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Comments 13

xashex October 8 2006, 00:09:21 UTC
*wonders if she can put her own icon journal down subtly* XD

It was in your pocket. Why do you always find money in your pocket!? Mind you, I found 2 £5 notes in my pocket a few days ago XD


princessxia October 8 2006, 00:15:04 UTC
XD I was thinking that too but dunno which one to nominate you for.

I knooow but before I stuffed it in my pocket, I took all the notes from my drawer. My drawer regenerates money. ♥

Finding money is fuuun!


xashex October 8 2006, 00:18:09 UTC
Underrated! XD Nar...

Can your drawer make me money?


princessxia October 8 2006, 00:26:21 UTC
I was thinking that, and also best use of text as they're usually amusing ^^ Although some of your icons I prefer to be textless; but then again I prefer textless icons altogether.


illyriadarkness October 8 2006, 00:14:21 UTC
I haven't gone to buy clothes since time ago X) and my mom is always telling me to buy something that is actually nice, girlish...>_< I can't. I always wear things that are bigger than my actual size jojo xDD.
Enjoy your new clothes n__n...and lucky that you have some money, I have nothing! T___T


princessxia October 8 2006, 00:16:56 UTC
Eep. I was like that. Actually I am like that. But the girly clothes, I never wear. Maybe once in my life. But that's it! Actually, what I bought today was the only girly thing I have as clothes, minus cosplay stuff. But yeah, most of my everyday clothes are bigger than it should be. DAMN YOU PRIMARK AND YOUR CHEAPNESS! XD

Yay~! ^___^ I recommend you search your drawer. It could regenerate money like mine does... @__@


ovendoor October 8 2006, 00:37:25 UTC

Okay, no that's a lie. It won't be that great BUT WE'LL MAKE IT FUN. XD


princessxia October 8 2006, 00:39:12 UTC
XDD Expo is... boring BUT last time me and my friends (mainly xashex) MADE it fun and it was so awesome ♥♥ and the funness actually, for myself, beat any other REAL convention I'd been to where I had to pay about 10x the amount! XD (And yes! They're gullible and think I'm 14 so £3 get~)


ovendoor October 8 2006, 00:40:19 UTC
LOL i totally agree XD Expo sucks donkey. BUUUTTTT i had the BEST time in May with pillsburry, black_dranzer and minty_chan :3
And the time before with my quintuplet hyourinmaru and cra-loads of other peoples YEY~


princessxia October 8 2006, 00:45:31 UTC
This time it'll be chaotic. XD The first time I went I was all "Ooo, I know you and you and you!" then it kept growing and next time it'll be "... I KNOW EVERYONE! DDD:" and I'll get to probably meet new people too. Btw, is the Lame* meet be earlyish or not? =O


adziu October 8 2006, 11:37:37 UTC
Shopping in the kids' dept is the best! They get all the best clothes, and since they're tax-free, they're cheaper!

Expo will be fun. We will MAKE it fun!


princessxia October 8 2006, 13:27:56 UTC
Yeah, I know, you get such plain cleavagecleavage fashionable ones in the adult section but in the kids section, they're all fun and cute and yay. ^___^ I missed out on the cool clothes when I was younger...

Yes, it shall be fun... or else! >__>


hiya ca ling its me komal anonymous October 9 2006, 16:03:14 UTC
cool - i didnt know people had these things until naomi told me yours is cool
hey i see u have mentioned me how cool.
i feel priveleged
i dont if u will read this or not
but u r awesome let me remind u

hey i gotta go got to chemistry homework

bye bye --- komal


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