Track 06 - Gonna Fly Now

Jul 12, 2011 01:46

ACTION: The Park - Open

[It's a nice day in the park - the sun shining down, a breeze blowing through - it's the perfect day for Yosuke to work the stress out with a good friend. The entire park is his training area - trees to climb, benches to jump over and off of, and a thousand and one ways to test his speed and agility. Though there's no enemy ( Read more... )

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surprise me? adropofjupiter July 12 2011, 18:10:15 UTC
[Marisa was sitting on a bench off to the side, occasionally glancing up at the two teenagers working out, as she folds a crane out of a random piece of paper. Once finished, she drops it into her purse and starts on another...]


Marisa > Yosuke > Souji or an eventual threadjack if he wants? princeofjunes July 13 2011, 05:56:26 UTC
[It's been a long day of various exercises and jumping around like a drugged up bunny for Yosuke. He's determined to stick with it and push his body, but fatigue is catching up with him rapidly. An awkward jump and a botched landing later, and Yosuke is tumbling on the ground, rolling to a stop at Marisa's feet]


inababanchou July 14 2011, 07:59:42 UTC
[ Souji is just crashed in the center of the small field on his back, not really paying attention to here or there with the world spinning around him. ]


adropofjupiter July 14 2011, 15:05:44 UTC
[That was a spectacular... failure on Yosuke's part. Marisa glances down at him, forgoing the crane she's folding, and then looks up as Souji jits the dirt.]

Woah. You two okay?


princeofjunes July 16 2011, 06:08:32 UTC
[Despite the fatigue setting into every muscle, his spirits aren't dampened and he smiles up at Marisa from his place on the ground]

I'm alright, but I think Souji might need some rest. I didn't crash into you, did I? Sorry about that.


inababanchou July 17 2011, 02:53:48 UTC
[ Souji is still on his back, but he hears the conversation. He raises his arm and apparently waves Yosuke off on his last comment? ]


adropofjupiter July 17 2011, 03:58:29 UTC
You both took a bad tumble, ze.

[She shakes her head and offer Yosuke a hand up.]

And you didn't run into me, so all's good. Why you two working so hard?


princeofjunes July 20 2011, 05:02:06 UTC
[He's more than happy to take a helping hand, even from a girl. Besides, she's cute, so it's a bonus]

We're out of shape! You never know when the town's going to try something crazy, right? So we have to be at the top of our game.


inababanchou July 20 2011, 06:09:33 UTC
[ Souji sits up, propping his torso with his arms. The world's still spinning around so Souji will take a few more minutes. ]


adropofjupiter July 20 2011, 06:16:18 UTC
I guess that makes sense, ze. Maybe I should do something like that since I don't have my magic.

[She glances over at Souji, glad to see him sitting up. It was a little worrying how long he'd been laying there.]


princeofjunes July 23 2011, 05:39:08 UTC
[Breathing hard, he sits himself down on the bench next to her]

So you're a magician? That sounds cool. What kind of magic?


inababanchou July 23 2011, 07:20:29 UTC
[ Souji lumbers onto his feet again, looking a lot better after a few more moments. He smiles a little and dusts off his shirt and pants, taking slow, deep breaths. ]


adropofjupiter July 23 2011, 08:05:28 UTC
[She glances up at Souji and calls out to him.]

Maybe you should take a breather, ze.

[And back to Yosuke.]

I'm a witch! I can use a lot of different kinda of magic... normally. I tend to favor lasers and celestial stuff amongst other kinds.


princeofjunes July 25 2011, 23:24:20 UTC
[He's seen too many things to disbelieve her, but he's still taken back]

A witch? For real? Like, fly around on a broomstick and own a big black cauldron witch?


inababanchou July 26 2011, 03:34:42 UTC
[ Souji's interest is piqued and he is coming towards to the two. ]



adropofjupiter July 26 2011, 06:28:12 UTC
Yup! To both of you. Though my cauldron's not that big.


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