Track 10 - Canned Heat

Aug 22, 2011 23:55

Action - 947 Beulah - Afternoon - Closed

[When he woke up and heard the news, Yosuke thought he might cry. No more milk. No more razor blades or mood swings or delusions or paranoia or anything. Just a normal day in hell - and dammit, he'd take it. What's more, he'd succeeded. He'd kept his friends safe for those four days of hell. He'd even met ( Read more... )

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Comments 188

The house of course doublerinbow August 23 2011, 09:52:08 UTC
Yosuke-nii!? ♪

[Rin just ran outside at the noise. What can I say? After the hell her surrogate brother put himself through the past four days, yelling of anything followed by a large noise was enough to alarm her, even if the milk thing was supposed to be over. Of course, then she sees Yosuke dancing around - well, there goes that mood. She sighs]


princeofjunes August 23 2011, 09:55:11 UTC
[His victory celebration is cut a little short at the sight of Rin with that worried look - and instantly the wave of guilt strikes. What the hell was he thinking, doing that? Of course she'd worry! He stops and scratches the back of his head, looking incredibly guilty]

Sorry about that, little sis! I uh, got a little over excited and maybe blew up the mailbox. I didn't mean to worry you.


doublerinbow August 23 2011, 09:58:26 UTC
[she holds up a hand]

I-It's okay! As long as you didn't get the roadroller or any packages I may have had. ♪


princeofjunes August 23 2011, 10:01:33 UTC
No, everything's fine! I promise!

[Still, he feels bad. Especially after the last week. He walks over to her, sitting down on a front porch step]

Hey, Rin... you got a second?


elevatoravatar August 23 2011, 11:47:44 UTC
"You are quite welcome, the windier the path, the more important it is you not walk it alone."


princeofjunes August 25 2011, 09:14:45 UTC
And the more important it is to have someone willing to slap you. I'll keep that in mind.

Oh hey, before I forget. I got my persona back. Go figure, right?


elevatoravatar August 25 2011, 10:30:05 UTC
"Perhaps it was fated not to return to you till you regained control... Or perhaps the town was simply being fickle in what it gives after taking. Either way I am glad for you."

"And, sometimes we all need a quick return to reality, through slapping or other trauma... I just find that smaller ones are less problematic in the long run."


princeofjunes August 25 2011, 10:37:31 UTC
Thanks, Elizabeth.

I'll pay you back for your help, just as soon as I get my stuff back from Minako. You can listen to the Junes jingle as much as you want.


Action pretty_bear August 24 2011, 01:13:43 UTC
[Teddie was in the house when Yosuke was getting the mail, but he heard the unfortunate fate of the mailbox. So he comes running outside, not sure what to expect. Yosuke seems pretty happy with the destruction of property, so Teddie has to ask...]

Yosuke? What happened to the mailbox?


princeofjunes August 25 2011, 08:52:08 UTC
[It's the happiest he'll ever be about destruction of property! It's truly a glorious moment]

My persona happened, Teddie! It's back!


pretty_bear August 25 2011, 23:24:32 UTC
Seriously? How did you get it back?

[It never occurred to him that they might just give your stuff back for no reason.]


princeofjunes August 29 2011, 19:32:48 UTC
Well... you just sort of get stuff back in the mail every once in a while.

Usually after something crazy like what just happened, not that it makes going through that crap any easier.


phone femtags August 24 2011, 03:38:04 UTC
Hm? What did you get Yosuke-san?


princeofjunes August 25 2011, 08:53:46 UTC

[He refrains from the traditional "You're back!" squeal. She can probably already tell it from his voice, anyway]

I finally got my persona back!


femtags August 25 2011, 14:40:12 UTC
Really? That's great!

Maybe I can see your Persona when I have the time?


princeofjunes August 25 2011, 20:35:45 UTC
Of course! Next time I see you, you'll get a front row seat to The Susano-o Show.

You've been pretty busy then?


gonnamarrydaddy August 24 2011, 23:22:00 UTC
[Yuna stares at the Persona in awe, a big smile spreading across her face.]

Whoa! What was that?


princeofjunes August 25 2011, 09:16:10 UTC
[Oh hey, an audience! But he's so happy he'll gladly go over and explain, because dammit he has his persona back!]

That's the part of me that can use magic and all sorts of awesome stuff! It's called my Persona!


gonnamarrydaddy August 25 2011, 20:31:27 UTC
That's awesome! How do you do it?


princeofjunes August 25 2011, 20:37:59 UTC
[... crap, he might be happy, but that doesn't make him any better at explaining the mechanics of it]

Well, first I had to face my shadow - my dark side, I guess. Then once I learned to accept and own that part of me, my persona just sort of... appeared, and now I can just, well, call it whenever I want!

... yeah, when I say it out loud it doesn't make much sense.


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