Track 06 - Gonna Fly Now

Jul 12, 2011 01:46

ACTION: The Park - Open

[It's a nice day in the park - the sun shining down, a breeze blowing through - it's the perfect day for Yosuke to work the stress out with a good friend. The entire park is his training area - trees to climb, benches to jump over and off of, and a thousand and one ways to test his speed and agility. Though there's no enemy ( Read more... )

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Comments 171

Either or or both ironheadmaiden July 12 2011, 10:24:54 UTC
[Working nearby is this odd woman in full plate ignoring the summer heat with a sword, she seems fairly proficient and is going through some sort of complicated drill. She'll peer over and salute the two after a bit then go back to her swinging.]


Chris -> Souji -> Yosuke? inababanchou July 12 2011, 18:27:25 UTC
[ Come back here, you ballerina-fairy. They are sparring now, and Souji tried for another kick but the two are much more defensively-minded than before. Yosuke especially. Souji stops though, when he catches sight of the person in full plate armor swinging a sword. ]


[ He just stares. It's sweltering heat. ]


Alright! princeofjunes July 14 2011, 04:20:28 UTC
[Souji dropping his guard in the middle of a fight? Now that's new. He glances over to where his Partner is looking and finds himself equally stunned]

... does... does she know it's the summer?


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Hugo > Yosuke > Souji? princeofjunes July 13 2011, 05:43:47 UTC
[Then enjoy the show Hugo, because Yosuke is putting on a decent show despite his skills having deteriorated slightly over the last month. He's still getting back into the swing of things - there's a fall here, an awkward landing there - but his abundance of energy and enthusiasm seem to cover for his deficiencies.

Jumping over benches, off of benches, off of trees, onto trees, swinging, leaping, rolling, spinning, twirling - it's almost enough to make a guy dizzy]


I love it inababanchou July 13 2011, 06:16:35 UTC
[ And the lankiest one of them all is playing catch up. It's like a game of Horse, except there's no hoops and basketballs, just jumping around like monkeys. Souji watches as Yosuke starts to run up the trunk of a tree and kicks off to latch onto a lower limb, swinging with his weight and momentum to propel him over a garbage can and landing ever so gracefully. ]


When did you become part rubber?


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Both? ooeeooahah July 12 2011, 15:55:26 UTC
[ Just having lunch on a park bench before going home, something catches Ilsa's eye. ]

[ Actually, two energetic guys bouncing around the park are an interesting show. Much more interesting than lunch. ]


Sure! Ilsa > Yosuke > Souji? princeofjunes July 13 2011, 05:53:14 UTC
[Eventually even a guy as energetic as Yosuke needs to take a break, breathing hard as he catches his breath. It's then that he notices he's being watched.

He's in a good mood, though! Rather than be creeped out, he simply offers a smile and a wave to the woman on the park bench]


Yep inababanchou July 13 2011, 06:18:27 UTC
[ Souji cannot wait to unleash Yosuke into the weight room, because there Souji would be able to set the pace. He is breathing hard and slouches, resting on his knees, looking up to see Ilsa. He smiles lightly and nods, still panting. ]


tag-braiding is a go! ooeeooahah July 13 2011, 13:59:48 UTC
[ Ilsa's been watching to see if it's just hem being energetic, or if there's something else powering them along. ]

So this is your normal workout, or is today special training?


surprise me? adropofjupiter July 12 2011, 18:10:15 UTC
[Marisa was sitting on a bench off to the side, occasionally glancing up at the two teenagers working out, as she folds a crane out of a random piece of paper. Once finished, she drops it into her purse and starts on another...]


Marisa > Yosuke > Souji or an eventual threadjack if he wants? princeofjunes July 13 2011, 05:56:26 UTC
[It's been a long day of various exercises and jumping around like a drugged up bunny for Yosuke. He's determined to stick with it and push his body, but fatigue is catching up with him rapidly. An awkward jump and a botched landing later, and Yosuke is tumbling on the ground, rolling to a stop at Marisa's feet]


inababanchou July 14 2011, 07:59:42 UTC
[ Souji is just crashed in the center of the small field on his back, not really paying attention to here or there with the world spinning around him. ]


adropofjupiter July 14 2011, 15:05:44 UTC
[That was a spectacular... failure on Yosuke's part. Marisa glances down at him, forgoing the crane she's folding, and then looks up as Souji jits the dirt.]

Woah. You two okay?


Yosuke doudemoe July 12 2011, 19:09:13 UTC
[By contrast, the park is Minato's sleep and relaxation area. He's settled on a park bench and taking a snooze. You wouldn't disturb a man's sleep, would you Yosuke?]


princeofjunes July 14 2011, 05:34:42 UTC
[Not intentionally! But when jumping off a nearby tree he botches the landing, rolling head over heels and stopping when he crashed into Minato's bench. That seems painful]



doudemoe July 14 2011, 14:51:34 UTC
[Oops, well that woke him up.]

Yosuke? Are you alright?


princeofjunes July 16 2011, 06:21:17 UTC
[His face is contorted in pain, but it seems his sense of humor is intact]

Yeah... never been better. Best shape of my life.


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