Track 10 - Canned Heat

Aug 22, 2011 23:55

Action - 947 Beulah - Afternoon - Closed

[When he woke up and heard the news, Yosuke thought he might cry. No more milk. No more razor blades or mood swings or delusions or paranoia or anything. Just a normal day in hell - and dammit, he'd take it. What's more, he'd succeeded. He'd kept his friends safe for those four days of hell. He'd even met ( Read more... )

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gonnamarrydaddy August 24 2011, 23:22:00 UTC
[Yuna stares at the Persona in awe, a big smile spreading across her face.]

Whoa! What was that?


princeofjunes August 25 2011, 09:16:10 UTC
[Oh hey, an audience! But he's so happy he'll gladly go over and explain, because dammit he has his persona back!]

That's the part of me that can use magic and all sorts of awesome stuff! It's called my Persona!


gonnamarrydaddy August 25 2011, 20:31:27 UTC
That's awesome! How do you do it?


princeofjunes August 25 2011, 20:37:59 UTC
[... crap, he might be happy, but that doesn't make him any better at explaining the mechanics of it]

Well, first I had to face my shadow - my dark side, I guess. Then once I learned to accept and own that part of me, my persona just sort of... appeared, and now I can just, well, call it whenever I want!

... yeah, when I say it out loud it doesn't make much sense.


gonnamarrydaddy August 26 2011, 00:49:25 UTC
Oh, okay! I think I kinda get it now. But wow, you must be pretty strong to be using that kind of magic...


princeofjunes August 29 2011, 19:33:56 UTC
[Good thing she gets it, because no way is he trying to explain it again]

Well, I better be strong! I had to use it to help save the world, back home.


gonnamarrydaddy August 29 2011, 22:24:06 UTC
Hey, that's what I was doing back home too! Small world, huh?


princeofjunes August 29 2011, 22:33:54 UTC
No kidding?

Sounds like we've got a lot in common! I bet you can do some crazy stuff too, right?


gonnamarrydaddy August 29 2011, 23:51:30 UTC
Well, nothing like that. But my parents were both mages, so I can do a little bit of magic.


princeofjunes August 29 2011, 23:55:15 UTC
Oh yeah? What kind of magic? Can you do a demonstration?


gonnamarrydaddy August 30 2011, 00:00:41 UTC
Sure, hang on!

[Yuna heads over to a nearby tree, breaking off part of a branch. She picks off the smaller twigs and leaves growing out of it, fashioning a makeshift wand.]

Okay, here goes! Ardescat!

[A small flame appears at the end of the wand. Yuna holds it forth proudly, grinning.]

Y'know, stuff like that.


princeofjunes August 30 2011, 01:17:53 UTC
[Yosuke watches patiently, his eyes shining with anticipation - and then his entire face lights up in appreciation when he sees the flame. That's something new!]

Oh hey, cool!

That's quite the talent you have, ....


I never got your name, did I? I'm Yosuke! Yosuke Hanamura.


gonnamarrydaddy August 30 2011, 21:26:06 UTC
Nah, it's just beginner stuff. I have a long way to go to do anything really cool.

[Still, though, she appreciates the compliment, and can't hide her smile.]

My name's Yuna! Yuna Akashi.


princeofjunes August 30 2011, 22:16:29 UTC
Well Yuna, it's nice to meet you!

[He smiles right back - damn it's been a good day]

And I bet you're just being modest, but I can't wait until you can show me something really cool then.


gonnamarrydaddy August 30 2011, 23:46:14 UTC
I'm gonna try to learn how to fly next, actually! My Sensei from home is here, and he said he'd help me train.


princeofjunes August 31 2011, 00:42:46 UTC
Yeah? Well when you get it down, you better fly here and show me, alright?


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