! woot, cant wait so i can take my G1! haha yep... that is about it folks...
Aug 23, 2006 21:56
Poll Sophie's poll of the day
Jul 27, 2003 15:39
Jul 27, 2003 15:38
i gots these really funny mood icons!!!!!!!!!!!
May 12, 2003 19:41
i missed 3 days of school!!!!!!!!!!! one day i was sick but the other two i was camping. We went to fifty point. we used to have a boat there (it is a marina but it has a campground too) i'm too tired to write any more i knoow its pretty lame but meh???? not my problem... well accually it is...meh!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 25, 2003 20:41
hey if you want to look at my journal too bad! It's FRIENDS only cuz i don't like strange peeps lookn' in my diary it's WRONG! Now go away you have no buisiness here GO and i have no interest in you
note: this is only if you are not my friend. My friends please omit this and enjoy reading, if your not GO GET YOUR OWN JOURNAL AND READ