;: Something about the open road... :;

Oct 08, 2006 00:56

You know you want to nominate someone!

Blahblah I'd go into a mini-rant but ehh, what's the point? Let's just say... hmm... leave me be, I want to study instead of have a life. ^___^ *huggles teh Duckie*

Today I went into the town centre and bought... CLOTHES. Not even for cosplay. Y'know, real clothes. Clothes that I'll probably wear once for the London Expo >__>. But dammit, they're prettyful. Wearing pretty clothes instead of the usual simple and plain clothes makes me feel happy and... gleeeeeee and loved. And wheeeeee and yes. But when I'm not looking for clothes I'll only wear once, I feel pretty content with it. It doesn't affect me in any way.

Anyway, it was when I was looking at the sizes I realised this was the children's section. But hey, if a shirt whose tag says '9-10 years' fits me, I thought 'why not?'. I bought a top and a SKIRT (sdfgsdf what) and leggings to go with it, all for 14 year olds. XDD; BUT! Alas! I have realised something! They're the same as size 6's. o__o

On my way up north back home, up on the venture I pulled back the hood I began thinking about fitting into stuff and how I can't find too many clothes that I fit into in adult sizes (as they're usually too big; even size 8's are starting to bug me) but when I do find something, it's rather pretty and then I realise I'm in the children's section but was mainly thinking about weight. I'm not underweight but I weigh less than a lot of people of my age, mainly 'cause I'm thiiis small. ... This didn't have a point to it. Sorry. XD;

Blahblah. Pictures will be taken by... somebody...? Meh.

Oh yeah! The weirdest thing happen though. At the beginning of the day, I took all of the money notes I had and assumed it was £35 ('cause it had to be). And then I spent £25 of that and assumed I had £10 in my pocket. And then I checked it at the end of the day and... I had £20 in my pocket. o__O;; I'm not complaining though. Maybe I found it in my drawer... Well, at the end end of the day, I have £50. XD Off I go tomorrow to buy a new mic then. ^___^

I also need to plan my form tutor's birthday (on Wednesday) - and I have a pretty good idea of what to do. As well as one of my friend's birthday on the last day of the first half of term.

I'm rather psyched for Expo. ^___^ It won't be perfect, I know. But it'll be as good as being perfect.


shopping, money

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